May 29, 2004
February 14, 1987
“(The SSC is) the most challenging and exciting scientific project which this nation has ever undertaken on the surface of the earth. ... Give our physicists the tools, and they will do the work.”
— Congressman Robert Roe (D-NJ)
April 2, 1987
“... particle accelerators ... have spent (pause) meant so much to our economic growth.”
— President Ronald Reagan in a radio address
August 24, 1988
“I want to be ‘Robin’ to Bush’s ‘Batman.’”
— Senator Dan Quayle after receiving the
Republican nomination for Vice President
November 15, 1988
“(The SSC) is the most important scientific project that will be built anywhere in the world in the last quarter of the 20th century.”
— Senator Phil Gramm (R - Texas)
“Let’s find the Higgs boson for the Gipper!”
— A Senate Staff Member