
Veronica Salt grinned as she hung up the phone, positively pleased with the news she’d just received.

“What’s that smile for?” her boss, Dominique, asked.

Veronica turned and smiled even wider. “That was Mrs. Dugan. She wanted to thank me for finding her son’s match.”

Dominique’s brow furrowed as she thought. “Dugan? As in Clay?”

Veronica nodded. “He and Dylan Hayes are engaged!”

Her boss smiled, bringing warmth to the icy beauty of her features. “That’s wonderful. I’ll have to contact them to see if they’re interested as being featured as one of our success stories.”

Based on her own interactions with Dylan and Clay, Veronica doubted that they would agree but she also knew that if anyone could talk them into it, it was Dominique Proxa.

“How many matches does that make this year?” Veronica asked.

“Six so far but it’s only early spring.” Dominique rubbed her hands together, a distant look in her cool blue eyes. “I hope we’re able to surpass last year’s rates.”

With anyone else, Veronica would wonder if that determination was based on greed. But with Dominique, she knew that her statement was one of pure motives. Her boss truly wanted to help the supernatural community find their other half. Especially the creatures who were often ignored in the magical realms.

Such as trolls. And wood nymphs. Even vampires were welcome at Mystical Matchmakers if they passed the initial screening with Veronica.

It often surprised her how misunderstood so many of these creatures were. Vampires might need blood to survive, but very few of the ones she met were truly monsters.

Still, she preferred not to date them herself. If she ever had time to date.

Chimes filled the air as the front door opened and a tall, voluptuous woman walked through. Her posture was perfect and she moved with both grace and purpose. Veronica’s first thought was that the woman was a dancer.

Until she drew closer.

A hairline scar ran from her cheekbone, down just in front of her ear, and disappeared beneath the sharp line of her jaw. It must have been a horrible wound to leave a scar on someone with supernatural healing abilities.

Despite her attempts to keep a wall between herself and client’s emotions, Veronica wasn’t always successful.

This woman was agitated and she desperately wanted to regain control of…something.

She came to a halt at the counter and pressed both hands to the cool, white surface. “I’d like become a member of your service,” she said, her voice low and melodious.

Veronica struggled to ignore the woman’s heightened emotions and smiled. “Of course.” She reached into a drawer and pulled out a tablet. She clicked through the set-up menu and selected the client intake forms. Holding the tablet out, she said, “Please fill out the information requested on the screen. Once you’re done, we’ll schedule your intake interview.”

The woman took the tablet but small sparks shot from her fingers and the screen went black.

“Damn,” she muttered. “I’m sorry. This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come here.”

She set the tablet on the counter and turned to leave, but somehow Dominique was already there, holding out her hand.

“Hello, I’m Dominique Proxa, the owner of Mystical Matchmakers. I’m so glad you’ve come to see us.”

Veronica sensed the woman’s desire to ignore Dominique, but good manners won out.

“I’m Astra,” she said, taking Dominique’s hand. “I’m sorry to have wasted your time but I don’t think you’ll be able to help me.”

She started to walk away but Dominique said, “You’re a Valkyrie, aren’t you?” She paused. “One of Sylvie’s sisters, yes?”

Astra turned back toward her. “Yes. How did you know?”

“Sylvie mentioned that you might be coming by today. We’re members of the same gym and often chat in the mornings.”

You work out at Sylvie’s gym?” Astra asked, clearly incredulous.

Dominique laughed. “Yes, I do.”

Astra wavered. “Do you really think you can help me find a match?”

Dominique’s answer was immediate. “Yes. It may take a little time, but I believe I can.”

The Valkyrie took a deep breath and blew it out, as though she were about to embark upon a perilous journey. “Okay, then. I guess we should get started.”