Answers and Explanations—14.6

  1. PowerPoint Problems—Track 151

    Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the campus computer center.

    Administrator: Good afternoon! What can I do for you?

    Student: Hi, um, I have, I guess a strange question. I’m just, I mean, I have this presentation that I need to do for this class and, well, I’ve done the research and everything, but I’m not sure how to—do you offer any classes on creating PowerPoint presentations?

    Administrator: Well, we don’t offer classes, but there are several volunteers who would be happy to work with you to make your PowerPoint look more professional, or to help with templates, or things like that. What kind of help are you looking for?

    Student: I guess I need something a little bit more in-depth than that. To be honest, I’ve never actually used PowerPoint. I’m just not that comfortable with doing much other than typing papers on computers.

    Administrator: Oh, that shouldn’t be a problem. Our volunteers are great at helping students to learn new programs. And PowerPoint is pretty straightforward; there’s even tutorials within the program if you decide you need some extra help.

    Student: That sounds good. I really want this presentation to go well, and the students who have presented already have all seemed very comfortable with the program, and I don’t want to look unprepared.

    Administrator: Sure, since you got the research done, you want to make sure that the professor is able to see the work you put into this project.

    Student: Right. My presentation is scheduled for next week, so I need to get started right away. Is there a volunteer available today?

    Administrator: Actually, no. Our volunteers don’t come in until the end of the week.

    Student: Oh no. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get everything done if I have just a few days to put things together.

    Administrator: Hmm, well, you could get started on your own. Like I said, there are some tutorials in the program. Oh, I just remembered, there are some videos one of the students made a few years back for a class project. The topic was the best ways to use PowerPoint.

    Student: Do the videos go through the basics?

    Administrator: Most of them. You’ll probably be able to figure out anything the video doesn’t cover just by playing with the controls and tools in the program.

    Student: Okay, I’ll try that, and then come back at the end of the week to talk to the volunteers.

    Administrator: Tell you what, why don’t you get started now, in this computer center. I’ll be managing the front desk for a while, so if you have any questions, you can come talk to me.

    Student: That would be great, thanks so much!

    Administrator: I’m happy to help.

  2. Why does the student go to the computer center?

    Gist-purpose. He wants help learning how to use PowerPoint so that he can present his research project in a professional way.

    A To learn how to type a research paper

    The student already knows how to do this.

    B To find someone who will evaluate his presentation

    He has not yet created his presentation, so there’s no way that he can be asking someone for their feedback.

    C To ask about learning how to use PowerPoint

    Correct. This is his goal.

    D To find out whether other students struggle in this area, too

    The student does not mention this.

  3. How did the student probably feel when he first arrived at the computer center?

    Speaker’s Attitude. He stammers through asking for help and it takes him some time to finally admit that he has never used PowerPoint. He’s very nervous.

    A Embarrassed about his lack of knowledge with PowerPoint

    Correct. The student’s embarrassment is shown when he struggles to articulate what his problem is, and again as he slowly reveals how much help he will need.

    B Excited to be learning a new skill

    The student does not display any indication of excitement.

    C Upset that only volunteer staff is available

    First, volunteer staff is not available. Second, the student does not seem to be upset.

    D Nervous about the amount of research that still needs to be done

    The student indicates that he has completed his research.

  4. What does the administrator imply about the student’s professor?

    Inference. The only reference to the professor comes when the two are talking about how the work will appear. Without a basic understanding of PowerPoint, the student might seem unprepared to the professor.

    A The professor will have no opinion on the quality of the student’s PowerPoint.

    If this were true, why would the student be so nervous about learning PowerPoint, and why would the administrator agree about its importance?

    B The professor could mistakenly believe that the student was unprepared for the project.

    Correct. The administrator implies that if the presentation does not look professional, the professor might not be able to see the amount of work that was put into the project.

    C The professor should have taught the student the basics of PowerPoint before this assignment.

    The conversation does not mention this.

    D The professor did not intend for everyone to have to use PowerPoint.

    The conversation does not mention this.

  5. What does the administrator imply about the student videos made a few years ago?

    Inference. The administrator states that these videos explain how to use PowerPoint and cover most of the basic concepts.

    A They were designed to help people in the same position as this student.

    The administrator does not say why they were created.

    B They are meant for only advanced PowerPoint users.

    This is contradicted. The administrator mentions them because she believes they might be helpful to the man.

    C They can be used in only one of the campus’s computer centers.

    The administrator does not mention this.

    D They will cover most, but not all, of the basics of PowerPoint.

    Correct. In response to the student’s question, the administrator says that most of the basics will be covered, and any that aren’t can be figured out independently, implying that not all of the basics are covered.

  6. What will the administrator do to help the student?

    Detail. She offers to answer questions if the student starts his work in the computer lab she is monitoring.

    A Tutor him one-on-one in PowerPoint

    The administrator does not offer this.

    B Contact one of the volunteers to get him started earlier

    The administrator does not offer this.

    C Answer the questions that the videos don’t cover today

    Correct. The administrator offers to help the student get started if he works in this computer center. She specifically says she can answer any questions he has.

    D Provide a list of books that teach PowerPoint skills

    The administrator does not offer this.