
Using the answer keys, count up the number you got right on the Reading and Listening tasks.

Reading Passage: _____ correct out of 14 = _____ % correct.

Lecture: _____ correct out of 6.

Conversation: _____ correct out of 5.

Listening (Lecture + Conversation): _____ correct out of 11 = _____ % correct.

Study the sample responses for the Speaking tasks by listening to the audio tracks and reading the transcripts. Compare your responses to the samples. Give yourself points on each dimension of your response as follows:

A. Delivery = Clear pronunciation + Good pace.
B. Use of language = Clear sentence meanings + Correct grammar + Appropriate vocabulary.
C. Development of ideas = Appropriate content + Coherent structure, with a main point supported by examples.

4 points = Good, similar to the sample.
3 points = Fair, close to the sample but definitely below it.
2 points = Limited.
1 points = Poor.

Speaking Type 2
A. Delivery: _____ out of 4.
B. Use of language: _____ out of 4.
C. Development of ideas: _____ out of 4.

Speaking Type 2 (total): _____ out of 12.

Speaking Type 4
A. Delivery: _____ out of 4.
B. Use of language: _____ out of 4.
C. Development of ideas: _____ out of 4.

Speaking Type 4 (total): _____ out of 12.

Speaking (Type 2 + Type 4): _____ out of 24 = _____ % of possible points.

Study the sample response for the Writing task. Compare your responses to the sample. Give yourself points on each dimension of your response as follows:

A. Use of language = Clear sentence meanings + Correct grammar + Appropriate vocabulary.
B. Development of ideas = Appropriate content from both lecture and reading + Coherent structure that organizes and connects that content.

5 points = Good, similar to the sample.
4 points = Good but with significant flaws.
3 points = Fair.
2 points = Limited.
1 points = Poor.

Writing Type 1
A. Use of language: _____ out of 5.
B. Development of ideas: _____ out of 5.

Writing (total): _____ out of 10 = _____ % of possible points.


Write in the level you’ve achieved: Fundamentals (0-49%), Fixes (50-75%), or Tweaks (76-100%).

Reading: _____ % = _____________________.

Listening: _____ % = _____________________.

Speaking: _____ % = _____________________.

Writing: _____ % = _____________________.

These levels have little to do with the score you’ll eventually achieve on the TOEFL. Rather, they are meant to help you focus your efforts. Plan to spend the most time and energy on the Fundamentals, a moderate amount on the Fixes, and the least on the Tweaks.

1. Fundamentals (0-49%)

You have a solid amount of work ahead of you in this area. You may need to work on your fundamental skills. Or you may need to apply those skills more effectively in the context of the TOEFL. If you’re like most people, you’ll need to do some of both.

Good news: you have this book. You have lots and lots of practice opportunities. Reread Chapter 1 to get ideas about how to plan your workouts.

Keep your chin up. Focus on this area. Commit to making improvements, and over time, you’ll make them.

2. Fixes (50-75%)

You have the basics down, and you can rack up points in this area. But you have fixes to make. Maybe certain types of questions or topics threw you. Maybe your test-taking process has some holes in it, so you had to rush.

Again, good news: you have this book. You can make your fixes by working out with the practice problems and tasks in the following chapters.

3. Tweaks (76-100%)

Nice job!  At most, you got just a few wrong or missed a few points. To progress further, you just need to make some small tweaks on a particular type of question or an aspect of your test-taking process.

Here is some really great news: you can spend most of your time elsewhere. Don’t completely ignore this area, of course. Do a little work here and there. This will confirm your mastery and make you feel good about this whole TOEFL business.