Mrs Death: Mother’s Milk

Mrs Death’s recurring dream

I dream

I lie on my side

my belly is round

the baby is still in my arms

I kiss each tiny perfect finger

I feel love for the child

I want to feel it latch

on to my breast

I feel a rush of love

waves and waves of love

real and absolute love

A love I have heard

other women speak of

a love mothers boast about

a love that death will never end

I feel it

As if it is real

I understand the bond

Of mother and child

I recall the heat of life in my arms

the weight, the smell of the baby

the quiet milky light

And because

this is just a dream

the baby is laughing

and then talking

and then walking

towards me

and my time

It’s a lovely thing

alive and beautiful

curly hair

big grey eyes

just like yours

my love


like Time

We name the child

breath and heart

and Wolf

and it is


Running towards us

with outstretched arms

I see Wolf now

running towards us

alive and spirit and free

I jolt upright and

wake up to see the sun rising

the morning bright and vivid

as the love I felt in my dream

the love I still feel now as I write this

In my dream I felt love

a love that Death

could never break

a love for you

my love, my love

my love for you and

this world, this day and this

Time, this short time we share

The love I felt

in my dream

was so true

this morning

I forgive my mistake

my accidents and losses

the things that could never be

this morning for once

all is quiet inside me

There is love

as I write this

it is banging in my heart

and hurting in my chest

this life is love, Life is love

Time misses Death

Time Mrs Death

calling Time, Mrs Death

Time misses

Mrs Death
