Conclusion: Pay Attention

Crystals, like other magical tools, have the power that we give them. They are a tangible symbol of our intent, our goals, and our wishes. Be mindful of this and don’t forget about them. Pay attention.

If you have crystals in the home or outside that you haven’t tended in awhile, visit them. Cleanse and renew them. If you have boxes of crystals being stored, examine them regularly and keep track of them. When your collection grows to more than 100 specimens, it can be easy to overlook and even ignore them from time to time. I speak from experience, having my crystals stored in decorative boxes, stacked on a shelf. Even though they’re stacked neatly and well-organized, I have to regularly open those boxes and remember to use those crystals that don’t receive the same attention as my favorites. Like experimenting with different salts and spices, vary your use of crystals. If your collection is small, set a goal to purchase new pieces on a regular basis.

Paying attention means more than looking at your crystals; it means more than mere observation. Attention also means care, consideration, and courtesy, even affection. Attention also means sustained concentration—being mindful. This is a key element of magical practice. Establishing a connection with your crystals is vital to your success. In my previous book I mentioned taking time to “play” with your crystals—study them, hold them up to the light and take a deeper look, use a magnifying glass, photograph them. Connecting with your crystals helps attune you to their subtle energy. No matter how many crystals you have, your work with them is only as good as your connection and attention. Be aware, and be attentive.
