1 Whyte, A. V.: China and Foreign Powers, p. 41.

1 In the same way the founders of the French Revolutionary Republic, imagining that they were starting a new epoch of history and that all that lay behind them was a ‘back number’, started a new Year I on the 2ist September, 1792; the common sense and conservatism of Napoleon dropped the scheme twelve years later, but for those twelve years it survives to incommode the student with its Fructidors and Thermidors.

1 Freeman, E. A.: Comparative Politics, pp. 31-2.

2 Murphy, J.: Primitive Man: His Essential Quest, pp. 8-9.

1 Thucydides is generally accounted the first and one of the greatest of severely factual historians, but F. M. Cornford has demonstrated in Thucydides Mythistoricus that his whole presentation of his subject is governed by the conventions of contemporary Greek tragedy.