All of the sources used to write this book are available on www.isabellelegeron.com.


S.A.I.N.S.: vins-sains.org

VinNatur: vinnatur.org/en

Association des Vins Naturels: lesvinsnaturels.org

Renaissance des Appellations:


Vini Veri: viniveri.net

PVN (Productores de Vinos Naturales):


Taste Life: schmecke-das-leben.at


RAW WINE (London | Berlin | New York | Los Angeles): rawwine.com

La Dive Bouteille: diveb.blogspot.co.uk

À Caen le Vin: vinsnaturelscaen.com

Buvons Nature: buvonsnature.over-blog.com

Festivin: festivin.com

H2O Vegetal: h2ovegetal.wordpress.com

Les 10 Vins Cochons: les10vinscochons.blogspot.com

Les Affranchis: les-affranchis.blogspot.com

Les Pénitentes:


Les Remise: laremise.fr

Real Wine Fair: therealwinefair.com

Rootstock: rootstocksydney.com

Salon des Vins Anonymes: vinsanonymes.canalblog.com

Villa Favorita: vinnatur.org

Vini Circus: vinicircus.com

Vini di Vignaioli: vinidivignaioli.com


Below are details of the list of stockists (including bars, restaurants, and bottle stores) that feature in Where and When: Trying and Buying Natural Wine, pages 124127, together with a few others you may want to explore.

Fine Dining

Claude Bosi at Bibendum (London): bibendum.co.uk

Fera at Claridge’s (London): feraatclaridges.co.uk

Nobelhart' Schmutzig (Berlin): nobelhartundschmutzig

Noma (Copenhagen): noma.dk

Rouge Tomate (New York): rougetomatenyc.com

Taubenkobel (near-ish Vienna): taubenkobel.at

Casual Eateries and Bars

Elliot’s (London): elliotscafe.com

40 Maltby St (London): 40maltbystreet.com

Antidote (London): antidotewinebar.com

Brawn (London): brawn.co

Brilliant Corners (London): brilliantcornerslondon.co.uk

Ducksoup (London): ducksoupsoho.co.uk (and sister restaurant Rawduck; rawduckhackney.co.uk)

Soif (London): soif.co

Terroirs (London): terroirswinebar.com

The Remedy (London): theremedylondon.com

Vivant (Paris): vivantparis.com/en/

Verre Volé (Paris): leverrevole.fr

Via del Vi (Perpignan): viadelvi.com

The Ten Bells (New York): thetenbells.typepad.com

Wildair (New York): wildair.nyc

The Four Horsemen (New York): fourhorsemenbk.com

Ordinaire (Oakland): ordinairewine.com

Punchdown (Oakland): punchdownwine.com

Terroirs (San Francisco): terroirsf.com

Les Trois Petits Bouchons (Montreal):


Shonzui (Tokyo): 2F, 7-10-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Enoteca Saint Vin Saint (São Paulo): saintvinsaint.com.br

Bar Brutal (Barcelona): cancisa.cat

Cordobar (Berlin): cordobar.net

Wild Things (Berlin): wildthingsberlin.de

Retail (Stores)

Burgess & Hall Wines (London): burgessandhall.com

La Cave des Papilles (Paris): lacavedespapilles.com

Chambers St Wines (New York): www.chambersstwines.com

Discovery Wines (New York): discoverywines.com

Frankly Wines (New York): franklywines.com

Henry’s Wines & Spirits (New York): henrys.nyc

Lou (Los Angeles): louwineshop.com

Noble Fine Liquor (London): noblefineliquor.co.uk

Smith & Vine (New York): smithandvine.com

Thirst Wine Merchants (New York): thirstmerchants.com

Uva (New York): uvawines.com

Les Zinzins du Vin (Besançon, France): leszinzinsduvin.com


These are books that I have read and which may be of interest to you as well. They are not necessarily related to natural wine, but many are building blocks that have helped inform what I do and why. Happy reading.

Abouleish, Ibrahim, Sekem: A Sustainable Community in the Egyptian Desert (Floris Books, 2005)

Augereau, Sylvie, Carnet de Vigne Omnivore—2e Cuvée (Hachette Pratique, 2009)

Allen, Max, Future Makers: Australian Wines For The 21st Century (Hardie Grant Books, 2011)

Bird, David, Understanding Wine Technology: The Science of Wine Explained (DBQA Publishing, 2005)

Bourguignon, Claude & Lydia, Le Sol, la Terre et les Champs (Sang de la Terre, 2009)

Campy, Michel, La Parole de Pierre—Entretiens avec Pierre Overnoy, vigneron à Pupillin, Jura (Mêta Jura, 2011)

Chauvet, Jules, Le vin en question (Jean-Paul Rocher, 1998)

Columella, De Re Rustica: Books I–XII (Loeb Classical Library, 1989)

Diamond, Jared, Collapse (Penguin Books, 2011)

Feiring, Alice, Naked Wine: Letting Grapes Do What Comes Naturally(Da Capo Press, 2011)

Goode, Jamie and Harrop, Sam, Authentic Wine: toward natural sustainable winemaking (University of California Press, 2011)

Gluck, Malcolm, The Great Wine Swindle (Gibson Square, 2009)

Jancou, Pierre, Vin vivant: Portraits de vignerons au naturel (Editions Alternatives, 2011)

Joly, Nicolas, Biodynamic Wine Demystified (Wine Appreciation Guild, 2008)

Juniper, Tony, What Has Nature Ever Done For Us? How Money Really Does Grow On Trees (Profile Books, 2013)

Mabey, Richard, Weeds: The Story of Outlaw Plants (Profile Books, 2012)

Matthews, Patrick, Real Wine (Mitchell Beazley, 2000)

McGovern, Patrick E., Ancient Wine: The Search for the Origins of Viniculture (Princeton University Press, 2003)

Morel, François, Le Vin au Naturel (Sang de la Terre, 2008)

Pliny (the Elder), Natural History: A Selection (Penguin Books, 2004)

Pollan, Michael, Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation (Penguin, 2013)

Robinson, Jancis, Harding, Julia and Vouillamoz, José, Wine Grapes (Penguin, 2012)

Thun, Maria, The Biodynamic Year—Increasing yield, quality and flavor, 100 helpful tips for the gardener or smallholder (Temple Lodge, 2010)

Waldin, Monty, Biodynamic Wine Guide 2011 (Matthew Waldin, 2010)


The following writers regularly cover natural wine in some way (apologies if I have left anyone out—for a more complete list, see isabellelegeron.com):

alicefeiring.com (US author and journalist)

caulfieldmountain.blogspot.com (Australian journalist and author)

dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/author/eric-asimov (Eric Asimov, journalist and critic for NY Times)

glougueule.fr (French journalist and activist)

ithaka-journal.net (ecology and wine—with articles by Hans-Peter Schmidt)

jimsloire.blogspot.co.uk (UK investigative blogger)

louisdressner.com (US importer)

montysbiodynamicwineguide.com (UK biodynamic consultant and author)

saignee.wordpress.com (blogger)

vinosambiz.blogspot.co.uk (Spanish natural producer and regular blogger)

wineanorak.com (UK author and blogger)

wineterroirs.com (French blogger and photographer)

For Patrick Rey’s Mythopia Series, visit capteurs-de-nature.com/Z/Mythopia/index.html



Punching down the grapes at Domaine Léon Barral in the Languedoc, France. This ensures that the "cap" (made up of the grape solids) is kept submerged and in contact with the juice during fermentation.