
    1. Listen to Track 148.

      Now answer the questions.

    2. Why does the student go to see the professor?

      1. To apply for the teaching assistant position
      2. To ask about the teaching assistant position
      3. To encourage her to pay him for working as her teaching assistant
      4. To ask about his grade in her class
    3. What will be the focus of the professor’s upcoming class?

      1. Issues about race
      2. Two critical papers
      3. Novels written by Octavia Butler
      4. Issues about gender
    4. What will the student have the opportunity to do as teaching assistant?

      1. To recommend novels for the class to read and discuss
      2. To grade the two critical papers
      3. To write the class syllabus
      4. To lead class discussion
    5. What does the professor need to get approval from the department to do?

      1. Hire a teaching assistant
      2. Teach the class
      3. Pay the student for working as her teaching assistant
      4. Have more than 15 students in the class
    1. What is the student concerned about?

      1. That being teaching assistant means he will have less time to work at his job
      2. Whether he wants to lead class discussion
      3. That being teaching assistant will take time away from his other classes
      4. That the professor will not offer him the teaching assistant position