P1 | Paragraph 1 | Comments |
S1 | Urban decay is the process by which established cities, or parts of them, atrophy under the weight of any of several possible societal changes, falling into a state of dilapidation. | Urban decay is the decay of a city or a part of it. |
2 | Perhaps the most common reason for this process to begin is the loss of jobs due to a company closing or moving to another location. | Common reason: loss of jobs from a company closing. |
3 | For example, if a manufacturer in a particular city experiences financial hardship and closes down, thousands of jobs could be lost. |
4 | People that work at the factory would no longer commute to it; small businesses such as restaurants and shopping centers near the factory may suffer a decline in business and close, and so on. | Cascade of bad effects. |
5 | Soon, many residences and businesses near the factory may be abandoned, triggering an exodus from that neighborhood to other locations where the economy is more vibrant. |
6 | This further depletes the economic activity in that area, with the ultimate result being that large zones of the city now exhibit urban blight, or the ugly, neglected landscape of abandoned buildings that can attract gangs or criminals. |
7 | These factors can be prohibitive for new residents and businesses to consider re-entering the area.
8 | Additionally, this process depletes the city of tax revenue, which can lead to a cut in services provided by the city, further incentivizing remaining residents to leave.
The word “atrophy” in the passage is closest in meaning to |
VOCABULARY. “Atrophy” = waste away, weaken, shrivel. |
✗ | A flourish |
Opposite. “Flourish” = grown, thrive, or prosper. |
✗ | B proliferate |
Also opposite, or nearly so. “Proliferate” = increase rapidly in numbers, reproduce quickly. |
✗ | C revolt |
Unrelated. “Revolt” = rise up, riot, or rebel. |
✓ | D wither |
Correct. “Established cities, or parts of them, atrophy… falling into a state of dilapidation” = established cities or parts of those cities wither or shrivel, becoming dilapidated. |
Which of the following statements about urban decay can be inferred from paragraph 1? |
Inference. P1 describes the process by which urban decay occurs or might occur. The whole paragraph is devoted to the topic of urban decay, so the facts to draw an inference from could be anywhere. |
✓ | A Events other than the closing or relocation of a company can cause urban decay. |
Correct. S1 states that “Urban decay is the process by which established cities… atrophy under the weight of any of several possible societal changes. ” S2 discusses the closing of a company as one possible, very common example. But S1 makes it clear that other changes can cause urban decay. |
✗ | B Employees at an urban factory live far away from the factory itself. |
S4: “People that work at the factory would no longer commute to it.” But these people do not necessarily have to live far away for that to be the case. |
✗ | C Gangs and criminals do not pay taxes. |
S6 mentions gangs and criminals. Some gangs or criminals probably do not pay taxes. But nothing in the paragraph supports this claim directly. The decline in tax revenue referred to in S8 could happen because so many residents and businesses that presumably do pay taxes leave. |
✗ | D New residents and businesses re-entering the area would compel gangs and criminals to leave. |
S6–7 mention gangs and criminals as reasons why new residents and businesses may avoid re-entering the blighted area. But you cannot conclude that if these residents and businesses returned, they would actually compel or force the gangs and criminals to leave. |
In paragraph 1, why does the author mention small businesses closing after a factory has closed? |
Purpose. S4 states that “small businesses such as restaurants and shopping centers near the factory may suffer a decline in business and close.” This is an example of a possible consequence of the first step in the process: the closing of the factory. Later sentences then discuss how the closing of these small businesses can have other effects as well. The author’s goal is to illustrate how the whole process can occur, step by step, leading up to urban decay. |
✗ | A To contrast small businesses with large companies in terms of their ability to survive economic hardship |
The focus of S4 is describing follow-on consequences of the factory closing. The point of this sentence is not to show how large and small businesses are different but rather to indicate how they are interconnected. |
✗ | B To suggest that factory employees are to blame for changing their spending habits after the factory closes |
Nothing in the paragraph is about assigning blame. Rather, the goal is to describe a step-by-step example of a process by which urban decay can occur. |
✓ | C To underscore that the factory closing is merely the first step in a process that can lead to urban decay |
Correct. S3 describes a hypothetical example of a factory closing. The rest of the paragraph describes a series of possible consequences stemming from that factory closing. |
✗ | D To provide an example of an event that could interrupt the process of urban decay that might otherwise occur |
If anything, the opposite is true. The closing of small businesses as a result of the loss of the factory is an important step in the urban decay process described in P1. |
Paragraphs 2 & 3 | Comments |
P2 S1 | Other factors may be the primary cause of urban decay. | Other causes of urban decay. |
2 | One such phenomenon in the United States is “white flight,” which began shortly after World War II. | White flight: mass migration of European Americans out of cities. |
3 | White flight refers to the mass migration of European Americans away from urban centers to more homogeneous, sometimes newer suburban or exurban communities. |
4 | This migration was facilitated by the development of the Interstate Highway System, which was funded by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. | Helped by Interstate Highway System, which enabled longer commutes. |
5 | The highway system made commuting longer distances to employment within urban centers much more practical. |
6 | At the same time, the Second Great Migration, which describes a wave of over 5 million African Americans from Southern states migrating to urban centers in the North, Midwest, and Western United States, contributed to population pressures in urban centers. | Second Great Migration of African Americans probably also accelerated white flight. |
7 | This likely accelerated the trend of white flight.
P3 S1 | Another factor arguably contributing to urban decay is rent control, wherein tenants are guaranteed a relatively affordable price for renting apartments within a city.
Another potential factor: rent control.
2 | Rent control can lead to an imbalance between the supply and demand for housing units.
3 | By keeping rents artificially low, the construction of new housing units is discouraged, and property owners may be forced to reduce expenditures on maintenance of existing homes.
Can keep rents artificially low and discourage neighborhood investment.
4 | This can contribute to the deterioration of buildings within a neighborhood.
According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true of the Second Great Migration? |
Fact. S6 describes The Second Great Migration and mentions that it contributed to population pressures in urban centers. S7 indicates that as a result, white flight was likely accelerated. |
✓ | A It probably played a contributory role in white flight. |
Correct. S6–7 mention that the Second Great Migration “contributed to population pressures in urban centers” and “likely accelerated the trend of white flight.” |
✗ | B It started to occur well before white flight began in earnest. |
Nothing in the paragraph suggests that the Second Great Migration started to occur well before white flight. If anything, the paragraph implies that the two trends were occurring at the same time, with one possibly contributing to the other. |
✗ | C It was facilitated by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. |
The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 funded the Interstate Highway System, which contributed to the exodus of European Americans from urban centers to suburbs and exurbs (S4). However, nothing in the passage suggests that this act contributed to the Second Great Migration. |
✗ | D It caused a population shortage and related problems in the Southern United States. |
S6 states that many African Americans left Southern states to move to other parts of the United States. But P2 does not discuss any problems occurring in the Southern states because of this mass departure. |
The word “accelerated” in the passage is closest in meaning to |
VOCABULARY. “Accelerate” = speed up, quicken, make something go faster. |
✗ | A targeted |
Unrelated. “Targeted” = single out, pick, or attack. |
✓ | B hastened |
Correct. “This likely accelerated the trend of white flight” = this likely hastened or sped up white flight. |
✗ | C stressed |
The situation might have added extra stressors (tensions, anxieties, worries), but these words are not related. |
✗ | D impeded |
Opposite. To “impede” is to obstruct, delay, block, or slow down. |
Paragraphs 2 and 3 mention all of the following as possible contributors to urban decay EXCEPT: |
Negative Fact. Both paragraphs discuss factors that probably contribute or contributed to urban decay. Three answer choices will be listed as such factors. One answer choice will not be. |
✗ | A The development of the Interstate Highway System |
P2 S4 states that the Interstate Highway System made commuting from towns outside of urban centers much easier. This facilitated white flight, which P2 claims was another cause of urban decay. |
✗ | B Rent control |
P3 is devoted to explaining how rent control can contribute to urban decay in some neighborhoods. |
✗ | C The Second Great Migration |
P2 S6–7 explain how the Second Great Migration may have sped up the process of white flight, which P2 claims was a cause of urban decay. |
✓ | D The founding of exurban communities before World War II |
Correct. S3 states that many European Americans moved to suburban and exurban communities during white flight. However, if some of these communities were founded before white flight began (after World War II), then the founding of these particular communities would not have been a cause of urban decay. The paragraph never mentions such events. |
P4 | Paragraph 4 | Comments |
S1 | How can the process of urban decay be prevented or reversed? | How to stop or reverse urban decay? |
2 | There are several potential mechanisms. | Several ways. |
3 | One is gentrification, which is effectively the process of urban decay in reverse. | Gentrification = urban decay in reverse. |
4 | With gentrification, wealthier outsiders become attracted to an urban area and move into it. |
5 | This attracts investment and increases property values; new, lucrative businesses may emerge, and property owners have an incentive to invest in improvements. |
6 | Tax revenues increase as the new residents with higher income populate the neighborhood. |
7 | However, gentrification has its drawbacks.
Drawbacks of gentrification. |
8 | Pricing pressures created by the influx of new residents and businesses may render current residents unable to afford the neighborhood; existing businesses may experience hardship in the face of increased competition from new businesses.
9 | This displacement may create conflict between the “old guard” and the new residents of the neighborhood.
Newcomers vs. “old guard.”
The word “lucrative” in the passage is closest in meaning to |
VOCABULARY. “Lucrative” = profitable, money-making. |
✗ | A competitive |
There are two common meanings of “competitive.” It can be thought of as competition in a more aggressive sense (competitive players willing to be pushy or aggressive in order to win), or in terms of staying balanced (competitive prices are thought to be moderate or even low in order to draw customers). This second definition might seem related to making money, and therefore “lucrative,” but they are not related. |
✗ | B growing |
Not quite. A growing business might not make a profit, and a profitable business might not be growing. |
✓ | C profitable |
Correct. “New, lucrative businesses may emerge” = new, profitable businesses may emerge. |
✗ | D unsuccessful |
Opposite. Something that is “unsuccessful” would be a failure and likely unprofitable. |
According to paragraph 4, which of the following statements about gentrification is true? |
Fact. S3 and the following sentences discuss gentrification, along with its positives and negatives. |
✗ | A It creates conditions that discourage additional investment in the area. |
S4 describes gentrification as a process by which “wealthier outsiders become attracted to an urban area and move into it.” S5: “This attracts investment.” So investment is not discouraged, but encouraged. |
✓ | B It can lead to displacements in a neighborhood, creating clashes among residents. |
Correct. S9: “This displacement may create conflict between the ‘old guard’ and the new residents of the neighborhood.” |
✗ | C It tends to be the result of promotion or facilitation by government agencies. |
The paragraph does not state or imply that government plays a role in gentrification. |
✗ | D It can lead to declines in property prices in the face of increased competition. |
S8: “Pricing pressures created by the influx of new residents and businesses may render current residents unable to afford the neighborhood.” This implies that gentrification can cause prices to increase, not decrease. |
P5 | Paragraph 5 | Comments |
S1 | Another common mechanism for urban renewal is government-sponsored redevelopment projects. | Urban renewal can also happen through government redevelopment. |
2 | Large sections of a city may be acquired by the government, with existing structures refurbished or, more likely, demolished and replaced with new construction. | Government buys up parts of city, improves or demolishes and rebuilds. |
3 | This may include the development of commercial buildings, residential buildings, sporting venues, parks, bridges, or highways. |
According to paragraph 5, government-sponsored redevelopment projects |
Fact. All of P5 is devoted to government-sponsored redevelopment projects. Fortunately, the paragraph is short. |
✗ | A often meet with unexpected problems |
This is not stated anywhere in P5. Problems with government-sponsored redevelopment projects are discussed in the following paragraph. |
✗ | B usually involve renovating existing buildings or infrastructure |
S2: “with existing structures refurbished or, more likely, demolished and replaced with new construction.” So these projects do not usually involve renovating existing buildings or infrastructure. |
✗ | C require substantial investment from private entities |
Nothing in the paragraph suggests that private investment is required. |
✓ | D may include the construction of sports facilities |
Correct. S3: “This [construction] may include the development of… sporting venues.” |
P6 | Paragraph 6 | Comments |
S1 | Many urban renewal projects have failed due to unintended consequences. | Unintended consequences can cause urban renewal projects to fail. |
2 | For example, a highway or bridge construction project may leave an entire section of the city divided in half. | Examples. |
3 | Residents displaced by the project may relocate to another neighborhood entirely, further exacerbating the population decline that the project was intended to reverse. |
4 | Traffic patterns may change, resulting in new opportunities for some businesses while severely impairing businesses that may now be bypassed because of the change in traffic flow. |
5 | These kinds of possible consequences subject many urban renewal projects to scrutiny by (and political pressure from) residents, existing business owners, and advocacy groups. | Scrutiny and political pressure. |
The word “exacerbating” in the passage is closest in meaning to |
VOCABULARY. “Exacerbate” = make worse, aggravate, amplify (something bad). |
✓ | A intensifying |
Correct. “Further exacerbating the population decline” = further intensifying or worsening the population decline. Although you can “intensify” good things as well, “intensifying” is an appropriate synonym for “exacerbating” in the context of this sentence. |
✗ | B hindering |
Opposite. “Hinder” = obstruct, prevent from advancing. |
✗ | C alleviating |
Opposite in a different way. “Alleviate” = make better. |
✗ | D signaling |
Unrelated. Displacement might have “signaled” (indicated, pointed to) the population decline, but it does not mean that it made it worse as “exacerbate” does. |
Paragraph 6 supports which of the following statements about the unintended consequences of urban renewal projects? |
Fact. Virtually all of P6 is devoted to unintended consequences from these projects. |
✗ | A They typically result from serious mistakes in the planning process. |
In hindsight, some of these consequences may be viewed as the result of planning mistakes. This outcome seems plausible, in fact. But the passage never makes a hint in this direction. |
✗ | B They generally involve either subtle or dramatic changes in traffic patterns. |
S4 mentions changing traffic patterns as a possible result of these projects. But other examples of unintended consequences are given. Nothing in the paragraph suggests that traffic pattern changes are more likely than other consequences. |
✓ | C Residents and activists often pay close attention to urban renewal projects in order to avoid these consequences. |
Correct. S5: “These kinds of possible consequences subject many urban renewal projects to scrutiny by (and political pressure from) residents, existing business owners, and advocacy groups.” Scrutiny = close examination. |
✗ | D Government projects are more likely to experience unintended consequences than privately planned development projects. |
Nothing in the paragraph compares government and private development projects, or their consequences. |
Paragraphs 5 & 6 | Comments |
P5 S1 | Another common mechanism for urban renewal is government-sponsored redevelopment projects. |
2–3 | A Large sections of a city may be acquired by the government, with existing structures refurbished or, more likely, demolished and replaced with new construction. This may include the development of commercial buildings, residential buildings, sporting venues, parks, bridges, or highways. | Placing the new sentence here interrupts the logical flow, as indicated by the verb tenses. S1–3 are all in present tense, because they discuss and describe the phenomenon of government-sponsored redevelopment projects in general. But the new sentence in the past tense discusses a particular historical event (how many of these projects came about). |
End | B
Correct. This placement allows “Many such large-scale construction projects” to refer to the development projects mentioned in S3. Also, tucking in the new sentence at the end of P5 allows the following text to be clearly separated, as the new paragraph starts.
P6 S1 | Many urban renewal projects have failed due to unintended consequences. |
2–4 | C For example, a highway or bridge construction project may leave an entire section of the city divided in half. Residents displaced by the project may relocate to another neighborhood entirely, further exacerbating the population decline that the project was intended to reverse. Traffic patterns may change, resulting in new opportunities for some businesses while severely impairing businesses that may now be bypassed because of the change in traffic flow. | Placing the new sentence here interrupts the logical connection between “unintended consequences” in S1 and the examples of these consequences in S2–4. |
5 | D These kinds of possible consequences subject many urban renewal projects to scrutiny by (and political pressure from) residents, existing business owners, and advocacy groups. | Placing the new sentence here breaks the logical flow. The subject of S5, “These kinds of possible consequences,” needs to refer to the list of unintended consequences in S2-4, not the unrelated topic of the new sentence. |
Many such large-scale construction projects were undertaken in the United States after passage of the Fair Housing Act of 1949, which provided for federal funds to help cities pay for them.
Insert Text. The prior sentence should clearly refer to large-scale construction projects. This new sentence introduces a historical event that isn’t discussed elsewhere in the existing passage. So the sentence needs to function as an aside. The following text, if any, will need to transition away from this aside effectively. |
✗ | A Choice A |
✓ | B Choice B |
Correct. |
✗ | C Choice C |
✗ | D Choice D |
Whole Passage | Comments |
P1 | Urban decay is the process by which established cities, or parts of them, atrophy under the weight of any of several possible societal changes, falling into a state of dilapidation… | Urban decay is the decay of a city or a part of it. Common reason: loss of jobs from a company closing. Cascade of bad effects. |
P2 | Other factors may be the primary cause of urban decay… | Other causes of urban decay. White flight: mass migration of European Americans out of cities. Helped by Interstate Highway System, which enabled longer commutes. Second Great Migration of African Americans probably also accelerated white flight. |
P3 | Another factor arguably contributing to urban decay is rent control, wherein tenants are guaranteed a relatively affordable price for renting apartments within a city… | Another potential factor: rent control. Can keep rents artificially low and discourage neighborhood investment. |
P4 | How can the process of urban decay be prevented or reversed? There are several potential mechanisms… | How to stop or reverse urban decay? Several ways. Gentrification = urban decay in reverse. Drawbacks of gentrification. Newcomers vs. “old guard.” |
P5 | Another common mechanism for urban renewal is government-sponsored redevelopment projects… | Urban renewal can also happen through government redevelopment. Government buys up parts of city, improves or demolishes and rebuilds. |
P6 | Many urban renewal projects have failed due to unintended consequences… | Unintended consequences can cause urban renewal projects to fail. Examples. Scrutiny and political pressure. |
Select from the seven phrases below THREE that contribute to urban decay and TWO that contribute to urban renewal. Two of the phrases will NOT be used. |
Table. Contribute to = help cause, support, reinforce. Correct answers do not have to be primary causes of urban decay or urban renewal. They just need to be potential and/or partial contributors to each phenomenon. |
a White flight |
Urban Decay.
b An increase in tax rates |
c Rent control |
Urban Decay.
d Gentrification |
Urban Renewal.
e The presence of small businesses such as restaurants |
f Loss of manufacturing facilities |
Urban Decay.
g Government-sponsored construction |
Urban Renewal.