Appendix 2
Table of Bee-friendly Plants

This table lists bee-friendly plants arranged according to the following order:
1. Plant families (Primary, Secondary, Other)
2. Function (focus, framework, flowers, fillers)
3. Season of flowering
4. Alphabetical order

Information is also given about the colour of the flower, whether or not the plant is evergreen, and the height and spread of each plant.
Col Colour of flower
B Blue
C Cream
G Green
L Lilac
M Maroon
O Orange
P Purple
Pk Pink
R Red
V Various
W White
Ye Yellow
E/grn Whether or not the plant is evergreen:
X no
Y yes
* Season of flowering
Sp Spring
Su Summer
Au Autumn
Ht Approximate average height at maturity (bear in mind this may take many years to achieve)
Sprd Approximate average spread at maturity (bear in mind this may take many years to achieve)