Erica Brown, my wife and my best editor. Every intuition you had about this book was spot-on. Without your support in the dark times, it would never have seen the light.
My children, Tali and Yoni, Gavi and Bec, Shai and Alison, and Ayelet. Thank you for giving me the space to write this book, and the love to welcome me back now that it is completed.
Michael Palgon, my agent, for believing in the story and navigating the path from proposal to publication.
Dan Zak, my editor, who gently and expertly guided me and the manuscript through its many draft versions.
Matthew Benjamin, my editor at Simon & Schuster, whose feedback was the map with which I navigated the writing process.
Laura Cherkas, my copy editor and fact-checker extraordinaire. Your eye for detail is simply remarkable.
The following experts patiently allowed me to interview them. Each provided me with all the information I could use and much, much more: Mark Burchess, John Clerici, Peter Doshi, Tom Jefferson, Ali Khan, Gregg Margolis, Brody Mullins, Holt Murray, Forrest Nelson, David Noll, Peter Palese, Andrew Pollard, Autumn Reddinger, Gary Reddinger, Jeff Shaman, Lone Simonsen, Charles Stoecker, Jeff Taubenberger, Don Weiss.