Gallstoun near Kinnegad. July. 5th. 1721

It was not convenient, hardly possible to write to you before now, though I had a more than ordinary desire to do it, considering the Disposition I found you in last, though I hope I left you in a better.1 I must here beg you to take more Care of your Health, by Company and Exercise, or else the Spleen will get the better of you, than which there is not a more foolish or troublesome Disease; and what you have no Pretence in the World to, if all the Advantages of Life can be any Defence against it. Cad— assures me he continues to esteem and love and value you above all things, and so will do to the End of his Life; but at the same time entreats that you would not make your self or him unhappy by Imaginations.2 The Wisest men of all Ages have thought it the best Course to Seize the Minutes as they fly, and to make every innocent action an Amusement. If you knew how I Struggle for a little Health, what uneasyness I am at in riding and walking, and refraining from every thing agreeable to my Tast, you would think it but a small thing to take a Coach now and then, and to converse with Fools or impertinents to avoid Spleen and Sickness—Without Health you will lose all desire of drinking your Coffee, and [be] so low as to have no Spirits—I answer all your Questions that you were used [to] ask Cad— and he protests he answers them in the Affirmative—How go your Law Affairs?3 You were once a good Lawyer, but Cad— hath spoiled you—I had a weary Journy in an Irish Stage-Coach,4 but am pretty well since—Pray write to me chearfully without Complaints or Expostulations or else Cad— shall know it and punish you—What is this world without being as easy in it as Prudence and Fortune can make it—I find it every day more silly and insignificant, and I conform my self to it for my own Ease; I am here as deep employd in othr Folks Plantations and Ditchings as if they were my own Concern5 and think of my absent Friends with delight, and hopes of seeing them happy, and of being happy with them. Shall you who have so much Honor and good Sense act otherwise to make Cad— and your self miserable?—Settle your Affairs, and quit this scoundrel Island, and things will be as you desire—I can say no more being called away, mais soyez assureè que jamais personne du monde a etè aimèe honorèe estimeè adoreè par votre amie que vous.6 I drank no Coffee since I left you nor intend till I see you again; there is none worth drinking but yours, if my self may be the judge7—adieu