
October 28, 1994

“We have had to focus a lot of our time on helping [the physicists] let go of the idea that they can stay in high energy physics and getting them to focus on transferable skills ... It’s really a shock to the system.”

— Marie Snidow, SSC Outplacement Councilor

“The loss of a job is a traumatic experience for anybody. The loss of a career is devastating. I spent 15 years doing physics ... my investment and my career went out the window.”

— Kate Morgan, Former SSC Physicist
now employed by Citicorp, Dallas

February 1, 1995

“Once upon a time, science did have a voice in determining [national science] policy, but that was long ago. ... what science needs more than anything else are vibrant spokespersons who can communicate with the public and with the policymakers. Otherwise I dread the coming debacle that seems to be brewing in our nation’s capital.”

— Prof. Leon Lederman, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Former Director of Fermilab, Nobel Laureate