Mrs Death: Sun Kill Son

Australia, 1978

Three people have died

and a teenage boy is missing

after their vehicle broke down

in the outback, Australia

police say the bodies of two adults

and their four-year-old son

were found south of Darwin

a search is now under way

for the thirteen-year-old boy

the bodies were found

sun-fried and torn open

police say the bodies

looked like

torn open




steak tomatoes

the teenager appears

to have wandered off

in extreme weather

police suspect

the thirteen-year-old boy


and then tore

them open

and ate the

internal organs

of everyone in the car

then left the vehicle

like a fucking mental case

police are right

to be fucking concerned

because temperatures

in that region

have exceeded

fucking 45°C

in recent fucking days

fucking hell

that is fucking hot

according to Australia’s

fucking Bureau of

fucking Meteorology

that is as fucking hot

as a fucking freshly fucked fox

in a fucking bush fucking fire

confirmed fucking

Northern fucking Territory

fucking Police
