Further Reading
Brickell, C. (ed.) (2010) The Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers, 5th edition. Dorling Kindersley.
Brooks, John (2001) Garden Design. Dorling Kindersley.
Cramp, D. (2008) A Practical Manual of Beekeeping. Spring Hill.
Howes, F.N. (1945) Plants and Beekeeping. Faber & Faber. Available as download from www.archive.org.
Hughes, Craig (2010) Urban Beekeeping. The Good Life Press.
International Bee Research Association (2008) Garden Plants Valuable to Bees. IBRA.
Leach, Helen (2000) Cultivating Myths: Fiction, Fact and Fashion in Garden History. Random House New Zealand.
Little, Maureen (2011) The Bee Garden. Spring Hill.
McVicar, J. (2009) Jekka’s Complete Herb Book. Kyle Cathie.
Mountain, M.F. (1965) Trees and Shrubs Valuable to Bees. International Bee Research Association.
Royal Horticultural Society (2010) Royal Horticultural Society Entomology Advisory Leaflet No 6204.