Reunion Dinner for Metromedia

AT THE NAPTE Convention in Las Vegas in 2000, Metromedia decided to have a Metromedia reunion dinner. About a hundred people showed up. That evening, I was sitting next to John Kluge, and I whispered in a joking way into his ear the following: “John, there are a hundred people here tonight who are celebrating the great success we have had at Metromedia. These are the same people who helped you become the richest man in America. Whatever success you’ve had, you had it because of the hard work and determination of the people in this room. Why don’t you do something nice for them? As a surprise, why don’t you announce that you are going to give each and everyone of them $1 million dollars? That’s only about $100 million dollars. That’s nothing to you.”

John looked at me and then found some words in his mouth.

“Are you serious Bob? You’re out of your mind.”

“No, I’m not John. I think it is a great gesture and it shows them just how much you appreciate each and everyone of them.”

“You give it to them, Bob,” he stiffly said to me.

“Are you sure you won’t do it, John?”

“Of course I won’t do it.”



“Well, if you won’t do that, will you at least pick up the dinner tab?”

John looked at me with daggers in his eyes.

“No, Bob, I won’t do that either.”