Answers and Explanations—4.2 The Beaver Wars

  1. P1 Paragraph 1 Comments
    S1 The harsh aspects of globalization (international economic intertwining), including loss of livelihood and social disruption, have been the current focus of many pundits. Globalization = international economic intertwining. Pundits (expert commentators) today focus on the harsh aspects.
    2 Some condemn the suffering these dislocations have caused while others shrug off the human costs as an acceptable consequence in the service of progress, profit, and/or free-market principles.
    3 Unnoticed in this outcry is the general implicit agreement that the stresses of globalization are a modern, if not unique, crisis. Most assume that globalization is modern.
    4 However, the historical record proves that assumption to be utterly false. But that’s false.
    5 Perhaps the only unique aspect is that technology has multiplied the rapidity with which these disruptions evolve; still, for hundreds of years, economic changes on one continent have dramatically altered societies on another continent—societies that were far more isolated from each other than groups at a similar geographic distance are today. Yes, technology has accelerated impact. But globalization has been happening for centuries.
    6 One notable historical example of this pattern would be the Beaver Wars. Historical example: Beaver Wars.
  2. The word “utterly” in the passage is closest in meaning to

    VOCABULARY. “Utterly” = completely, absolutely.

    A mistakenly

    Unrelated. “Mistakenly” = by accident or oversight.

    B partially

    Opposite. “Partially” = only in part or to a limited extent.

    C expressly

    Close but not quite. “Expressly” = explicitly or clearly, but this word emphasizes how clear it is that the assumption is false. “Utterly,” however, emphasizes how completely or entirely false it is.

    D completely

    Correct. “The historical record proves that assumption to be utterly false” = the assumption is completely, 100% false.

  3. According to paragraph 1, globalization today likely differs from earlier manifestations in what regard?

    Fact. S5 suggests that “perhaps the only unique aspect" of globalization “is that technology has multiplied the rapidity with which these disruptions evolve.”

    A Its effects are felt across greater distances than they previously were.

    S5 contradicts this choice: “for hundreds of years, economic changes on one continent have dramatically altered societies on another continent.”

    B It is now conducted for profit, progress, and/or in support of free-market principles.

    S2 only states that these are motivations for globalization. It does not indicate that these motivations are new.

    C Its effects are more negative than they previously were.

    S1 mentions the negative effects but does not indicate that these problems are worse than before.

    D Its effects occur more rapidly than they previously had.

    Correct. S5: “the only unique aspect” = different from earlier manifestations. S5: “technology has multiplied the rapidity with which these disruptions evolve” = the effects occur more rapidly than before (because of technology).

  4. P2 Paragraph 2 Comments
    S1 In the seventeenth century, fur pelts were much in demand in Europe for making both hats and garments; this burgeoning demand caused Dutch, French, and English traders to exploit the vast resources of the North American continent despite the many additional costs. 17th century: fur pelts in demand in Europe. So various European traders exploited North America for fur.
    2 Many of these costs stemmed from the presence of the Iroquois Confederacy, a sophisticated political and social organization of tribes of Native Americans whose territory was centered in what is now much of New York State. Iroquois Confederacy of Native American tribes in New York bordered European outposts.
    3 By 1610, this territory bordered French trading outposts to the north and Dutch and English trading posts to the south and east.
    4 While the the French allied themselves with other largely Algonquin-speaking tribes of Native Americans, the Dutch and English supported their Iroquois trading partners.

    Dutch/English allied with Iroquois, but French were allied with other tribes.

    5 The ensuing competition for resources inflamed an already hostile relationship between the Algonquian and Iroquoian tribes into a full-blown war.
    Competition turned into war between the two tribes.
    6 Both sides launched raids that destroyed entire settlements, razing the structures, burning the crops, and killing or capturing all the inhabitants.
  5. According to paragraph 2, which of the following best characterizes the Iroquois Confederacy’s relationship with the French traders?

    Fact. S3–5 discuss the Iroquois’s relationship with the European entities.

    A It devolved into a war over the fur trade.

    Correct. S4 states that the Iroquois sided with the Dutch and English, while the French sided with other tribes. S5 notes that this strained relationship eventually devolved (fell or degenerated) into a full-blown war.

    B They eventually became allies in pursuit of profits from fur trading.

    S4: “the French allied themselves with other largely Algonquin-speaking tribes of Native Americans.” This led to war with the Iroquois.

    C They were exclusive trading partners, monopolizing the fur trade.

    S3 indicates that the Iroquois also had trading contacts with the Dutch.

    D They learned how to create a sophisticated society from the French.

    S2 says that the Iroquois had “a sophisticated political and social organization” before the arrival of European traders.

  6. The word “stemmed” in the passage is closest in meaning to

    VOCABULARY. As a verb, “stem from” = develop from, be caused by, originate in or from.

    A detached

    These costs did not “detach” or become separated from the presence of the Confederacy. The costs were caused by it. 

    B derived

    Correct. “Derive from” = result from. “These costs stemmed from the presence of the Iroquois Confederacy” = the costs derived or resulted from the presence of this Confederacy. The Confederacy was the cause of the costs.

    C departed

    These costs did not “depart” or deviate from the presence of the Confederacy. The costs were caused by it. 

    D dispersed

    These costs did not “disperse” or spread out from the presence of the Confederacy. The costs were caused by it. 

  7. P3 Paragraph 3 Comments
    S1 Beyond the direct stresses of war, the Iroquois Confederacy was profoundly changed by the economics of this European fashion trend. Iroquois were deeply changed by the fur trade.
    2 The introduction of European goods altered the way Iroquois tribes performed basic tasks; some of these goods soon became essentials. Some European goods became essentials.
    3 By 1640, the beaver population in traditional Iroquois lands had been exhausted. Beavers disappeared locally.
    4 To maintain their revenue flow, the Iroquois were forced to attempt to annex the territories of their Native American neighbors. So Iroquois attacked neighbors with guns obtained from Dutch traders, which gave them military advantage.
    5 Unlike the French, the Dutch traders were willing to exchange firearms for furs.
    6 Thus, the Iroquois had an advantage in weaponry over other tribes that led to their dominance over other tribes in the region.
  8. In paragraph 3, why does the author mention that “the Dutch traders were willing to exchange firearms for furs”?

    Purpose. S4–6 describe the Iroquois territorial expansion undertaken to harvest furs.

    A To indicate the advantage that the Iroquois acquired over beavers and other game

    S5 notes that the Dutch traded firearms for furs. But S6 concludes that the advantage gained was in warfare. The author makes no mention of advantages gained in hunting.

    B To emphasize how the Iroquois gained superiority in their battles with the French

    S6 states that “the Iroquois had an advantage in weaponry over other tribes,” not over the French.

    C To explain a primary reason for the Iroquois’s military success against neighboring tribes

    Correct. S4 states that the Iroquois moved to annex territory. S6 concludes that the firearms mentioned in S5 were crucial to their military success.

    D To provide an example of how basic tasks in the daily life of the Iroquois were changed by outside economic forces

    While S1 states that Iroquois life was changed in this manner, S4–6 indicate that acquiring weaponry was relevant to warfare rather than to the basic tasks of daily life. It’s true that the weaponry probably also altered daily tasks, but the author does not say so.

  9. The word “annex” in the passage is closest in meaning to

    VOCABULARY. “Annex” a neighboring place = take over control of it and add it to your own place.

    A conquer

    Correct. “The Iroquois were forced to attempt to annex the territories of their… neighbors” = they had to try to conquer their neighbors’ lands. “Conquer” contains the idea of assuming control.

    B destroy

    The Iroquois may have tried to destroy neighbors, but not the lands themselves. Rather, they wanted to preserve the lands and take over control of them.

    C surrender

    Opposite. “Surrender [something]” = give it up or give it away. You can only surrender something that you own in the first place.

    D exploit

    “Exploit” = use, take advantage of. It doesn’t carry the meaning of taking over control from someone else.

  10. P4 Paragraph 4 Comments
    S1 While the fortunes of this decades-long war ebbed and flowed, partly because of the intrigues of the European powers, by late in the seventeenth century the Iroquois had moved far beyond their original Hudson River lands. Over time, Iroquois moved far beyond original lands.
    2 They depopulated the entire Ohio Valley and Lower Peninsula of Michigan, defeating the Algonquin-speaking tribes, including the Shawnee, Miami, and Potawatomi, whose surviving members fled to the west. Drove other tribes out.
    3 In fact, this Iroquois offensive also drove the Lakota Sioux to the Dakotas, where they became nomadic mounted warriors, prominent in the United States frontier wars of the nineteenth century.
    4 To the north, the French effected a stalemate with the Iroquois only by committing a regiment of regulars, the Carignan-Salières regiment, to the fray in the 1660s. French managed a stalemate.
  11. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that forcing the Lakota Sioux to the Dakotas was primarily significant from the author’s perspective because

    Inference. S3 describes how the Lakota Sioux were forced to the Dakotas and what the implications of that event were.

    A the action forced the French to commit a regiment of regulars

    S4 states that the French regiment safeguarded the north, not the west, from the Iroquois, not the Sioux.

    B as a result, the Lakota Sioux did not live in one place for long

    S3 does state that the Lakota Sioux “became nomadic mounted warriors.” The word “nomadic” indicates that they lived as nomads, moving from place to place. But the author’s emphasis is on the “warriors” part. The rest of the sentence states that the Lakota Sioux were “prominent in the United States frontier wars of the nineteenth century.” For the author, this last phrase has the greatest significance.

    C the Lakota Sioux played an important role in nineteenth-century frontier wars of the United States

    Correct. S3 notes that the Lakota Sioux were “prominent in the United States frontier wars of the nineteenth century.” From the phrase’s closing position in the sentence and the word “prominent,” you can safely infer that from the author’s perspective, this outcome had primary significance.

    D the Lakota Sioux learned how to create a partially urbanized society from the Iroquois

    The passage does not comment on Sioux society, other than it became nomadic. “Partially urbanized” (living somewhat in cities) does not square with “nomadic” (moving from place to place). Moreover, the author never indicates anything that the Lakota Sioux learned from the Iroquois.

  12. Which of the following best describes the organization of paragraph 4?

    Purpose. P4 describes the course and consequences of the seventeenth-century Beaver Wars.

    A A dubious claim is examined but rejected.

    No sentence in the paragraph opposes the topic outlined in the first sentence.

    B A statement of fact is followed by supporting details.

    Correct. S1 declares the Iroquois expansion. The following sentences provide details about their conquests, as well as some implications.

    C A previously unknown historical fact is documented.

    The paragraph never states that the information presented is new or otherwise unknown.

    D A statement of fact is followed by the citation of parallel cases.

    S2–4 present the details of the topic presented in the first sentence. The details are not about other, “parallel” (= similar) situations.

  13. P5 Paragraph 5 Comments
    S1 Fighting nonetheless continued for the rest of the seventeenth century, spurred both by economic concerns and the ongoing political rivalry between France and England, as the Dutch eventually ceded their North American interests to the English. Fighting continued through 17th century for various reasons.
    2 Horrific massacres, much like those of the ancient Greeks chronicled in the Iliad, were perpetrated by both the allegedly civilized Europeans and the Iroquois. Massacres by both sides.
    3 Four to five generations of Iroquois lived their entire lives in an era of constant warfare.
    4 Finally, in 1701, despite English efforts to prolong a war that burdened France, the French and Iroquois signed the Great Peace of Montreal. Finally, the Great Peace in 1701.
    5 This peace lasted for more than 20 years and allowed the dispossessed Algonquin tribes to slowly repopulate the Ohio Valley territory. Algonquins repopulated Ohio Valley.
    6 Meanwhile, the Iroquois Confederacy was able to further advance its economic and technological position, as well as wield influence over their European rivals. Iroquois advanced their position.
  14. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 5? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

    Simplify Sentence. S2 is highlighted. Topic of paragraph: the wars continued throughout the seventeenth century. S2 states that both sides committed atrocities, much like those in the Iliad.

    A In the wars between the supposedly civilized Europeans and the Iroquois, the Greeks were guilty of horrible massacres, comparable to those in the Iliad.

    The Greeks were not present in these wars. The sentence instead says that these massacres were comparable to those recorded by the ancient Greeks in the Iliad.

    B The Europeans, who were alleged to be civilized, committed more atrocities like those recorded in the Iliad than the Iroquois did in the course of their wars.

    S2 states that both sides were guilty, never claiming that one side was worse than the other.

    C In the wars between the Iroquois and the Europeans (who were supposedly civilized), both sides committed terrible atrocities, like those reported in the Iliad.

    Correct. S2 asserts that both sides were guilty of horrific massacres. These massacres or atrocities were like those reported in the Iliad.

    D During the wars between the allegedly civilized Europeans and the Iroquois, dreadful massacres chronicled in the Iliad were committed by both sides.

    S2 compares the massacres to other atrocities that were recorded in the Iliad. S2 does not say that the Beaver Wars massacres themselves were recorded in the Iliad.

  15. The word “wield” in the passage is closest in meaning to

    VOCABULARY. “Wield” (something like influence) = use it, exercise it, apply it, much like a tool that you might physically wield.

    A retain

    Close but not quite. “Retain” = hold onto something that is in danger of being lost. There’s no indication that the influence might have gone away. Also, “retain” doesn’t convey the emphasis of actually using the influence.

    B exert

    Correct. “The Iroquois Confederacy was able to… wield influence over their European rivals” = the Confederacy could exert influence over their rivals. It could influence them in useful ways.

    C squander

    Opposite. “Squander” = waste, misuse.

    D gain

    Also close but not quite. “Gain” = increase or obtain (more). “Wield” influence = use it, not necessarily increase it or obtain more of it.

  16. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 5 as occurring before the Great Peace EXCEPT:

    Negative Fact. Three answers are true and supported by the passage. One answer is false or just unsupported. The Great Peace is described in S4, and since the paragraph is in chronological order, S1–3 contain the events that occurred before the Great Peace.

    A Generations of Iroquois lived their entire lives at war.

    S3: “Four to five generations of Iroquois lived their entire lives in an era of constant warfare.”

    B The Iroquois committed horrific massacres.

    S2 states that both the Iroquois and Europeans committed massacres.

    C The Dutch territories became English.

    S1: “the Dutch eventually ceded their North American interests to the English.”

    D Algonquin-speaking tribes repopulated the Ohio Valley.

    Correct. Mentioned in S5 as occurring after, not before, the Great Peace.

  17. P6 Paragraph 6 Comments
    S1 In sum, international trade and globalization hundreds of years ago caused profound and unforeseen economic consequences for peoples far removed from the initial catalyst.
    2 A Much like today, some prospered, some failed, and some died. Correct. S1 discusses “international trade and globalization,” which are the “forces” referred to in the new sentence. S1 also refers to the “economic consequences” these forces had. The start of the new sentence (“And along with economic gains and losses”) builds well on that point. The new sentence also sets up S2 well: “much like today,” which echoes “as always.” Likewise, the clauses “some prospered, some failed, and some died” give vivid illustrations of the “powerful personal impacts.” The insertion also works to tell you what “some” refers to: some of the “people involved” (in the inserted sentence).
    3 B Furthermore, these same disruptive forces proved far more powerful than the will or policies of any of the entities involved. This placement makes the inserted sentence redundant. The generality “powerful personal impacts” should come before the specific examples “some prospered, some failed,” etc.
    4 C Global economic currents arguably cut as wide a swath across societies in the seventeenth century as they do today. This placement gives the sentence no relationship to the adjacent sentences. The prior sentence does not emphasize economic gains or losses, and the following sentence does not elaborate on the personal impacts of the forces.
    End D
    This placement does connect somewhat to the preceding sentence, which mentions “global economic currents.” However, S4 works best as a closer for the whole passage. Moreover, the inserted sentence discusses “powerful personal impacts on the people involved,” but if it is not followed by examples, then the power of the sentence is greatly lessened.
  18. And along with economic gains and losses, these forces, as always, had powerful personal impacts on the people involved.

    Where would the sentence best fit?

    Insert Text. The start of the inserted sentence, “And along with economic gains and losses, these forces… ” signals that the prior sentence should discuss certain “forces” (whether that word is explicitly used or not) causing economic gains and losses. Since the whole passage is about a historical example of the impact of globalization, the “forces” are almost certainly those of globalization. So globalization should be the focus of the prior sentence. Finally, the following sentence should elaborate on “the powerful personal impacts” these forces had on people. The “as always” provides a reminder that these same patterns have been seen over and over. The following sentence ought to echo this point.

    A Choice A


    B Choice B

    C Choice C

    D Choice D

  19. Whole Passage Comments
    P1 The harsh aspects of globalization (international economic intertwining)… Globalization = international economic intertwining. Pundits (expert commentators) today focus on the harsh aspects. Most assume that globalization is modern. But that’s false. Yes, technology has accelerated impact. But globalization has been happening for centuries. Historical example: Beaver Wars.
    P2 In the seventeenth century, fur pelts were much in demand in Europe… 17th century: fur pelts in demand in Europe. So various European traders exploited North America for fur. Iroquois Confederacy of Native American tribes in New York bordered European outposts. Dutch/English allied with Iroquois, but French were allied with other tribes. Competition turned into war between the two sides.
    P3 Beyond the direct stresses of war, the Iroquois Confederacy was profoundly changed… Iroquois were deeply changed by the fur trade. Some European goods became essentials. Beavers disappeared locally. So Iroquois attacked neighbors with guns obtained from Dutch traders, which gave them military advantage.
    P4 While the fortunes of this decades-long war ebbed and flowed… Over time, Iroquois moved far beyond original lands. Drove other tribes out. French managed a stalemate.
    P5 Fighting nonetheless continued for the rest of the seventeenth century… Fighting continued through 17th century for various reasons. Massacres by both sides. Finally, the Great Peace in 1701. Algonquins repopulated Ohio Valley. Iroquois advanced their position.
    P6 In sum, international trade and globalization hundreds of years ago caused profound and unforeseen economic consequences… Summary. Centuries ago, globalization had profound economic and personal impacts on people living far away. This is just like the situation today. 
  20. Select from the seven phrases below TWO that correctly characterize the Dutch during the Beaver Wars and THREE that correctly characterize the Iroquois, as described in the passage. Two of the phrases will NOT be used.

    Table. Correct answers do not have to convey a main idea. They just have to be justified by the passage. If a choice corresponds to the Dutch or to the Iroquois, the passage must explicitly say so. There are no synonyms for “Dutch” or “Iroquois,” so those keywords are useful as you scan the passage.

    a Became nomadic mounted warriors

    Corresponds to P4 S3: it was the Lakota Sioux, not the Iroquois, who did so.

    b Conquered neighboring territories

    Corresponds to P3 S4: “[they] were forced to attempt to annex the territories of their Native American neighbors.” P4 S1: “[they] had moved far beyond their original… lands.” P4 S2: “[they] depopulated the entire Ohio Valley. ”

    c Waged and suffered through war for decades

    Corresponds to P5 S3: “Four to five generations of Iroquois lived their entire lives in an era of constant warfare.”

    d Provided firearms in exchange for furs

    Corresponds to P3 S5: “Unlike the French, the Dutch traders were willing to exchange firearms for furs.”

    e Allied with Algonquin-speaking tribes

    P2 S4 says that it was the French who allied with Algonquin-speaking tribes.

    f Had a sophisticated political organization

    P2 S2: “the Iroquois Confederacy, a sophisticated political and social organization of tribes of Native Americans.”

    g Relinquished North American territories

    Corresponds to P5 S1: “as the Dutch eventually ceded their North American interests to the English.”