Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a university employee.
Receptionist: Hi, there… what can I help you with?
Student: I’m… actually… not even sure I’m in the right place.
Receptionist: Where are you hoping to be?
Student: I’m looking for the… uh… Student Health Clinic. I heard you could get a free physical here.
Receptionist: This is, indeed, the clinic. And you can indeed get a physical, assuming you have your student ID—but wait, were you hoping to get one today?
Student: Yeah, preferably.
Receptionist: Oh. Sorry, we don’t do walk-ins for physicals. You have to make an appointment in advance. Do you want to put something on the calendar for next week?
Student: Ugh… I don’t think that would work… the tennis team needs all my paperwork turned in by Thursday.
Receptionist: Are you saying that you need to have a physical on record in order to join the tennis team?
Student: Yeah, we need to have a form that says… that’s signed by a doctor that says we’re healthy.
Receptionist: Well, unfortunately, this is a busy clinic and so we have to use an appointment system or else we would get overwhelmed at peak times.
Student: Yeah, I understand. I checked online and saw there weren’t any appointments until next week, so I thought I’d come by and see if you could squeeze me in. It should really just take under 5 minutes. I basically just need my height, weight, and vision measured.
Receptionist: An appointment for a physical is usually at least 30 minutes, because we also draw some blood.
Student: Right… but I’m not worried about my blood levels. My family is real healthy. I’ve always been healthy. I just need this form filled out so that I can join the team.
Receptionist: Why didn’t you come set up this appointment sooner?
Student: Some of the other guys who are already on the team did this last year and they said you could basically just walk into the Student Health Clinic and get the form filled out.
Receptionist: Well, I guess sometimes our memories don’t tell the truth.
Student: So there’s no way to just get you, or a doctor, to fill out the quick parts of this form so that I can turn it in?
Receptionist: I’m sorry, no. Only doctors can sign it, and doctors will only sign it if they’ve conducted a proper examination. I can put you on the waiting list and we can call you in the next couple days if any of our scheduled appointments cancel.
Student: Thanks. I guess I’ll have to hope for that, then.
Why does the student go to the Student Health Clinic? |
Gist-purpose. What was the student hoping to achieve or find out? |
✗ | A To find out the requirements for joining the tennis team |
The student already knew that he needed a physical exam form signed by a doctor to join the tennis team. |
✓ | B To obtain a physical exam from a doctor |
Correct. The student needs a physical so that he can get a form signed that allows him to join the tennis team. |
✗ | C To get some tennis playing advice from a doctor |
There’s no indication that the student wants to discuss tennis with a doctor. |
✗ | D To cancel the appointment he had made for that day |
The student doesn’t have an appointment scheduled. |
What does the student say about his teammates on the tennis team? |
Detail. The student’s teammates were the ones that suggested it would be fine to go to the clinic without an appointment. |
✗ | A They urged him to make an appointment sooner. |
This is the opposite of what was said. |
✗ | B They were supposed to have set up an appointment for him. |
There is no indication that his teammates tried to set up an appointment. |
✗ | C They told him that the Student Health Clinic had great doctors. |
There were no comments about the quality of doctors at the clinic. |
✓ | D They thought the form could be filled out without an appointment. |
Correct. The student says he got the impression from other members of the tennis team that he could get the form quickly signed; these other players claim to have done so the previous year. |
Why doesn’t the student set up an appointment for the following week? |
Detail. When the receptionist learns that he doesn’t have an appointment, she offers to schedule him one for the following week. |
✓ | A He needs to have his form signed sooner than that. |
Correct. The man says that the form is due that Thursday, so an appointment the following week wouldn’t help solve his problem. |
✗ | B He will be busy with tennis tryouts the following week. |
There is no information about when the tennis team has practice or tryouts, only when a certain form is due. |
✗ | C He decides to just get a physical from the tennis team’s doctor instead. |
Nothing is said about the tennis team having its own doctor. |
✗ | D He forgot to bring his student ID, which is required to make an appointment. |
The man never says whether he has his student ID with him. |
How will the student attempt to get his form signed in time? |
Connecting Content. Did the man reach any solution to his problem? |
✗ | A By skipping the blood test |
Although the student would be happy to skip the blood test, the receptionist says that would not be allowable. |
✗ | B By having the receptionist sign the form |
The student inquires about this possibility, but the receptionist says no. |
✓ | C By hoping for a canceled appointment |
Correct. The receptionist offers to put him on the waitlist, in case an appointment cancels, and he indicates that he will have to hope for that. |
✗ | D By scheduling an appointment online |
The student mentions that he tried this approach but the next available appointments were too late. |
Narrator: Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
Receptionist: Why didn’t you come set up this appointment sooner?
Student: Some of the other guys who are already on the team did this last year and they said you could basically just walk into the Student Health Clinic and get the form filled out.
Receptionist: Well, I guess sometimes our memories don’t tell the truth.
Narrator: Why does the receptionist say this to the student:
Receptionist: Well, I guess sometimes our memories don’t tell the truth.
Why does the receptionist say this to the student? |
Function of What Is Said. This segment takes place as the receptionist asks why the student waited so long to make his appointment. He says that other people on the tennis team gave him the impression he didn’t need to schedule in advance. |
✗ | A To accuse his teammates of playing a joke on him |
She is only suggesting that his teammates remember their experience from the previous year incorrectly. |
✗ | B To warn him about the effects of getting older |
She is only talking about memories in order to politely say that his teammates were wrong. |
✗ | C To tell him she will make an exception for him. |
This is the opposite of what she is saying. She is denying that it is possible to just walk in and get the form signed. |
✓ | D To indicate that he received the wrong impression |
Correct. The receptionist continues to hold her position that you need an appointment to have a physical. |