
    1. Listen to Track 47.

      Now answer the questions.

    2. What does the professor mainly discuss?

      1. The pioneering work of artist Richard Prince
      2. The history of rephotography
      3. The new meaning of art in the twenty-first century
      4. Innovations in the early days of photography
    3. According to the professor, how did Richard Prince challenge common notions of what constitutes art? Choose 2 answers.

      1. By taking photographs of photographs
      2. By filing a lawsuit against a fellow photographer
      3. By refusing to sign his work
      4. By disowning a piece of art he had made and sold
    4. What can be inferred about Prince’s future career as an artist?

      1. Prince’s work will likely revolve around how to maintain popularity.
      2. Prince’s work will probably lead to many more lawsuits.
      3. Prince’s work will likely raise more political and social questions.
      4. Prince’s work will probably answer more questions than it raises.
    5. What is the professor’s opinion of Richard Prince?

      1. He thinks that criticisms of Prince are unfair and unwarranted.
      2. He believes that Prince has made valuable contributions to how the definition of art has evolved.
      3. He thinks that photographer Patrick Cariou should have prevailed in court.
      4. He believes that Prince breaks rules and expectations in the art community that should not be violated.
    6. What are two key features of appropriation as discussed by the professor in the context of rephotography? Choose 2 answers.

      1. Asking for permission to use one’s work
      2. Taking someone else’s work for one’s own use
      3. Refusing to grant permission to someone who wants to use one’s work
      4. Using someone else’s work without permission
    7. Why does the professor describe Prince’s revocation of his signature on a work of art as “unheard of in the art world”?

      1. It was problematic for the art world.
      2. It angered art critics.
      3. It had likely never been done before.
      4. It was an action that was performed silently.