Wolf: The Vanishing

They found your clothes on the beach

we all assumed you’d swum out of reach

they found your shoes side by side

your phone and keys tucked inside

we blame ourselves, we blame the deep cruel sea

you swam away and now you are free

they found your clothes folded neat

you leave this world, your story incomplete

I’ve imagined you, salt water in your lungs

sand in your mouth, crabs feed on your tongue

and you wash up bloated blue

oh we all cry, we all cry for you

without a trace, you disappear

leaving all you love and all you fear

you dissolve out of choice

I phone your answer machine to hear your voice

you turn a page, you make a fresh start

you hardly notice, you break my heart

they found your clothes folded neat

you leave this world, your story is complete

I don’t blame you, I blame the deep cruel sea

I blame this world, how it’s been hurting me

you leave the past on the shore

I give, you give and take no more