the white trunk of the birch tree

Only when Joona has left the stairwell and is hurrying through the main floor of the German embassy does he realise how his lungs are heaving and how much his eyes sting. He has to get out for some clear air. He coughs heavily and remains close to the wall as he jogs on. He can hear new explosions above him, and a ceiling lamp falls to the ground. He can hear many sirens. He walks out through the main entrance of the embassy with relief. Six German military policemen are deployed on the asphalt outside the door. They make up the provisional security team. Joona draws fresh, clean air into his lungs, coughing and looking around. Two fire trucks have set up ladders against the wall of the embassy. Outside the fence, there are crowds of police officers and ambulance personnel. Karl Mann lies on the grass and a doctor is leaning over him listening to his lungs. Penelope Fernandez is walking along the fence that separates this building from the Japanese embassy. Her shoulders are covered by a blanket.

At the last minute, Joona had gone back into the men’s bathroom to retrieve this battered backpack. It was an impulse. He couldn’t understand why the hit man had wanted to hide an empty backpack with the pistol and magazine in full sight in the sink.

He has a fit of coughing again. He opens the black nylon and looks inside. The backpack is not empty. It contains three different passports and a short attack knife with fresh blood on the blade.

Who did you cut? Joona wonders.

He peers closely at the knife blade. The blood is just starting to coagulate. He looks out over the busy people and ambulances on the other side of the gate. The woman with the burned dress is now bundled in a blanket and is being helped into an ambulance. She holds another woman’s hand. An older man with a soot streak on his forehead is talking on the phone. His expression is empty.

Joona realises his mistake. He drops the backpack and the bloody knife to the ground and runs to the fence to yell at the guard to let him out.

He rushes past police and other personnel, jumps the plastic tape barricade, and forces his way past journalists who seem to have sprung up out of the ground like weeds. He stands on the road, blocking a yellow ambulance just ready to leave.

“What wound does he have on his arm?” Joona yells as he holds up his ID.

“What?” the ambulance driver asks in surprise.

“The man injured by the bomb—he has a wound on his forearm and I need—”

“Considering his condition, it’s not that important.”

“I have to see his injury!” Joona yells.

The ambulance driver wants to protest further, but something in Joona’s voice makes him change his mind and he does what Joona asks.

Joona climbs into the back of the ambulance. The man lying on the stretcher has a face totally covered in bandages with only an area free to allow an oxygen mask and an oxygen lead to his nose. A suction tip is hanging from his mouth. One of the ambulance attendants cuts the jacket and shirt wider open. The wound is temporarily bandaged.

But it’s not a bullet wound. It’s a knife cut and it’s deep.

Joona jumps out of the ambulance and looks around the area until he sees Saga. She’s carrying a plastic cup with water, but as soon as she sees his expression, she throws it to the ground and comes running.

He’s getting away again, Joona thinks. We can’t let him get away!

Joona pans the scene, remembering he’d seen Penelope with a blanket over her shoulders heading along the fence between the embassies and turning onto Gärdesgatan.

“Bring a gun!” he yells at Saga as he starts running along the fence. He turns to the right but can’t spot Penelope or the hit man anywhere.

As if in their own little world, a woman is watching two beautiful Dalmatians play freely on the grassy lawn of the Italian Cultural Institute.

Joona races past its shining white façade, already pulling his pistol out of its holster. He realises that the hit man had merged with the stream of people stumbling from the burning building.

Saga is yelling something behind him, but he doesn’t listen. His heart is pounding too loud and there’s a rushing sound in his head.

He runs faster towards a small grove of trees the killer might see as cover. He hears a sudden pistol shot. He stumbles down the slope of a dike and then up the other side, up a hill, and between the trunks of trees in the grove.

More pistol shots. The explosions are short and sharp.

Joona bats aside tree branches and then comes out onto the sunny lawn. He sees Penelope three hundred metres away. She’s underneath a birch tree. A man is sitting against the tree with his head hanging down. Penelope is on the ground in front of him when suddenly she’s pulled forward and then falls back. The man is aiming a gun right at her. While running, Joona throws a shot at the man, but the distance is too great. He stops to take a steady stance and hold his gun in both hands. At that same moment the hit man fires two shots into Penelope’s chest. She flies onto her back. The hit man looks exhausted, but lifts his gun again. Joona shoots and misses. He runs closer and watches Penelope kick at the man to get away. The hit man looks up to see Joona coming but then looks back down at Penelope. He is looking her in the eyes as he aims the gun at her face. A shot is fired … but Joona hears the sound from behind. It whines past his right ear and within the same second a cascade of blood squirts from behind the hit man’s back to cover the white tree trunk. The full metal jacket bullet has torn through his breastbone, into his heart, and on out of his back to bury itself in the tree behind him. Even as Joona keeps running with his gun still aimed, another shot rings out. The already dead body whirls under the impact, the bullet’s entry point just centimetres away from the first one. Joona lowers his gun and turns to see Saga standing in the grove of trees with a high-calibre rifle at her shoulder. Her long hair is dappled by the sunlight breaking through the leaves and her expression is still one of deadly concentration as she slowly lowers the rifle.

Penelope scrambles back, coughing, into the sunlight. She gets up to stare down at the dead man. Joona walks over to the body, kicks away the pistol, and kneels to put his finger against the man’s throat. He wants to make absolutely sure this man is dead.

Penelope unlatches the bulletproof vest and lets it fall to the ground. Joona gets up and comes to her as she walks towards him, staggering, as if she is about to faint. He catches her exhausted body as her face falls to rest against his chest.