
Infinite thanks: to Mark Doten—first reader, best reader and every writer’s dream editor; to Joy Harris, blessed agent who had faith even when I had nothing; to everyone at Soho Press (in alphabetical order because there is no other way)—
Janine Agro, Juliet Grames, Bronwen Hruska, Rachel Kowal, Paul Oliver, Steven Tran, and Alexa Wejko—who have made this the best publishing experience I ever could’ve hoped for; to my dear and treasured friends (in no particular order)—Lauren, Johanna, Deborah, Timothy, Nalini, Elissa, Mike, Wally, Alicia, Claire, Barbara; to William Wadsworth for seeing me through it all; and to Babs Kirshenbaum and Barry Luke Brock-Broido for being cats.