Check out more of Entangled Teen’s hottest reads…

The Body Institute

by Carol Riggs 

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, Morgan Dey is a top teen Reducer at The Body Institute. She temporarily lives in someone else’s body and gets them in shape so they’re slimmer and healthier. But there are a few catches. Morgan can never remember anything while in her “Loaner” body, including flirt-texting with the super-cute Reducer she just met or the uneasy feeling that the director of The Body Institute is hiding something. Still, it’s all worth it in the name of science. Until the glitches start. Now she’ll have to decide if being a Reducer is worth the cost of her body and soul…

Modern Monsters

by Kelley York

Last night, something terrible happened to a girl at a party. And now she’s told the police that quiet Vic Howard did it. Suddenly Vic’s gone from being invisible to being a major target. He’s determined to find out what really happened, even if it means an uneasy alliance with the girl’s best friend, Autumn Dixon. But while the truth can set Vic free, some truths can destroy a life forever… 


by Stacey Trombley

When I was thirteen, I ran away to New York City and found a nightmare that lasted three years and left me broken. Only now I’m back home and have a chance to start over. And the first real hope I see is in the wide, brightly lit smile of Jackson, the boy next door. So I lie to him, to protect us both. The only problem is that someone in my school knows about New York. And it’s just a matter of time before the real Anna is exposed…

Lola Carlyle’s 12-Step Romance

by Danielle Younge-Ullman

While the idea of a summer in rehab is a terrible idea (especially when her biggest addiction is organic chocolate), Lola Carlyle finds herself tempted by the promise of spa-like accommodations and her major hottie crush. Unfortunately, Sunrise Rehabilitation Center isn’t quite what she expected. Her best friend has gone AWOL, the facility is definitely more jail than spa, and boys are completely off-limits…except for Lola’s infuriating(and irritatingly hot) mentor, Adam. Worse still, she might have found the one messy, invasive place where life actually makes sense.


by Shannon Duffy

The Protectorate supplies its citizens with everything they need for a contented life: career, love, and even death. Then Desiree receives an unexpected visit from her childhood friend, Darian, a Non-Compliant murderer and an escaped convict. Darian insists that the enemy is the very institution Desiree depends on. That she believed in. The government doesn’t just protect her life—it controls it. And The Protectorate doesn’t doesn’t take kindly to those who are Non-Compliant...especially those who would destroy its sole means of control.