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Acta Apostolicae Sedis (“Acts of the Holy See”), 188

adaptationists, 170–71

Africa, 2, 7, 20, 26–27, 76, 96, 108, 122, 192–94

After Virture (MacIntyre), 31–32

Alighieri, Dante, see Dante Alighieri

Allen, John, 73, 77, 107, 116, 147

“Amid Splits, Catholic Bishops Crack Open Door on Divorce” article, 124

Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”), 129–43, 146–50, 183–85, 188, 193–96, 204–5

Angelerio, Pietro, see Celestine V

Anglicanism, 8–9, 39, 99, 108, 122, 137–38, 193, 196

Anscombe, Elizabeth, 31

Antonelli, Ennio, 136

Aparecida Document, 59

apostasy, 173–76, 180–81

Apostolic Signatura (Vatican Supreme Court), 62, 68, 105, 110

Argentina, 53–58, 64–65, 135

Arianism, 154–57

Asia, 2, 7, 47, 114

Atcherley Dew, John, 115

Athanasius (bishop of Alexandria), 157, 158–59

Augustine, Saint, 163, 169, 180

Augustiniansim, 164

Augustinus (Jansen), 163, 166

Australia, 185, 191

Baldisseri, Lorenzo, 103–6, 109–12, 117–19

baptism, 56, 65, 89, 92

beatific vision, 12, 153

Belgium, 46

Benedictine order, 34–35

Benedict XII, 153

Benedict XVI, 6

Benedictine order and, 34–35

bishop synods and, 102–3, 109

Celestine V and, 35–37

church unity and, 10–11, 201, 206

conservative legacy of, 16–17, 24, 44–45, 139, 206

Cuba-U.S. diplomacy and, 39

evangelization and, 39

financial reform and, 38–41

global economy and, 39

John Paul II and, 39–42

Meisner eulogy and, 186–87

papal authority and, 11, 43

papal infallibility and, 13

papal resignation of, 17, 20, 36–37, 42–43, 184

sermons and theological works of, 40

sex abuse crisis and, 16, 38–42

2006 faith and reason address of, 56

Vatileaks scandal and, 41–42

Benson, Robert Hugh, 71

Bergoglio, Jorge, see Francis

Bertone, Tarcisio, 41

Betori, Giuseppe, 136

birth control, 15–16, 19, 24–27, 31, 47, 71–72, 149–50

“Bishops Hand Pope Defeat on His Outreach to Divorced Catholics” article, 124

Blaine, James G., 51

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 43

Boniface VIII, 36–37, 205, 207

see also Liber Sextus; Unam Sanctam

Brandmüller, Walter, 143, 186

Brazil, 135, 191

Britain, 203

Bruce, Lenny, 80

Buenos Aires, 48–50, 56, 63, 140

Burke, Edmund, 71

Burke, Raymond, 62, 68, 105–10, 113, 118, 133, 143–45, 148–49, 186, 188

Buttiglione, Rocco, 133, 186

Caetani, Benedetto, see Boniface VIII

Caffarra, Carlo, 143, 186, 188

Calvinism, 7, 51, 164–68

Camagni, Manuela, 42

Canada, 47, 142

canonizations, 4, 52, 70, 114–15

canon law, 23, 36, 44, 85, 105, 143, 153

capitalism, 6, 57–58, 67, 70, 114, 162

cardinal conclave, 46–50, 59–62

cardinal consistory, 81–83, 143

see also synod on family

Casa Santa Marta (Vatican guesthouse), 64–65, 106

Catholic Church:

as “bride of Christ,” 84

as community of believers, 2

as corporation, 2

financial reform within, 38–41, 65, 109

Florida convocation and, 147

future of, 79, 185, 190–92, 199

influence over politics and, 6, 32, 114, 161–62, 202

intra-Catholic differences and, 6–10, 26–30, 98, 110–12, 120–22, 206; see also conservative Catholicism; liberal Catholicism

modern history of, 149

public image of, 5, 10, 78, 187

renewal of, 14, 17, 21, 33–34; see also Vatican II

self-image of, 15–17; see also People of God

sex abuse crisis and, 29–31, 38–42

short-term trends and, 191

usury debate and, 161–63

in West vs. developing world, 74–77

see also magisterium (official Catholic teaching)

Catholic Encyclopedia, 157

Catholic Herald, 196

“Catholicism Lite,” 18–20

Celestine V, 35–37, 42, 44–45, 207

Chandler, Kyle, 183

Chaput, Charles, 135, 138

China, 52, 53

Christian morality, 85–86, 92, 95–97

Christian virtue, 96, 163, 172

Christology, 155

church growth, 1–2, 6, 32

church history, 1–4, 14–34

church unity, 10–11, 24, 73, 201–6

Civiltà Cattolica, La, 66–67, 104, 115, 128

Coleridge, Mark, 120–22

College of Cardinals, 41, 49, 145, 188

Collins, Thomas, 118


Amoris Laetitia and, 131, 134–36

ban on, 136, 143; see also remarriage-communion debate

Cardinal Galantino on, 68

church decentralization and, 89, 93–94

dubium about, 143

intercommunion and, 141

Kasper proposal and, 81–83

presence of Jesus in, 29

confession, 79–83, 86, 89, 93–94

confirmation, 89

Congar, Yves, 57

Congregation for Bishops, 68, 105

see also U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Congregation for Divine Worship, 72, 118, 139

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF):

Augustinus (Jansen) and, 166

Benedict XVI and, 62, 82

clarity on Amoris Laetitia and, 143

Fagan writings and, 68

Francis and, 110, 128, 139, 149

Müller as head of, 72, 113, 118, 185

sex abuse protocols and, 199

conscience, 15, 52, 91–94, 123, 143, 174

conservative Catholicism:

of Benedict XVI, 16–17, 24, 44–45, 139, 206

Francis era and, 66, 74–77, 187–88, 191–92, 195

intra-Catholic differences and, 7, 11, 206

of John Paul II, 16–20, 24, 28–29, 32–34, 139

sexual revolution and, 24, 29, 76

synod on family and, 112

Vatican II and, 17–20, 32

controversial issues:

in Canada, 142

church decentralization and, 138

Francis era and, 65–68, 82, 113–15, 150

intra-Catholic differences and, 9, 99–100

papal infallibility and, 13

post–Vatican II and, 21, 24, 29

Corbyn, Jeremy, 200

Council of Nicaea, 155–57

Council of Trent, 86, 122, 130, 159

Council of Vienne, 37

Cuba, 39, 114

cultural revolution, 27, 200–204

Cupich, Blase, 68, 72, 115, 139, 144

Danneels, Godfried, 46–50, 104, 115, 194

Dante Alighieri, 4, 36, 37, 162, 180

Davis, Kim, 114

Day, Dorothy, 203

deposit of faith, 11–12

de Souza, Raymond, 118, 129

Dignitatis Humanae, 102–3

Dirty War, 54, 58

Divine Comedy (Dante), 4, 37

Dolan, Timothy, 62, 118, 120, 139

Dominican order, 52, 68

dubia, 142–44, 183, 186–87, 193

Dueze, Jacques, see John XXII

Eco, Umberto, 153

ecumenical councils, 14, 17, 21–22, 37, 86, 102, 207

Elie, Paul, 34

Elizabeth I, queen of England, 8, 50

Endo, Shusako, 172–73

Episcopalianism, 8, 28, 152

Erdo, Peter, 106–8, 117

Eucharist, see communion

Europe, 7, 20, 27, 53, 68, 76, 86, 193–95, 203

Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”), 73–74


Benedict XVI, 39

Francis and, 59–61, 66, 72, 147, 206

Vatican II and, 14, 17, 21, 32–33

Fagan, Sean, 68

Familiaris Consortio, 82, 104, 131

family, synod on, 103–11, 127–28

Felix (antipope), 156

Fernández, Víctor Manuel, 106, 115, 130, 148–50, 205

Fernández de Kirchner, Cristina, 55–56

Festing, Matthew, 144–45

Fifth Lateran council, 21–22

financial reform, 38–41, 65, 109

Finke, Roger, 26

First Vatican Council, see Vatican I

Fisher, John, 87

Florida convocation, 147

forgiveness, 178

Forte, Bruno, 103, 106–8, 112, 117, 138

France, 52, 192–93, 203


Amoris Laetitia and, 129–43, 146–50

Argentine worldview of, 57–59

cardinal conclave and, 46–50, 59–62

critics and conservative opponents of, 185–88

Evangelii Gaudium and, 73–74

evangelization and, 59–61, 66, 72, 147

Hagan lío and, 59, 200, 208

hope for welcoming church and, 72–73

humility of, 64–66, 79–80

Jesuit order and, 50–55

Jubilee Year of Mercy and, 36, 191

Knights of Malta and, 144–45

Laudato Si’ and, 114, 202

liberal agenda of, 77–79, 190–98, 206

papal ambiguity and, 128, 132–37, 195–96

papal authority and, 110–12, 129, 188–90, 196, 206–7

as people’s pope, 66, 114, 200

progressive appointees of, 67–68, 72, 138, 190

synod on family and, 104–6, 109–12

“who am I to judge” comment of, 65, 71, 79, 82

Franciscan order, 63

“Francis effect,” 5, 190–91

Francis era:

African Christianity and, 192–94

changing world and, 83, 200–204

conflict among Catholic elites and, 149–50; see also theological controversies

conservative Catholicism and, 66, 187–88, 191–92, 195

controversial issues and, 65–68, 82, 113–15

early days of, 66–69, 82, 140

future of Catholicism and, 79, 185, 190–92, 199

media coverage of, 55, 65–69, 79, 82, 113, 126–28, 141, 147–49

short-term trends and, 191

Francis Miracle, The (Allen), 73, 77

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 63

Future of the Catholic Church with Pope Francis, The (Wills), 79

Galantino, Nunzio, 68

Germany, 28, 41, 46–47, 51, 58, 82, 92, 151

global economy, 39, 57–58, 67, 70

see also capitalism

gnosticism, 73–75, 176

God Owes Us Nothing (Kolakowski), 164–68

God’s grace, 130, 166, 181

Gomez, José, 138

Great Reformer, The: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope (Ivereigh), 56, 62, 150

Great Schism, 8, 37, 153

Greeley, Andrew M., 183

Gutiérrez, Gustavo, 68

Hagan lío (Make noise!), 59, 200, 208

Heal Me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing (Fernández), 106

heaven, 12, 153

Hegelianism, 151–52, 179

Henry VIII, king of England, 86, 90, 180

heresy, 10–12, 37, 52, 132, 154–56, 166, 187

Hilary, Saint, 157

Holy Office, see Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Holy Thursday foot washing, 65, 69

Honorius, 12, 154, 159, 205

Humanae Vitae, 15–16, 19, 27, 31, 47, 71–72, 149–50

see also birth control

Hummes, Cláudio, 63

Hunwicke, John, 137

Inferno (Dante), 37, 162

Instrumentum Laboris (“Working Document”), 117

intra-Catholic differences, 7–11, 21, 26–30, 98–100, 110–12, 120–22, 149, 167, 206

Ireland, 28–29, 75

Italy, 28–29, 146, 191

Ivereigh, Austen, 56–57, 61, 62, 148, 150

Jansen, Cornelius, 163, 168

Jansenism, 163–69, 172, 181

Japan, 172–73

Jerome, Saint, 155

Jesuit-Jansenist dispute, 52, 163–69

Jesuit order, 50–55, 71, 164–66, 169, 172–73

Jesus’s divinity, see Arianism

John XII, 3–4

John XXII, 12, 153, 159, 205

John XXIII, 12, 14–15, 22–24

John Paul II, 27, 30, 38, 45, 49, 50, 55, 57–59, 61, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 79, 122, 132, 133, 140, 146, 148, 157, 158, 170, 183, 186, 189, 190, 191, 195, 197, 198, 200, 204

Benedict XVI’s reign and, 39–42

bishop synods and, 102–3

church unity and, 10–11, 201, 206

conservative Catholicism of, 16–20, 24–25, 28–29, 32–34, 139

Familiaris Consortio and, 82, 104, 131

Jesuit order and, 144–45

opposition to, 46–47, 48, 149

and papal infallibility, 13

pressures of papacy and, 3–5

Veritatis Splendor and, 98, 123, 129–30

Jubilee Year of Mercy, 36, 116, 191

Kasper, Walter, 46–50, 81–83, 94–96, 103–5, 108, 123, 141–44, 151, 204

Kasper proposal, 90–93, 97–99, 105, 107–10, 116–22, 134, 150, 204

Kelley, Dean, 27

Kirk, Russell, 71

Knights of Malta, 110, 113, 136, 144–46, 172

Kolakowski, Leszek, 164–68

Lacunza Maestrojuán, José Luis, 119

last rites, 142, 150

Latin America, 2, 27, 47, 53, 59, 65, 75, 89–91, 146

Laudato Si’, 114, 202

Lefebvre, Marcel, 25, 102

legalism, 175–78

Legionaries of Christ, 31, 192

Leo II, 154

Leo X, 3

Le Pen, Marine, 200

Lettres Provinciales (Pascal), 165, 169

liberal Catholicism:

Francis legacy and, 77–79, 190–98, 206

Hegelianism and, 151–52

intra-Catholic differences and, 7–11

John Paul II opponents and, 46–47

sexual revolution and, 96

synod on family and, 111

Vatican II and, 14–17, 32–33

liberation theology, 24, 27, 53–54

Liberius, 156–59

Liber Sextus, 36

see also canon law

Lord of the World (Benson), 71

Luther, Martin, 2, 7, 22, 51, 95, 148–49, 203

McElroy, Robert, 135

McElwee, Josh, 107

Maciel, Marcial, 31, 40–41

MacIntyre, Alasdair, 31

Magister, Sandro, 113, 120, 144

magisterium (official Catholic teaching):

Catholic practice vs., 16, 29, 80

College of Cardinals and, 145

dubium regarding, 143, 148–49

informal teaching of pope vs., 137

interpretation of, 23, 128

Jesuit theologians and, 53

on marriage and sexuality, 82–83, 92–94, 130–31

need to update, 104

papal authority and, 4–5

sexual revolution and, 81, 85

Vatican press office and, 69

“Make Catholicism Great Again,” 201

Maradiaga, Óscar Andrés Rodríquez, 68, 83


annulment process and, 88–89, 94, 115–16

magisterium on, 81–83, 90–94, 136

nonsacramental marriages and, 55–56, 65, 87, 96–97, 107–8, 129–33

Scripture about, 83–86

validity of, 87–90

see also remarriage-communion debate

Martin, James, 172–74, 177

Martini, Carlo Maria, 46–48

martyrdom, 2, 50–51, 54, 86–87, 98, 169, 173

Marx, Reinhard, 113

mass attendance, 29, 47, 59, 92, 190–91, 193

media coverage:

of Benedict XVI, 40–42

of Francis, 55, 65–69, 79, 82, 113, 126–28, 141, 147–49, 188

“Francis effect” and, 190–91

pressures of papacy and, 3, 13

of synod on family, 104–8, 112, 118, 124

Medici, Giovanni di Lorenzo de’, see Leo X

Meisner, Joachim, 143, 186–97

Middle Ages, 8, 37, 86–90

Middle East, 6–8, 37

missionaries, 1, 50–53, 59, 86–87, 169, 172–73

Monothelitism, 12, 154

More, Thomas, 87, 181

mortal sin, 23, 100, 107, 130, 133, 142, 170, 174

Müller, Gerhard, 72, 83, 105, 113, 118, 120–23, 139, 185–86, 187

Murphy, Walter F., 183

Murphy-O’Connor, Cormac, 46, 50

Murray, John Courtney, 102

Muslim-Christian relationships, 56

mysticism, 57

Name of the Rose, The (Eco), 153

Napier, Wilfrid, 108–9, 118, 120

National Catholic Reporter, 106, 107

Netherlands, 47

Neuhaus, Richard John, 196

Newman, John Henry, 137, 156, 180, 189

New Testament, see Scripture

Nicene Creed, 151, 155, 156

Nicholas IV, 35

Njue, John, 118

Norway, 51

Odozor, Paulinus, 193

O’Farrell, Ricardo, 53

Orbán, Viktor, 200

ordinations, 26, 68, 72

see also vocations

Orthodoxy, 7–8, 82, 85–86, 94, 99, 141, 155

Osservatore Romano, L’, 83, 175

Osteen, Joel, 71

Ottaviani, Alfredo, 10, 171

Ouellet, Marc, 49, 62

paganism, 1, 52, 155


condemnation of slavery and, 161–62

as depicted in film and TV, 183–85

nature and limits of, 1–13, 191

pope as global celebrity and, 4, 114

pope as public teacher and, 3, 69, 166

papal ambiguity, 128, 132–38, 195–96

papal audiences, 191

papal authority:

Benedict XVI and, 11, 43

Boniface VIII and, 36

deposit of faith and, 11–12

early church history and, 3–4

Francis and, 110–12, 129, 188–90, 196, 206–7

papal illness, 3, 42–43, 48

papal infallibility, 8, 12–13, 94, 98, 154, 170

papal misgovernment, 3, 80

papal resignation, 17, 20, 36–37, 42–43, 184

Parolin, Pietro, 109, 199

Pascal, Blaise, 163–65, 169–71

Paul, Ian, 162

Paul, Saint, 84, 87, 171

Paul VI, 15–16, 19, 24–27, 31, 47, 102

see also Humanae Vitae

Pelagianism, 164–66

Pell, George, 109, 113, 117, 118, 144, 185, 187, 199

penance, see confession

Pentecostalism, 27, 56

Pentin, Edward, 106, 108

People of God, 15–17, 47

Peter, Saint, 1, 43, 173, 178

Petra, Basilio, 136

Philip IV, king of France, 36–37

Philip V, king of France, 153

Philippines, 75, 114

Pierantoni, Claudio, 156

pilgrimages, 36, 191

Pius VI, 2–3

Pius VII, 3

Pius XII, 2, 12–13

Poland, 16, 58

politics, 5–6, 31–32, 58, 70, 114, 161–62, 200–204

Pontifical Academy for Life, 139

predestination, 163


Anglicanism, 8–9, 39, 99, 108, 122, 137, 193, 196

Book of Common Prayer and, 39

Calvinism, 7, 51, 164–68

early church history and, 1

ecumenical councils and, 14

Elizabeth I and, 8, 50

Episcopalianism, 8, 28, 152

Fifth Lateran and, 21–22

God’s grace and, 130

Henry VIII and, 86, 90

Jesuit order and, 50–51

liberal and conservative believers in, 27

Luther and, 2, 7, 22, 51, 95, 148–49, 203

Reformation and, 3, 8, 21, 50, 78, 86, 98, 141, 203

United Methodism, 8, 193

Virgin Mary and, 12

public relations, 5, 10, 187

see also “Francis effect”

Quarracino, Antonio, 55

Quesnel, Pasquier, 166

Radcliffe, Timothy, 68

Rand, Ayn, 71

Ratzinger, Joseph, see Benedict XVI

Reese, Thomas, 140

Reformation, 3, 8, 21, 50, 78, 86, 98, 141, 203

Relatio post Disceptationem (“Report After the Debate”), 107–12

religious ignorance, 69, 184

religious individualism, 74

Remaining in the Truth of Christ (Burke), 105–6

remarriage-communion debate, 81–83, 90–93, 97–100, 104–12, 122, 186, 190, 193, 202

renewal, 14, 17, 21, 33–34

see also Vatican II

Repubblica, La, 127

Ricci, Matteo, 52

Rigging of a Vatican Synod?, The (Pentin), 106

Rio de Janeiro, 43, 65

Rivera Carrera, Norberto, 118

Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church

Roman Jubilee, 36

see also pilgrimages

Rome, 36, 55, 135, 143–45, 191–93

Romero, Oscar, 54, 70, 114–15

Roncalli, Angelo Giuseppe, see John XXIII


baptism as, 56, 65, 89, 92

confession as, 79–83, 86, 89, 93–94

confirmation as, 89

intra-Catholic differences and, 9, 149

last rites as, 142, 150

marriage as, 83, 86

nonmarital relationships and, 131–33

ordinations as, 26, 68, 72

sacramental abuses and, 24

see also communion

Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 51

St. Gallen group, 46–49, 58–60, 68, 72, 81–83, 104

Saint Ignatius spiritual exercises, 54, 59

Saint Peter’s Basilica, 66

salvation, 36, 163–64

sanctity, 4–5

Sanders, Bernie, 200

Sarah, Robert, 72, 118, 139, 144, 158, 193

Scalfari, Eugenio, 126–27

Scherer, Odilo, 49, 62

Schönborn, Christoph, 133

Scola, Angelo, 49, 61–62

Scorsese, Martin, 172–73, 181

scriptural authority, 9, 12

scriptural interpretation, 9, 82, 86, 118


Gospel of John, 179

Gospel of Luke, 179

Gospel of Mark, 83–85, 179

Gospel of Matthew, 85, 176–77, 179, 207

Second Council of Lyon, 86

Second Vatican Council, see Vatican II

sedevacantism, 167

Seewald, Peter, 39, 42, 45

Seifert, Josef, 196

Sermon on the Mount, 53

sex abuse crisis, 16, 29–31, 38–42, 80, 115, 185, 199

sexual revolution:

Catholic teachings and, 81, 85

conservative Catholicism and, 24, 29, 76, 150

intra-Catholic differences and, 7–10, 21

liberal Catholicism and, 96

Silence (Endo), 172–75, 181

Sistine Chapel, 62

Smith, Christian, 26

social media, 119, 185

Society of Jesus, see Jesuit order

Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), 8, 25, 39–41, 58, 102, 192

Sodano, Angelo, 41, 49

Sorrentino, Paolo, 184

Sosa, Arturo, 151

Spadaro, Antonio, 66, 104, 115, 119, 128, 143–45, 151, 205

Spain, 75, 78

spiritual bestsellers, 75

Spong, John Shelby, 108

Stark, Rodney, 26

Switzerland, 46

Syllabus of Errors, 2

syncretism, 47

synod on family, 103–11, 127–28

Tagle, Luis, 120

Ten Commandments, 53, 140, 176–78, 179–80

Teresa of Ávila, Saint, 180

Thavis, John, 107

theological controversies, 149–55

Thérèse of Lisieux, Saint, 180

Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 53, 153, 180

Tobin, Joseph, 139

Tornielli, Andrea, 118

Trump, Donald, 200–202

Unam Sanctam, 36

see also papal authority

Unigenitus Dei Filius, 166

United Methodism, 8, 193

United States:

annulment process in, 88–89

cardinals in, 139

conservative Catholicism in, 28–31, 76, 99

contemporary Catholic Church in, 2

Cuba diplomacy and, 39

cultural-political fears in, 203

divorce rates in, 91

Florida convocation and, 147

liberal and conservative believers in, 6–8

mass attendance in, 190–91

pope’s image in, 146–48

2015 papal visit to, 114

universal church, 47

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 196

Vallely, Paul, 56, 61, 207

Vatican, The (TV series), 183

Vatican I, 8, 154, 159

Vatican II, 178–79

conservative Catholicism’s view of, 17–20, 32

interpretative battles and, 21–23, 83

Jesuit theologians and, 52–53

John XXIII and, 14–15, 22–24

liberal Catholicism’s view of, 14–17, 32–33

post–Vatican II truce and, 24–26, 98

Vatileaks scandal, 41–42, 49, 120

Veritatis Splendor, 98, 123, 129–30, 143

Vicar of Christ, The (Murphy), 183

Viganò, Carlo Maria, 41

vocations, 26–28, 47, 53–54, 190

von Boeselager, Albrecht, 144–45

Waugh, Evelyn, 180

Weinandy, Thomas, 196

White Smoke (Greeley), 183

“Why Conservative Churches Are Growing” study, 27

Williamson, Richard, 41

Wills, Garry, 79

World Youth Day, 43, 65

Wuerl, Donald, 109

“Young Catholic America” survey, 26

Young Pope (TV series), 183–85