Have you ever said any of the following?
A. “I dream of leaving my day job—or at least taking some time off—so that I can pursue other passions.”
B. “I’m happiest when I’m juggling tasks. Sometimes I do my best thinking when I put a project aside to work on something else for a while.”
C. “I need a career that engages me fully—but is flexible enough that I can spend time with my family or doing other things that nurture me.”
D. “I often feel pulled in many directions—not because I can’t focus, but because I have so many interests and ideas.”
E. “I’m comfortable with new beginnings. In fact, if I do the same thing for too long, I become bored by the lack of challenges.”
If you agree with one or more of the above statements, a slash career could be right for you. In fact, you’re probably already on your way to one. In today’s increasingly elastic workplace, people with curiosity, vision, and a streak of independence can reject a conventional job—and custom-blend all their skills and interests into the slash careers of their dreams.
“For those of us (all of us) who have way more than one goal/passion/talent in life, this is the ultimate guide! Right now you’re holding the best advice of more than 100 folks who’ve done it already. Better get out your thank-you cards, because you’ll be writing one to Marci Alboher before you finish chapter 3!”
—Keith Ferrazzi, CEO/speaker/entrepreneur/author of Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time
“A must-read for anyone wanting to successfully navigate multiple callings.”
—Gregg Levoy, author of Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life
“Marci Alboher presents a descriptive and informative picture of a contemporary approach to building a career. . . . [This book] provides hope, inspiring case studies, and tangible tips for people who want to combine multiple interests and skills into a completely fulfilling career.”
—Julie Jansen, author of I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This and You Want Me to Work with Who?
“Written for those people who have multiple skills and interests, ONE PERSON/MULTIPLE CAREERS provides a winning strategy for both surviving and prospering in today’s changing economy. A quick and interesting read with plenty of examples, the book will have a long-term impact on those who want to pursue several different careers simultaneously or in quick succession. It will help bring direction and sanity to multitaskers who are skillful at many things and want to figure out how to have it all.”
—Bill Coplin, author of 10 Things Employers Want You to Learn in College: The Know-How You Need to Succeed
“Your ability to identify and fully exploit all your talents is essential to maximizing your success. This book shows you, step-by-step, how to fulfill your true potential.”
—Brian Tracy, author of The Way to Wealth
“Having multiple occupations is not only feasible but often fulfilling. There are some really interesting stories in here of personal triumph over the mundane and routine.”
—Abby Wilner, researcher/speaker/webmaster/coauthor of Quarterlife Crisis
“Insightful . . . essential for anyone trying to find time to pursue multiple passions.”
—Laura Stack, speaker/mom/author of Find More Time: How to Get Things Done at Home, Organize Your Life, and Feel Great About It
“No one likes to be pigeonholed or put in a box. Marci helps us see that in our quest for fulfillment we can be many different things, all wrapped up in one authentic person!”
—Rebecca Zucker, founding partner of Next Step Partners
“I really like this book—especially the concrete examples of how ‘The Slash Effect’ can help you build your own business while maintaining security at the same time. Not only that, Alboher may have cracked the code for how to successfully integrate all our passions into multiple careers in a meaningful and profitable way.”
—Michael Port, author of Book Yourself Solid: The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Reliable System for Getting More Clients
“Marci Alboher is the Walt Whitman of the new world of work. She realizes that we are large, that we contain multitudes. With deftly told stories and plenty of smart advice, Alboher shows how multiple professions and multiple identities can converge into a unified—and better—life. If what you do feels out of sync with who you are, this may be the most important book you read this year.”
—Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive, A Whole New Mind and Free Agent Nation
“This groundbreaking book identifies a new model of work and explains a future that’s already arrived.”
—Gretchen Rubin, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project