Narrator: Now listen to a conversation between two students.
Female student: Oh, no. I can’t believe this.
Male student: What’s wrong?
Female student: My History essay… it’s vanished from my computer! I finished it after midnight last night. I must have accidentally deleted the file instead of saving it!
Male student: We were supposed to turn in a rough draft last week. Did you do that?
Female student: Yes, I have the rough draft on my computer. Although it wasn’t exactly high quality. I had two exams last week, so I wrote a quick first draft and then did most of the research and analysis this week. Now I’ll have to re-create my entire paper. And it’s due tomorrow.
Male student: Start from your rough draft and write down everything that you remember right now. Then you can revise it to add more details.
Female student: Doing that in one day might… my essay might not be good enough to earn a high mark. I wonder whether the professor would give me an extension so I can do a better job. I really need to get an A in this class.
Male student: She said in the syllabus that she gives extensions. You can turn in a paper up to three days late, but she’ll take some points off of your grade.
Female student: Hmm. I’ll have to think about whether it’s better to rewrite the whole thing today… or take the extra days… if I can write a much better paper with more time.
Narrator: Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the conversation you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
The woman wrote a history essay but… accidentally deleted it. The essay is due tomorrow, and she must to decide whether… she should rewrite the entire paper tonight, um, and trying to remember as much as possible what she wrote before, um, or instead maybe she should take, uh, an extension. She could take a few extra days to re-create that research and analysis… although, she would lose some points from the essay grade. Um, I think between the two options, she should take the extension so that she can thoroughly rewrite her essay. She states that she needs a good grade, so I think, um, you know, if she writes a fantastic essay and earns a perfect grade and then there would be points taken off, but she can still be in the A range.
The student states her opinion strongly and explains why she chose that solution. She has a few grammatical errors. But her response is still clear and easy to understand, so she can still earn a good score.