
    1. Listen to Track 34.

      Now answer the questions.

    2. What aspect of creative writing does the professor focus on in this lecture?

      1. Techniques for revealing rules in a story to the reader
      2. How to create a world that feels believable
      3. Differences between a realist story and a science fiction story
      4. How to write a story that readers will enjoy
    3. Why does the professor suggest that students imagine themselves walking around in the world of their story?

      1. Students can use the knowledge of their story’s world to create clear, consistent rules.
      2. This exercise helps students to describe the sights and sounds of their world.
      3. Observing a neighborhood can inspire settings for stories.
      4. It is easier to set a story in a familiar place.
    4. The professor mentions an example of a friend who breaks her ankle. What point does the professor use this example to illustrate?

      1. The rules of the world allow people to predict the consequences of events or actions.
      2. Accidents can have a major impact on the development of a story.
      3. A real-world friend’s experiences can inspire events in a story.
      4. A single event can have many unexpected results.
    5. What, according to the professor, can make creating rules difficult?

      1. Many of our world’s rules are hard to identify.
      2. The rules of a story cannot be too similar to the rules of the real world.
      3. Too many rules can bore the reader.
      4. Rules must be consistent with one another.
    6. What role does the professor suggest breaking rules can have?

      1. Breaking rules can allow the writer to create multiple worlds within the same story.
      2. Breaking rules encourages the reader to pay close attention to the text of a story.
      3. Breaking rules can create opportunities to develop a new plotline in a story.
      4. Breaking rules helps to clarify where those rules originated.
    1. Listen to Track 35.

      Now answer the question.

    2. Why does the professor say this?

      1. To illustrate that cars can have an important function in a story
      2. To illustrate that the world generally operates in predictable ways
      3. To clarify that transportation helps characters to navigate their world
      4. To show that a car failing to start would alarm a reader