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Abadi, Moussa 249
Abetz, Otto 155–6
Abortion Act (1967) 352
Abse, Leo 351
Italian invasion of 154, 156, 210
Academic Centre for Christian
Democracy (Portugal) 140
Acerbo law 68
Action Française 158, 286, 288
Adams, Gerry 373, 382, 389, 392, 393, 404, 407, 408–9, 410
Adenauer, Konrad xiv, 36, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310–11, 312
Soviet invasion and occupation of 463
Taliban in 466
Africa 356
African migrants 480–1
Al Qaeda 453, 455, 463–4, 465–6, 471, 483
Albania 328
Alcoholics Anonymous 356
Alexander, king 263
Alexei, patriarch 326–7
Alfieri, Dino 232
Alfonso XIII, king 127, 136
Algeria 459, 479
Ali, Ayaan Hirsi xv, 457
Ali, Tariq 354
Alibert, Raphaël 241
All-German People’s Party 312–13
Allen, Dave 375
Almagia, Roberto 199
Althaus, Paul 19, 105, 109–10
Alves, Rubem 370
Amendola, Giovanni 61
Amis, Kingsley 353
Amitié Chrétienne 246
Amnesty International 356
Ancient Order of Hibernians 383
Andreotti, Giulio 294
Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) 405
Angola 356
Anschluss 149–51
antisemitism 30, 108, 163, 199, 217, 364, 479 see also Jews
Antonescu, General Ion 271, 273, 275
apartheid 356, 474
Apor, baron Vilmos 321
Apprentice Boys 390
Archambault, Paul 154, 155
Argentina 372
Aron, Raymond 121–2
Artajo, Alberto Martín 316
Artillery memorial (London) 3
Aryan, notion of 107–8
‘Aryan paragraph’ 206, 207
Assembly of Cardinals and Archbishops
(ACA) (France) 241, 244
Association of Catholic Men’s
Organisations 312
Asztalos, János 333
Atta, Mohammed 451, 452, 453
Aube, L’ 154, 286
Auschwitz 245, 246, 252, 278
Austria xiii, 142–9
assassination of Dolfuss 147–8
challenging of government by Social
Democrats 145–6
and Church 146–7
Concordat (1934) 144, 149
Constitution (1934) 144, 146
creation of Fatherland Front by Dolfuss 142, 145
Dolfuss regime 144–5 and
Hitler 144, 147, 148, 149
July Agreement with Germany (1936) 148
politics 142–3
Protestants 149
Schuschnigg regime 148
taking control of by Nazis (Anschluss) 149–51
terror campaign by Nazis 144, 147
Avanti 55
Aventine Secession 68
Aznar, José María 478
Azzam, Dr Abdullah 460, 463
B-Specials 385, 391
Badoglio, Pietro 290–1
Baldwin, Stanley 33
Balfron Tower (Poplar) 352–3
Bali 458
Balilla youth movement 71, 165, 167
Balthasar, Hans Urs von 362
Baltic States 237–8
Barbarossa, Emperor Frederick 18
Barbie, Klaus 246
Barbusse, Henri
Le Feu 9–10
Barion, Hans 179–80
Barmen Declaration 207
Barone, Domenico 69
Barth, Karl 207, 209, 302, 309, 442
‘base communities’ 370
Basques 135, 136, 367
Baudrillart, cardinal Alfred 158, 233
Bavaria 36, 162, 169, 173, 183, 194–5, 306
Bavinck, Bernhard 106
Bea, cardinal Augustine 362
Beatles 354
Beck, Ludwig 225
Beevor, Antony 321
Belgium 153, 156, 476
Bell, George 210, 216
Bellah, Robert 472
Belloc, Hilaire 157
Belorussia 237
Benda, Julien 159
Benda, Václav 424
Benedict XV, pope 33, 35, 66, 70, 164
Benedict XVI, pope (Josef Ratzinger) xv, 362, 363, 371, 473, 481
Benes, president 342
Bennett, Alan 354
Beran, archbishop 342, 343
Bérard, Léon 244
Berdyaev, Nikolai xiii, 41
Berg, Nicholas 458
Beria, Lavrenti 438–9
Berlin Wall 416
Bernanos, Georges 159, 286
Bernardini, nuncio 253–4
Berning, bishop 180, 188
Bertram, cardinal Adolf 170, 229
Betting and Gaming Act (1960) 353
Bidault, Georges xiv, 288, 289
bin Laden, Osama 460–7, 472
and Afghanistan 463
founding of Al Qaeda 463
influences on 460–1
and 9/11 452, 467, 469
organization of training camps 466
‘planes operation’ 467
in Sudan 464
and Taliban 466
Binalshibh, Ramzi 451, 452
Birmingham Six 397
Bismarck, chancellor xii, 18
Black, Cofer 455, 455–6
Black Hundreds 44, 45
Blair, Tony 410, 412, 474
Blanche, Anthony 14
Blanco, admiral Carrero 368
Blok, Alexandr
‘The Twelve’ 41–2
‘Bloody Friday’ (1972) 396
‘Bloody Sunday’ (1972) 394
Blue Shirts 141
Blum, Léon 154, 157, 243
Bodelschwingh, Friedrich von 205
Boegner, cardinal Marc 243, 244, 247
Boff, Clodovis 370
Boff, Leonardo 363, 370, 371
Bogdanov, Alexander 42
Böhler, monsignor Wilhelm 310
Bolsheviks/Bolshevism xii, 37, 38–54, 64, 82, 86, 118
campaign against Orthodox Church and persecution of clergy 40–1, 42–5, 46–50
clerical trials 45, 46
and ‘God-building’ 42
impact of campaign against religion 54–5
and Islamist terrorists 471
and Living Church 46–7
mass revolutionary festivals 51–2
and Munich Soviet 163
Russell on 38–9
similarities with religious communities 75
and Vatican 160, 163–4
Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir 41
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 301, 437
Bono 376
Boris III, king 276, 277
Borkenau, Franz 120–1, 133
The Totalitarian Enemy 121
Bosnia 45
Bottai, Giuseppe 57
Bousquet, René 245
Bouyeri, Mohammad 456–7, 467
Brazil 369, 371, 372
Brezhnev Doctrine 423
Brezhnev, Leonid 417, 431, 432, 443
Brighton bombing (1984) 404
Britain 31, 472, 474
contribution made by clergy to public affairs 474
development of as a ‘multi-faith’ society 357–9
hostility towards Nazism by clergy 209–10
migrant work force 469
in 1960s 346–8, 351–60
and post-war Italy 292
post-war religious revival 345–6
and Second World War 214–16
‘Soul of Britain’ investigation (2000) 357
Spanish Civil War and Catholics in 157
witnessing of Anglo-Catholic social endeavour in 1920s 31
British Council of Churches 215
British Council of Muslims 478
Brooke, Sir Basil 385
Brown, Calum 345–6
Bruce, Steve 357
Brüning, Heinrich 171
Bry, Christoph 29–31
Verkappte Religionen 29, 30–1
Buckley Jnr, William 473
Budak, Mile 265
Bukharin, Nikolai 73
Bulgaria 276–8, 324–5
Bulletin 427
Burleigh, lieutenant James Emil 2
Burleigh, lieutenant Robert 2–3
Burzio, Giuseppe 253, 259, 260, 261, 262
Bush, president George W. 411–12, 454–5, 458, 479
Bush, Laura 455
Buttiglione, Rocco 474
Cabanellas, Miguel 135
Caetano, Marcelo 369
Cahiers du Témoinages chrétien (Christian Witness) 246–7, 287
Cahill, father Edward The Framework of a Christian State 151
Caine, Sir Michael 347
Callaghan, James 390
Calles, Plutarco Elías 124, 125, 126, 127
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) 356, 474
Campanella, Tommaso The City of the Sun 86–7
Canabal, Tomás Garrido 125
Canary Wharf bombing of by IRA (1996) 410
Carcopino, Jerôme 240
Cárdenas, Lazaro 127
Caritas Association 180, 303
Carmona, general 141
Carol II, king 270–1
Carsons, Rachel Silent Spring 360
Cartel des Gauches 285
Carter, Jimmy 432, 473
Carter, Stephen 473
Casserley, Langmead 15
Cassulo, archbishop Andrea 272, 275–6
‘Cathedral Plot’ 369
Catholic Action 33, 161
Catholic Action (France) 290
Catholic Action (Germany) 202
Catholic Action (Italy) 70–1, 166–7, 168, 297, 298
Catholic Action (Portugal) 141
Catholic Centre Party (Germany) 33, 34, 35–6, 171, 172, 173, 202, 203–4, 308
Catholic Centre Party (Portugal) 140–1
Catholic Party (Bavaria) 173
Catholic Party (Belgium) 33, 153
Catholic Party (Poland) 421
Catholic Worker Youth 318
Cavazzoni, Stefano 67
CDU see Christian Democratic Union
Cenotaph 4
Censorship of Publications Act (1929) (Ireland) 152
Centre Party see Catholic Centre Party
Cerejeira, Manual Gonçalves 140, 141
Chadwick, Owen 283
Chaillet, father Pierre 246
Chamberlain, Neville 226
charity 475
Charles, prince 359
Charter 77 417–18, 420
Chebakov, Nikolai 91
Chechnya 459
Cheney, Dick 455
Chernobyl 423
Chesney, father James 399
Chesterton, G.K. 157
Chevalier, Jacques 240
Chichester-Clarke, James 390, 391 [????]
‘Chief Rabbi of all Christians’ 182
Chile 372
China 480
Christian Century 208
Christian Democratic Party (Italy) 65, 293–6, 297, 298, 299
Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
(Germany) 307–10, 313
Christian Democrats xiii, 287–8
Christian Social Party (Austria) 142, 143
Christian Social Union 32
Christian Social Workers’ movement(Germany) 109
Christian-Spiritual Religious Association 98
Church of England 351, 352
Churchill, Winston 209, 214—15, 216, 378
Civil Rights Association (Northern Ireland) 388–90
Civiltà Cattolica 298, 299
Claudel, Paul 239–40
‘To the Spanish Martyrs’ 158
Clinton, president Bill 408, 409, 466, 473
Clonmore, lord 162
Cohn, Norman The Pursuit of the Millennium xi
Cold War 320, 418, 423
Cole, USS 458
Colin, André 286
Committee for Civil and Religious Peace (Spain) 160
Committee of the Defence of the Workers (KOR) (Poland) 430
Committee of Nîmes 242
Communism/Communist regimes xiv, 39, 71, 161, 319–44
assault on Churches 326–44
conditions in 415–16, 425–7
control of by Soviet Union 320–1
encyclical on (Mit Brennender Sorge) xiii, 186, 189–93
factors explaining increased popularity 323–4
fall of 414, 415–49
alliance between workers and intellectuals 428
background to 417–18
and dissidents 424–8
and John Paul II 419
see also East Germany; Poland
industrial relations 426
tactics used to destroy opposition 324–6
see also Bolshevism/Bolsheviks
Communist Party (France) 288
Communist Party (Germany) 172–3
Communist Party (Italy) 292, 293, 296–7
Communist Party (Netherlands) 250
Communist Party (Soviet Union) 75–7
admission and membership 77
Churchlike structure of 76–7
demonisation of Christian Church 81
and family 91–2
moulding of the young 91
purges and show trials 77–84
similarity to Spanish Inquisition 81
Comte, Auguste xi
Concordats 161, 218
Austria (1934) 144, 149
Bavaria (1925) 162
Italy (1929) 68, 70, 166
Nazi Germany 172–6
Prussia (1929) 162
Spain (1953) 317, 366, 368
Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship (COPEC) (1924) 32
Confessing Church 105, 207, 211
Conquest, Robert The Great Terror 349, 422
Constitution of Carnaro 57
contraception 351
Conway, archbishop William 387
Cosgrave, William T. 151
Cosmopolitan 355
Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue 362
Craig, William 388, 390, 395
Criminal Justice Act 352
Cristeros 126
Croatia 262–70
Aryanisation measures 265
Catholic Church 216
criticism of Ustashe violence by Stepinac 266–7, 268–70
forced conversions to Catholicism 265, 266
persecution of Jews and deportations of 265, 266–7, 268
persecution of Serbs and atrocities against 264, 265, 266, 268
Ustache regime and brutality of 263–4, 265–6 and
Vatican 264, 267–8
Crusades 478
Cuban Revolution 370
‘cultural Christians’ 475
Cumann na mBann 392
Cumann na nGaedheal 151
Cyrenians 356
Cyril, metropolitan 276
Czechoslovakia 153, 320, 325, 341–4
assault on Church by Communist regime 335, 342–4
Charter 77 417–18, 420
Communist coup (1948) 342
dissolution of Uniate church by Stalin 327
Dahlemites 211–12
Daly, Edward 398
D’Annunzio, Gabriele 57
Davanzati, Roberto 61
Davidson, Randall 32
Dawkins, Richard 480
Dawn 41
de Gasperi, Alicide xiv, 67–8, 293, 294–6, 304, 309, 335
de Valera, Eamon 151, 374, 391
Debray, Régis xvi
Degrelle, Léon 153, 156
Democratic Party (Slovakia) 341, 342
Democratic Popular Front (Italy) 296
Deniel, Enrique Pla y 316
Deputy, The (play) 293
Desbuquois, Gustave 200
détente 417, 418
Devine, Brendan 375
Devlin, Bernadette 388
Dibelius, bishop Otto 206, 305, 307, 442
Dinter, Artur 96–9
Sin against the Blood 97
dissidents 424–8
divorce 352
Djilas, Milovan 320
Dollfuss, Engelbert 142, 143–5, 146, 150
assassination of 147–8
Dominican friars 61
Don Juan 317
Donskoi monastery (Moscow) 52
Dossetti, Giuseppe 294
Downing Street Declaration (1993) 408
Dreyfus, Alfred 249, 472
Dreyfus, Lucie 249
Dru, Gilbert 288
Dukhovtsev 78–9
Dunn, James 297
Durkheim, Emil 15, 472 [????]
Earthly Powers xi, 51
East Germany 416, 436–48
attempts to build socialism in 438–9
Catholic Church in 436–7
Churches as major force in mounting opposition against regime 444–5, 447–8
exodus of East Germans to West Germany 447
opposition campaigns 445–6
Protestants in 436, 437
relations between regime and Churches 437–8, 440–3
and Soviet Union 439, 446–7
Stasi 439–40, 445, 447
worker uprising (1953) 439, 440
and youth 440–1
Easter Rising (1916) 381
Eco, Umberto xvi
Eggerath, Werner 442
Ehlers, Hermann 308, 312
Eichmann, Adolf 185
Einstein, Albert 213
El Salvador 372
Eliade, Mircea 270
Eliot, T.S. 215
Four Quartets 14–15
The Waste Land 14
Enabling Law (1933) 171, 172
Encounter (magazine) 422
encyclicals Acerba Animi (1932) 125, 190
Casti connubii (1930) 179, 180 [????]
Dilectissima nobis (1933) 129
Ecclesiam Suum (1964) 363
Humanae Vitae (1968) 352
Humani generis unitas (1938) 200
Mit Brennender Sorge (1937) xiii, 186, 189–93
Non abbiamo bisogno (1931) 168
Quadragesimo anno (1931) 145, 166
Rappresentanti in terra (1930) 167
Summi pontificatus (1939) 223
Ubi arcano Dei 160–1
Engels, Friedrich xi, 31, 73
Eppelmann, Rainer 445
Erhard, Ludwig 308
Erzberger, Matthias 34
Eschweiler, Karl 179–80
Escrivá de Balaguer, José María 366
Esprit 154, 155, 156, 158, 241
ETA 318, 367, 368, 474
Ethiopia 356
eugenics 106
European Union Constitution (2004) 475
Europeansand religion 472–5
Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren 342
Evangelical Church of the Union (East Germany) 436, 442–3, 447
Evangelical League for the Defence of German-Protestant Interests 36
Fackel, Die (journal) 10
Falange 139–40, 315
Farinacci, Roberto 60, 69, 198, 232
Fasci di Combattimento 56
Fascism xii, 161
and Romania 270
and Spain 139
see also Fascist Italy; Nazi Germany
Fascist Italy 55–71
beginnings 56–7
enters Second World War 233
enthusiasm for Roman Empire 60, 63, 165
fall of 290–1
growth in popularity 68
martyrs 61
and‘palingenesis’ 58
and Partito Popolare Italiano 67–8
public spectacles and ceremonies 58–60
racism and introduction of racial laws 198, 199–201
rejection of parliamentary politics 58
relations between Catholic Church and 62, 64–5, 69, 165–8
as a religion 57, 61, 62–3
totalitarian analogy between Church and 61–2
and Vatican 65, 69–71, 168, 199–200, 231
and violence 58
youth organisation 62
see also Mussolini, Benito
Fatherland Front 145, 148
Faul, Denis 403
Faulhaber, cardinal Michael 34, 169, 176, 178, 185, 188, 190, 195
Faulkner, Brian 390, 395
FDJ (East Germany) 441
Fechner Decree (1956) 441
Federal Organisation of Protestant State Churches 202
Federation of German Catholic Youth 312
Fédération Nationale Catholique 154
Fey, Emil 144
Fianna Fáil 151
Figgis, John Neville 13
Fighting Youth 339
Filderman, president 273
Fine Gael 151
First World War see Great War
Fischer, Louis 72
Fisher, archbishop 350, 362
FitzGerald, Garret 404
Fitzgerald, Scott 8
Flanagan, Peter 399
Flemish National Union 153
Foa, Carlo 198
Fortuyn, Pim 470
Fourier, Charles xi
France 154, 470
advent of Popular Front government 157
breaking down of affinity between Catholicism and the right 154–5
Catholic Church support for Vichy regime 239–41
and Catholicism 33, 154
commemoration of Great War dead 1
condemnation of treatment of Jews and helping of 246–9
resistance against Vichy regime 284, 285–90
and Spanish Civil War 157–60
treatment of Jews during war and deportations 241–6, 247
Vichy regime 216, 239, 240–9
view of Nazism and Communism by Catholics in 156–7
France Libre, La 122
Franco, general 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 157, 158, 314, 316, 317, 366
Frank, Semyon 39–40, 75–6
Free Church of Scotland 352
Free Presbyterian Church 387
Freedom Party (Hungary) 332
Freiberger, Rabbi 268
Freikorps 6–7
French Revolution 51
Freud, Sigmund 108, 148, 212–13
Moses and Monotheism 108–9
Frings, cardinal 302, 303, 310, 312, 313
Führer, Christian 444
Fulda Bishops Conference 186, 188, 305
Fülöp-Miller, René 75, 85
Futurism 60, 65
Gaddis, John Lewis xiv
Galen, bishop August Clemens graf von 188, 229–30, 301, 302
Galloway, George 470
gambling 352, 353
Gapon, George 41
Gauchet, Marcel xv, 474–5
Gay, Francisque 154
Gdánsk Agreement (1980) 430
Gebsattel, Viktor Emil von 21–2
Gedda, Luigi 298
Geldof, Sir Bob 376
Gemelli, Agostino 67
General Strike (1926) 32
General, The (film) 376
Gentiloni Pact 65
Gerade Weg, Der 178
Geremek, Bronislaw 430*
Gerlich, Fritz 177–8
Gerlier, cardinal 240, 242–3, 244, 247
German Christians 204–7
German Racial Defence and Offence League 24, 97
German Democratic Republic see East Germany
German National People’s Party (DNVP) 36, 173
Germany 15–19
citizenship tests 476
defeat in Great War and impact of 5–6, 15–18
Jews in after Great War 16
July Agreement with Austria (1936) 148
messianism 18–19
and Munich Soviet 163
and Nazism see Nazi Germany
politics and religion in 1920s 34–7
post-war 299–313
conscription issue 313
creation of interdenominational Christian political parties 306–9
see also CDU
de-Nazification process and Church’s opposition to 301–3
explanation for horrors 303–4
impact of war 300
nuclear weapons issue 313
pronouncements on guilt by
Churches 304–6
rearmament issue 311–13
relationship between CDU and Churches 309–11
role played by Churches in averting disease and starvation 303
survival of Catholic Church and boosting of moral authority 300–3
prophets 20–7
Protestants and politics in 1920s 36
reunification 448
Versailles Treaty and Churches 35
war memorials 6–7
see also East Germany
Gerstenmaier, Eugen 308, 312
Gestapo 192–3, 194, 195
Gföllner, bishop Johannes 170
Ghaddafi, Colonel 373, 422
Gierek, Edward 429
Giolitti, Giovanni 56–7
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry 422
Giurati, Giovanni 60, 167, 168
Glemp, cardinal Józef 431, 434
Globke, Hans 310
Gnosticism 120
Goebbels, Joseph 28–9, 96, 104, 108, 110, 111, 193
Michael 95
Gog, Gregor 21
Goldfinger, Ernö 352
Gollancz, Victor 210
Gomá, cardinal Isidro 135–6, 137, 138, 315
Gomes, António Ferreira 368–9
Gomes da Costa, Manuel de Oliveira 141
Good Friday Agreement (1998) 410–11
Gorbachev, Mikhail 423–4, 447, 448
Göring, Hermann 171
Gorky, Maxim 42, 72, 92
Gorostieta, Enrique 126
Gottwald, Klement 341, 342
Goulding, Cathal 391
Gow, Ian 378
Graham, Dr Billy 345–6
Great War xii, 1–8, 56, 66
impact of 1–2
and Ireland 381
memorialising of dead 1–5
use of Christianity by writers and artists to interpret 8–13
and Vatican 66
Greece 220, 221, 233
Green Flame 291
Green, Hugh Carlton 348
Greene, Graham 123–4, 126, 127
Brighton Rock 123
The Power and the Glory 124
Gregory VII, pope 475
Gregory XVI, pope 285
Greiser, Artur 340
Griffin, cardinal 281
Griffith-Jones, Mervyn 350
Gröber, archbishop 175, 176, 180
Groscoli, count Giovanni 67
Gross, Walter 181
Grundlach, Gustav 304
Guardini, Romano 176, 183, 304
Guerin, Veronica 376
Guevara, Che 370
Guildford Four 397
Gundlach, Gustav 200
Gurian, Waldemar 118, 196–7
Hitler and the Christians 196–7
Gurs internment camp (France) 242–3
Guatemala 370
Gutiérrez, Gustavo 370
Habermas, Jürgen 349
Habsburg Empire 153
Haeusser, Louis 36 [????]
Haeusser, Ludwig Christian 22–5, 29
Haffner, Sebastian 21
Halloween V 376
Hamas 458
Hanjour, Hani 452‘happenings’ 22
Harnack, Adolf 36
Hartl, Albert 184–5
Hattersley, Roy 475
Havel, Václav 417, 427
Hecht, Robert 148
Heenan, cardinal 238
Heiden, Konrad Der Führer 210
Heim, Bruno 403
Heimwehren (‘home defence groups’) 143, 145
Heinemann, Gustav 308, 311, 312 Helsinki Accords (1975) 417, 418, 421 Henry VI, king 475
Henson, Herbert Hensley 209—10, 211, 214, 215
Hermes, Andreas 307
Hess, Marta 181
Hess, Rudolf 83
Hesse, Hermann
‘The Longing for a World View’ 28
Heydrich, Reinhard 177, 238
Hezbollah 465
Hick, John God and the Universe of Faiths 358
Himmler, Heinrich 99, 112, 116
Hindenburg, president Paul von 6, 36, 203
Hinduism 480
Hinsley, cardinal Arthur 157, 214, 233, 256, 281
al-Hisseini, Haji Amin 258
Hitler, Adolf xii, 22, 25, 28–9, 56, 94–108, 115, 203, 206–7, 258
and ‘Aryan’ notion 107–8
attempt on life of 300
attitude towards Christianity 94–5, 99–100, 101–2, 172, 174
and Austria 144, 147, 148, 149
and Catholic Church 95, 100, 188, 237
charisma 103
and Concordat 173, 175
conspiracy against 282
creation of ‘Führer-cult’ 111
and Dinter 98, 99
and Enabling Law (1933) 171
and German Christians 204, 205
and God 100–1, 102
and Jews 108
Mein Kampf 189, 287
and Mussolini 148, 233
and Nuremberg rallies 113
plot to overthrow 225–6
and Protestantism 95–6, 100, 110, 210–11, 212
on Providence 102–3
remiliterisation of Rhineland 148
and Slovakia 258
speeches 104–5
use of language and imagery of the
Bible 103, 104–5
visit to Rome (1938) 198
see also Nazi Germany
Hitler Youth 181
Hizbollah 458
Hlond, Augustus 336, 337–8
Hochhuth, Rolf 293
Der Stellvertreter 361
Holzapfel, Friedrich 308
Home Rule 379–80
homosexuality 351, 352
Honecker, Erich 431, 433, 443, 448
Horthy, admiral 281
hospice movement 356
Hoyer, Hermann Otto In the Beginning was the Word 103
Hull, Cordell 275
human rights 417, 476
Hume, cardinal Basil 403
Hume, John 393, 407
Hungarian Uprising (1956) 335
Hungary xiv, 280–2, 319, 320, 321, 322
arrest and trial of Mindszenty 334–5
assault on religious schools by Communists 331, 332–3
deportation of Jews and efforts by Church to stop 280–2
rigging of 1947 elections by Communists 332
struggle between Communist regime and Church 329–35
immigrants/immigration 358, 470–1
Imperial War Graves Commission 2
Independence Party (Hungary) 332
Index on Censorship (magazine) 422
Inner Mission 106, 180, 205
Innitzer, cardinal Theodor 149–50
internet 469
IRA (Irish Republican Party) 151, 373, 376, 385, 390, 391–3, 399–400, 402
ceasefires 409
Maze hunger strikes 402
split within 391
violence of and bombing campaigns 392–3, 394, 395–8, 405–6, 407–8, 410, 411, 474
Iran 456
Iran-Iraq war 463
Iranian Revolution (1979) 462–3
Iraq 458, 471
Iraq war 478, 480
Ireland xiii Constitution (1937) 152
culture of 374–5
and European Economic Community 375–6
and Great War 381
influence of the Church 152
and Second World War 374
sentimentality over 373
and Spanish Civil War 157
see also Irish Free State; Irish Republic; Northern Ireland
Ireland Act (1949) 381
Irish Free State 150–2, 381, 382–3
Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) 392, 395
Irish Northern Aid Committee (NORAID) 373
Irish Republic 386, 391, 413
Irish Republican Army see IRA
Iron Guard (was League of the Archangel Michael) 270, 271
Irujo, Manuel de 137
Islam 359, 364, 456, 477, 480
Islamic Salvation Front 459
Islamist terrorism xiv, xv, 456–67, 468–9, 471–2, 476, 478, 479, 483
catalogue of atrocities 458, 459–60
ideological indebtedness to West 471–2
see also Al Qaeda; bin Laden, Osma; 9/11
Israel 458, 479
Italy 8, 291–9
attempt to protects Jews by Pius XII 221–2, 278, 279–80, 282–3
and Catholic Church 292
Catholicism and politics 33–4, 65–7, 294, 296, 298
Christian Democrats in 65, 293–6, 297, 298, 299
and Communism 296–7 Concordat (1929) 68, 70, 166
defence of Catholic interests by Christian Democrats 293–4
emergence of anti-Fascist movement 291–2
forces competing for dominance in post-war 292
and Great War 5, 66
Jews in 278–80
peasant unrest 296
resistance movement 284
struggle against Communism 296–9
see also Fascist Italy
Izotov, Nikita 89
Jackie 355
Jacobins xi, 64
Jacques, father 249
jahiliyya 461
Janiszewski, Jerzy 431
Jarrah, Ziad 451
Jaruzelski, general Wojciech 431, 433, 435
Jaszi, Oskar 18
Jehovah’s Witnesses 346
Jenkins, Roy 351–2
Jesuits 128, 136, 475
Jewish Chronicle 201
Jews xiii, 8, 16, 241–53, 364, 471
deportation of Hungarian 280–2
deportations of 253
and Dinter 97
Freud on 108–9
helping of in Italy by Vatican 221–2, 278, 279–80, 282–3
and Hitler 108
and Nazi Germany 108–9, 169–70, 179, 253, 254–5
persecution of by Ustashe regime in Croatia 265, 266–7, 268
persecution of Romanian 272–5
treatment and deportation of in Netherlands 250–2
treatment and deportation of Slovakian and Vatican’s attempt to help 259–62
treatment of and deportations of in Vichy France 241–6, 247
treatment of Polish by Nazis 216, 223–5, 226–7, 253, 254, 287
Vatican response to persecution of 17, 252, 253–6
‘jihad’ 463
John Paul I, pope 420
John Paul II, pope xiv, 371, 419–21, 432
abhorrence and challenging of Communism 419, 421
attempted assassination of 434
background 419–20
and human rights 420–1
visit to Poland (1979) 430
visit to Poland (1983) 435
John XII, pope 387
John XXIII, pope (Angelo Roncalli) 221, 262, 275, 277, 282, 361–2, 364
Johnson, Hewlett 343
Johnson, Paul xi
Joyce, James Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 31
Juan Carlos, king 317, 368
Jud Süss (film) 241
July Agreement (1936) 148
Jung, Guido 198
Jünger, Ernst 6, 7
Kaas, Ludwig 171, 225, 226
Kabbalah 359
Kaczarek, bishop 340
Kaiser, Jacob 307
Kálló, Ferenc 282
Kamenev, Lev 80, 82
Kania, Stanislaw 432*
Kaplan, rabbi Jakob 244
Karpov, Georgi 236
Keller, Adolf xiii, 208–9
Kemalism 71
Kennedy, John F. 473
Kennedy, Joseph 150
Kenya bombing of US embassy (1998) 458, 466
Kerrl, Hanns 211, 212
Khomeini, ayatollah 463
King, Dr Martin Luther 474
Kipling, Rudyard 2
‘My boy Jack’ 2
Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone 169, 175
Klausener, Erich 177
Klemperer, Viktor 113
Klieforth, Alfred W. 187
Knab, Otto 118
Kodály, Zoltán 331
Koestler, Arthur 157, 422
Kohl, Helmut 447
Kohn, Hans 111
Kolakowski, Leszek 473*
Main Currents of Marxism 422–3
Korea 311
Kostelnyk, Gabriel 327
Kotkin, Stephen 75
Kovács, Béla 332
Krachkovsky 71
Krasin, Leonid 42, 54
Kraus, Karl 10–13, 94, 119
‘In these great times’ talk 10–11
and The Last Days of Mankind 11–13
Krause, Reinhold 206
Kravchenko, Victor 77, 78, 79, 422
Krebs, Engelbert 176
Kreisau Circle 300
Krenz, Egon 448
Kube, Wilhelm 204
Kulturkampf 197
Kun, Béla 18
Kurón, Jacek 429
Kwásniewski, Aleksandr 475
La Farge, John Inter-Racial Justice 200
Lady Chatterley’s Lover trial 350
Lagarde, Paul de 98
Lang, Cosmo 210
Larkin, Philip 353
‘Annus Mirablis’ 347
‘Church Going’ 345
Lassalle, Ferdinand 18
Last Days of Mankind, The (documentary drama) 11–13
Lateran Treaties (1929) 17, 66, 68, 69, 296
Latin America 369, 369–72
Latin American Bishops Conference (1968) 370
Latin American Council of Bishops (CELAM) 369
Laud, William 474
Laudrain, Maurice 154
Lausanne Manifesto 317
Laval, Pierre 247, 248
Lavrov ‘Workers’ Marseillaise’ 51
Lawrence, D.H. 350
Lady Chatterley’s Lover 350
‘Letter from Germany’ 28
Lawson, Nigel 378
Lazar, Marc 75
League for a German Church 204
League of the Militant Godless 49, 235
Lecca, Radu 274–5
Légion Francaise des Combatants 241
Leiber, Robert 173, 225
Lemass, Sean 386, 387, 391
Lenin, Vladimir 38, 42, 74, 76, 86, 87
adulation of and stature as leader 52–3
campaign against clergy 44–5
death and funeral 53–4
erection of inscribed stone tablets 87
on German Social Democracy 73
hatred of kulaks 84–5
mummification of body 54
and religion 41, 43
Lennon, John xiv, 354
Leo XIII, pope 285
Levi-Civita, Tullio 200
Leviné, Eugen 163
liberalism 476
‘liberation theology’ 370–1
Liebknecht, Wilhelm
The Spider and the Flies 86
Litvinov, Maxim 164
Living Church 45–6
Living Marxism 154
Livingstone, Ken 404
Lodge, David 355–6
Lombardi, Ricardo 298
London bombings 458
Lortz, Joseph 176–6
Lovelock, James 360
Löwith, Karl 15–17, 19–20
Lubac, Henri de 362
Ludendorff, general Erich 6
Lueger, mayor Karl 96, 142
Lunarcharsky, Anatoly 42, 54
Lundy, Robert 382
Lutherans 285
McCartney, Robert 375, 393, 412–13
McConville, Jean 396
Macek, Vladko 263
McGuinness, Martin 382, 392, 394, 395, 410, 411, 413
Mach, Sano 259, 261
McLaughlin, Rose 399
McLeod, Hugh 346
Macmillan government 353, 354
McNamara, Kevin 404
Madonna 359
Madridterrorist attack 458
Maglione 222–3, 255, 257, 260, 261, 262, 272, 279
Magnitogorsk (‘Magnetic Mountain’) (Soviet Union) 87–8
Maier, Hans 473
Maizìere, Lothar de 448
Major, John 406, 407, 410
Maltoni, Rosa 55
Man, Henri de 156
Mannheim, Karl 215
Marcone, Ramiro 264, 268
Marcuse, Herbert 349
Marists 133–4
Maritain, Jacques 155, 156, 158–9, 286
Markinova, Gelya 74
Markov, Georgi 427
marriage 351
Marshall, George 297
Marshall Plan 320, 323
martyrsand Nazism 114–15
Marwick, Arthur 348
Marx, Karl xi, 30–1, 73
Marx, Wilhelm 36
Marxism 18, 55, 56, 122, 349, 356, 371
Marxist-Leninism see Communism
Masaryk, Jan 297, 320, 342
Mason, Roy 397, 402
Massoud, Ahmed Shah 453
Matteotti, Giacomo 68
Maudlin, Reginald 378
Mauriac, Francois 159–60
Maurras, Charles 240
Mayer, Rupert 194–5
Mayhew, Patrick 407
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz 435–6
Meades, Jonathan 415–16
Meda, Filippo 68
Meidner, Ludwig 8
Meinecke, Friedrich
The German Catastrophe 303
Meiser, bishop 208, 210, 211
‘Memorial Day for the Fallen of 9
November’ 114–15
Mendes, Guido 200
Mendizabal, Alfred 160
Menthon, François de 289
Meville, Arthur and Thomas 370
Mexico xiii, 123–7, 190, 285, 369
Meyer, Alfred 229
Meyerhold, Vsevelod 50
Michael, prince 271
Michelet, Edmond 286
Michnik, Adam 427, 430
The Church, the Left and Dialogue 420
Mielke, Erich 439–40
Miglioli, Guido 67
Mikes, count János 321
Mikolajczyk 326*
Miller, Jonathan 354
Milosz, Czeslaw 341*
Captive Mind 323
Mindszenty, Jozsef 324, 330, 331, 333–4
arrest of and trial 334–5
Miserere (etchings) 5
Misíc, bishop Alojzije 266
Mistiaen, Emmanuel 246
Mitchell, George 409
Mittgart League 26–7
Mitzenheim, bishop Moritz 440, 442
Mitzenheim, Edgar 440
Modrow, Hans 448
Mogadishu 458
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh 452
Mola, general 127, 135
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939) 219
Moltke, Hermuth James von 300
Monaghan, Jim ‘Mortar’ 412
Montefiore, Sir Moses 210
Moonies 359
‘Moot’ forum 215
Moral Welfare Council 351
Morgan, Dermot 375
Morocco 479
Morozov, Pavlik 91–2
Morrow, Dwight 126
Morsey, Rudolf 172
Moulin, Jean 288
Mounier, Emmanuel 154–6, 158
Mountbatten, earl of 398
Moussaoui, Zacarias 452
Mouvement Républicain Populaire 288–90
Mowlam, Mo 410
Mozambique 356
Mubarak, Hosni 466
Muck-Lamberty, Friedrich 25–7
Múgica, bishop Mateo 136, 138
Mühsam, Erich 25
Müller, Josef 225, 226, 306–7
Müller, Ludwig 205, 206–7, 208, 210, 212
multiculturalism 476, 477–8, 479
Mundelein, cardinal 194
Munich putsch 169
Munich Soviet 163
Müntzer, Thomas 444
Murphy, ‘Slab’ 393
Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism (Leningrad) 48
Muslim Brotherhood 461
Muslims 456, 469–71, 483
Mussolini, Arnald (brother) 64
Mussolini, Benito 34, 55–6, 61, 63, 68, 69, 147, 156, 165, 231, 233
abolishing of Catholic Action 168
background 55
and Catholicism 64
charisma 63–4
on democracy 58
dismissal of and restoration 290, 291
on Fascism 57, 62, 165
founding of Popolo d’Italia 56
God does Not Exist 55
and Hitler 148, 233
image and personality cult 63–4
introduction of racial laws (1938) 199
invasion of Abyssinia 154, 156, 210
political philosophy 55–6
see also Fascist Italy
Myers, Kevin 377
Nadherny, Sidonie 10
Nagy, Ferenc 332
Naimark, Norman 321
National Catholic Church (Czechoslovakia) 342
National Communists (Germany) 24
national lottery 353
National Socialism see Nazi Germany
National Union of Mineworkers 428
National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association 351
Nazis (Austria) 144, 147
Nazi Germany xii, 7, 27, 36, 85, 94–122
and art 103
‘Aryan’ idea 107–8, 231
Borkenau on 121
and Catholic Church 168–97, 237
attitude towards by Austrian and German Catholic bishops 170–1, 172
campaign against and violations of Concordat 181–8
and Catholic intelligentsia 176–7
Catholic processions and celebrations 195–6
Catholic youth organisations 181–2
Concordat initiative 172–6
curtailment of Catholic newspapers 182
deal with Vatican claim 172
harassment of clergy 193–4
laicisation of education and religious instruction 182–4
and Mit Brennender Sorge encyclical xiii, 186, 189–93
opposition to by leading lay Catholics 177–8
opposition to regime in Bavaria 194–5
reaction to antisemitism of by Catholic Church 178–9
reaction to sterilisation policies by Catholic Church 179–81
responses by Church to infractions of Concordat 188–9
SD allegations and investigations into money and sex crimes 184–7
undermining of through ‘public enlightenment’ 196
ceremonies and rituals 110–11
collapse of 299–300, 319
condemnation of by American/Canadian Christians 208–9
creed and theology 105, 111
de-Christianisation and atrocities in Poland 216, 223–5, 227–8, 253, 254, 287
euthanasia killings and protests against 228–31
festivals 111–12, 116
and Jews 108–9, 169–70, 179, 253, 254–5
‘Memorial Day for the Fallen of 9
November’ festival 114–15
Nuremberg rallies 112–14
opposition to by Dolfuss 144
policy towards Churches in occupied parts of Soviet Union 237–8
and Protestants 109–10, 171, 201–12, 217
accommodation with 202
attempt by Hitler to reconcile warring factions 211–12
attempt by Müller to unite Protestant Churches into Reich Church and resistance to 205–6, 207–8, 210–11
and Confessing Church 105, 207, 211
and German Christians 204–7
opposition to by American and British clergy 208–10
as a religion 197
resistance to 284, 299–300, 301
‘scientific’ racism claim 106–7, 119
and SS 116–17, 184, 185, 237
sterilisation policies 106, 179–81
and swastika flag 111
trade agreements with European governments 173
and Vatican 150, 160, 189–92
view of by French Catholics 156
Voegelin’s view of 118–19, 120
see also Hitler, Adolf
Neave, Airey 378
Nediç, Milan 264
Netherlands 249–50, 480
murder of Van Gogh xv, 456–7, 459, 476
treatment of Jews during war and deportations of 250–2
Neue Feile Presse 10
Neuhaus, Richard 473
Neumann, Therese 178
Neuss, Wilhelm 176
Neville, Richard 354
New Age beliefs 348, 359–61
Nicaragua 372
Nicodim, patriarch 272–3, 274
Niemöller, Martin 201, 206–7, 210, 212, 301, 302, 305, 311, 313
Nietzche, Friedrich 55
‘Night of the Long Knives’ 177
Nikolai, metropolitan 234, 235 9/11 (2001) 411–12, 450–6, 467, 469 1960s 346–61, 372
‘cultural revolution’ 348–53
liberal legislation 351–2
and New Age beliefs 359–60
opening up of to eastern religions 359
religious beliefs of Britons 356–7
resentment during Macmillan era 353–4
response of Churches to rapid changes 355–6
sexual revolution 347–8
youth culture 354–5
NKVD 79, 80, 82
Norman, Edward xiv
Northern Ireland xiv, 373–414, 482
and Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) 405
and ‘Bloody Sunday’ (1972) 394
British government strategy towards 398
British soldiers in 95, 391, 394, 395
Civil Rights Association 388–90
decline in sectarianism 385–6
and Downing Street Declaration (1993) 408
economic problems 386
and Good Friday Agreement (1998) 410–11
history and origin of Troubles 379–82
history of Protestants and Catholics in 380–2
internment policy 394, 395, 398
IRA violence and bombing campaigns 392–3, 394, 395–8, 405–6, 407–8, 410, 411
Maze hunger strikes 402–3
O’Neill’s reforms and protests against 386–7, 388
peace process and ‘ceasefires’ 407–12
reaction to terrorist violence by Churches 398–402
religious discrimination 383–4
sectarian violence 388, 389–90, 390–1
suspension of Stormont 395
Norton, Graham 375
Nostra aetate (1965) (conciliar document) 364
NSDAP 98, 109
nuclear weapons 365, 418
Nuremberg Laws 196, 310
Nuremberg rallies 112–14
Nuschke, Otto 442
Obregón, Alvaro 124, 126
O’Callaghan, Sean 399
O’Duffy, Eion 151, 157
O’Fiaich, Tomás 377, 403
O’Halloran, Hugh 396–7
O’Kelly, Sean 150
Oldham, J.H. Christianity and the Race Problem 209
O’Neill, Terence 386–7, 388, 390
Opus Dei 316, 366–7, 372
Orange Order 383, 384
Ordzhonikidze, Sergo 89
Orsenigo, nuncio Cesare 174, 175–6, 179, 219, 226–7, 228, 254
Orvieto cathedral (Umbria) 468
Orwell, George 157
Osborne, D’Arcy 225, 226, 254, 255
Osborne, John 353
Osservatore Romano 175, 179, 180, 232
Ostrovsky, Nikolai 441
Ottaviani, cardinal 362
Oxfam 356
Oz 354
Pacelli, Eugenio see Pius XII, pope
Pacelli, Francesco 69
Paisley, reverend Ian 382, 387–8, 395, 505
Palatucci, bishop Giuseppe Maria 222
‘palingenesis’ 58
papacy see Vatican
Papen, Franz von 148, 171, 172, 173, 202–3
Parachute Regiment 394
Parti Démocrate Populaire (PDP) 154
Partito Popolare Italiano (PPI) 33–4, 66–8, 166, 168
Party of National Unity (Slovakia) 258
Pastors’ Emergency League 206
Patocka, Jan 418
Patriotic Priests (Poland) 336, 339
Paul VI, pope 291, 363, 364—5, 366, 368, 369, 420
Pavelíc, Ante 262, 263, 264, 265, 268
Pearl, Daniel 458
Peasant Party (Croatia) 263
Peasant Party (Poland) 325, 337
Pellepoix, Louis Darquier de 245
Penguin Books 350
People’s Party (Bavaria) 36, 172
People’s Democracy (Northern Ireland) 388
People’s Party (Slovakia) 258, 341
Peshev, Dimitâr 277
Pétain, Philippe 239, 240, 244, 245, 248
Petit, Paul 285
Pferdmenges, Robert 308
Phillips, Trevor 479
Piasecki, Boleslaw 336*
Pipes, Richard 422
Pius X, pope 65
Pius XI, pope (Achille Ratti) xiii, 34, 125, 128, 129, 136, 145, 150, 238, 285
and Action Française 158
attempt to restore Catholic Church in Poland 162
background 161–2
on Communism 190
death 197–8, 201
and encyclicals 125, 129, 145, 160–1, 166, 167, 168, 186, 189–93, 200
and (Fascist) Italy 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 166, 167, 168
and Hitler 198
mission to re-Christianise society 160–1
opposition to racism 199, 200
and Spanish Civil War 136–7
on totalitarianism 164–5
view of Nazism 169–70, 198
view of resistance 285
Pius XII, pope xiii, xiv, 218–27, 311, 340, 361, 369
[as Eugenio Pacelli] 136, 146, 160, 167, 172, 188–9
alleged antisemitism of 163
and German Concordat initiative 175–6
helping of Italian Jewish academics 199–200
and Mit Brennender Sorge encyclical 189–90, 191–2
on Nazi Germany 150, 168–9, 179, 187
as nuncio to Bavaria and German Reich 162–3, 164, 168–9
and Spanish Civil War 137
view of Hitler 187
attempt to protect Italian Jews during war 221–2, 278, 279–80, 282–3
background 162, 219
black propaganda against regarding ‘alleged’ silence during Holocaust xiii, 340
on Communism 293
and Croatia 265
denigration of in Hochhuth’s plays 293, 361
encyclicals 223
and Franco’s regime in Spain 317–18
helping of Polish refugees after German invasion 220
and Hungarian Jews 281
involvement in conspiracy against Hitler 225–6, 282
on Italian Communists 296–7
on Nazi atrocities in Poland 223–4
opposition to de-Nazification in Germany 302
relief efforts during war 222–3
reluctance to condemn Nazi persecution of Jews 252–3, 255–7
‘silence’ over plight of Poles 257
and Slovakia 259
and Tiso 341–2
view of euthanasia killings by Nazis 229, 230
wartime peace efforts 218–20, 231–3, 255–6, 283
Planetta, Otto 147
Plekhanov, Georgi Valentinovich 42, 73
Plojhar, monsignor Josef 342
Podlubnyi, Stepan 92–4
Pohl, Hetty von 24–5
Poland 162, 219, 335–41, 421
Communist regime xiv, 335–41, 428–36
abrogation of 1925 Concordat 336
assault on Catholic Church and attempt to divide 328, 335–7
Church and industrial unrest 433–4
clamp down on industrial unrest and Solidarity 432–3
continued assault on Church despite accord signed 338–41
defiance of Catholic Church 421
deterioration in relations between Vatican and 336, 338–9
dissidents in 427
dissolution of monasteries 343
economic crisis 429
fall of 41, 435–6
Gomulka regime 429*
murder of Popieluszko 434*
and Patriotic Priests 336
post-war antisemitism 337–8
and Solidarity 426, 428–36
winning of 1947 election through means of intimidation 325–6
worker uprisings 429–30
‘Zydokomuna’ myth 337
invasion of by Germany 220
Nazi atrocities against Poles and killing of Jews 216, 223–5, 226–8, 253, 254, 287
silence over plight of Poles by pope Pius XII 257
Politeo, Ivo 329
Pomykalo, Wojciech 337
Pontifical Relief Commission 220
Popieluszko, father Jerzy 433–4*
Popolo d’Italia 56
Popular Front (France) 157
pornography 350
Portugal xiii, 140–2, 147–8, 368–9
anticlerical legislation and campaign against Church 140
‘Cathedral Plot’ 369
Salazar dictatorship 141–2
strains between Church and state 368–9
and Vatican 335, 336369
Pravda 89, 91
Preysing, bishop 301
Pribilla, Max 305
Primo de Rivera, José Antonio 139, 140
Primo de Rivera, Miguel 127
Pro, Miguel 126
Probst, Adalbert 177
prophetsin Germany 20–7
Protestant Ladies’ Auxiliary (Germany) 109
Protestant League 202
Protestant Mothers’ Association (Germany) 109
Prussia 201
purges in Soviet Union 77–8
Pyatakov, Grigory 82–4
Qatada, Abu 451
Quaker View of Sex, The 351
Queen’s Christmas Day broadcasts 358–9
Qutb, Dr Muhammad 460
Qutb, Sayyid 460–1
Milestones 461–2
Racial Freedom Party (Germany) 98
Raczkiewicz, Wladyslaw 257*
Radical People’s Party (Germany) 24
Radio Free Europe 427
Radónski, bishop Karol 257
Rahner, Karl 176, 362
Rákosi, Mátyas 324, 333
Rakowski, Mieczyslaw 435*
Ramsey, archbishop 362
Rathenau, Walter xii
Ratti, Achille see Pius XI, pope
Ratzinger see Benedict XVI, pope
Reagan, Ronald 421–2, 423, 431–2, 473
Red Army 320–1, 322, 423
Rédmond, bishop Paul 249
Reformation Party (Germany) 36
Reid, Alec 402, 407
Reinhardt, Max 97
Remembrance Sunday 4
Renner, Karl 149
Renovationist Church 236
Repgen, Konrad 172, 173
resistance movements 284–326
Restrepo, Camilo Torres 370
Reventlow, Graf 98
Rexists 153
Reynolds, Albert 407
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 231
Riefensthal, Leni 113
Riegel, Klaus-Georg 75
Riquet, Michel 243–4
Robertson, Sir Charles Grant 209
Robinson, bishop John 350
Honest to God 355
Robles, Gil 130, 131
Robotnik 427
Rocco, Alfredo 62, 66, 69
Roe v. Wade 473
Rokossovsky, general 321
Romania 258, 270–6, 319, 324
dissolution of Uniate church by Stalin 327
and Iron Guard 270, 271
Orthodox Church 216, 271–2
persecution and deportations of Jews 272–4
reversal in policy towards Jews 274–5
Vatican and fate of Romanian Jews 275–6
Romero, archbishop Oscar 372
Roncalli, Angelo see John XXIII, pope
Roosevelt, president 223, 231, 292
Rösch, Augustinus 195
Rosenberg, Alfred 112, 171, 174, 237
Myth of the Twentieth Century 96
Rossberger, Josef 185
Rotta, archbishop Angelo 280–2
Rouault, Georges 5
Rowse, A.L. 2
Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) 385, 391, 398, 411
Rumsfeld, Donald 454
Rushdie, Salman 456, 457
Russell, Bertrand 38–9, 84
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism 39
Russell, Sean 374
Russia see Bolshevism; Soviet Union
Russia (post Soviet Union) 480
Russian Orthodox Church Abroad 45
Sacks, Sir Jonathan 479–80
‘sacred union’ 33
Sadat, Anwar 459
Saddam Hussein 464, 465
Safran, chief rabbi 274, 275
St Raphael Society 221
Salazar, António de Oliveira 140, 141–2, 147, 294
Saliège, archbishop Jules-Gérard 247–8, 249, 287
Salomon, Ernst von 7
Salter, Cedric 132–3
Samaritans 356
Sandbrook, Dominic 348
Sands, Bobby 377, 402, 403, 404
Sangat 470
Sapieha, archbishop Adam 257, 336, 340
Sauckel, Fritz 98
Saudi Arabia 458, 462, 464
Schillebeeckx, Edward 362
Schioppa, Luigi 163
Schlageter, Albert Leo 114, 121
Schlund, Erhard 27–8, 169
Schlypi, Joseph 327
Schmidt, Fritz 251–2
Schmidt, Helmut 422, 433
Schmidt, Otto 308
Schmutzler, Georg-Siegfried 442
Schröder, chancellor Gerhard 308, 478
Schuman, Robert 289–90, 309
Schumann, Maurice 286, 289
Schuschnigg, Kurt von 146, 148, 149
Schuster, cardinal 200
Schutzbund 143, 145
Schwarze Korps 196
Schwering, Leo 302
Scorza, Carlo 167, 168
Scruton, Roger 427
SD 117, 184, 185, 186, 187, 196
SDLP 393, 404, 411
Second World War 214
entry of Italy 233
Greek famine 221
helping of victims by Vatican 220–1
invasion of Soviet Union by Germany 233
and Ireland 374
peace efforts by pope Pius XII 218–20, 225–6, 231–3, 283
persecution and killing of Jews and response to 245–57
Segundo, Juan Luis 370
Segura, archbishop Pedro 315, 317
Seipel, Ignaz 143
Seitz, Raymond 408
Sept 154, 286
Serbs 262
persecution of by Croats 264, 265, 266, 268
Serédi, cardinal 280
Sergei, patriarch 46, 234, 235–6
Service, Robert 54, 75
sex 351
Sexual Offences Act (1967) 352
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur 148, 250, 251
Shah Reza Pahlavi 462
Shakhty trial (1928) 79–80, 91
Shaw, George Bernard 48
She (magazine) 355
Al-Shehi, Marwan 451
Sheinmann, Mikhail Markovich 293
Shelter 356
‘shock work’ 88–9
Short, Clare 404
show trials (Soviet Union) 79–81
Shultz, George 424
Sidor, Karol 259, 260
Signorelli, Luca 468
Sima, Horia 271
Simpson, John 465
Sinn Fein 150, 151, 373, 374, 391, 404, 411
Slovakia 41, 216, 253, 254, 258–62, 325
treatment and deportation of Jews and Vatican’s attempt to stop 259–62
Smallholders Party (Hungary) 331–2
Social Democratic Party (Austria) 142–3, 145
Social Democrats (Germany) 173, 307, 310
Social Democrats (Hungary) 322
Socialist Unity Party (SED) 438
Society of Jesus 62, 75
Solidarity 426, 428–36
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 321
Gulag Archipelago 422
Sorel, Georges 55
‘Soul of Britain’ investigation (2000) 357
South Africa apartheid 356, 474
South Yemen 464
Soviet Union xiii, 71–94, 319–22, 349
collapse of Communism 414
and Communist Party see Communist Party
control of Communist states 320–1
crash industrialisation 87–9
and cult of Stalin 72
demonisation of ‘class enemy’ 85–6
and East Germany 439, 446–7
emergence of cult of celebrity 89–91
and Gorbachev 423–4, 447, 448
gulags 321–2
and industrial unrest in Poland 431–2
invasion of by Germany 233–4, 236, 271
invasion and occupation of Afghanistan 463
and Magnitogorsk 87–8
persecution and killing of Jews 255
Soviet Union—cont.
purges and show trials 77–84
and Red Army 320–1, 322, 423
revival of Orthodox Church during war and ceasing of anti-religious propaganda 234–7
self-reconstruction into ‘new’ Soviet man 92–4
shock work 88–9
US aid to 272
see also Bolsheviks/Bolshevism; Stalin, Joseph
Spaak, Paul-Henri 156
Spain xiii, xiv, 127–39, 314–18, 366–8, 468
campaign against church by Republic 127, 128–30
Catholic Church and Franco regime 316
Church under Juan Carlos 368
Concordat (1953) 317, 366, 368
discontent of Catholics with Franco’s
‘crusading Catholicism’ 366
and Falange 139–40
and fascism 139
hostility towards religion by working class 318
impact of Vatican Council 366
and Opus Dei 316, 366–7, 372
relationship between Franco and European powers/United States 316, 317
revival of Catholic Church under Franco 314–15
secularisation of society and Church in crisis 366–8
Vatican and Franco regime 315–16, 317–18
Spanish Civil War 131–9, 154, 157–9, 285, 316
Basque-Nationalist conflict 136, 137
campaign against Church by Nationalists and anticlerical violence 132–5
support of Nationalist cause by Catholic Church 135–6, 138–9
and Vatican 136–7, 138
victory by Franco 314
Spanish Confederation of Autonomous
Right-Wing Groups (CEDA) 130–1
Spanish Inquisition 81
Spann, Othmar 143
Spellman, cardinal Francis 281, 293, 297, 329
Spence, Augustus ‘Gusty’ 409
Spiritual Exercises 92
spiritual experimentation 14–15
Splett, monsignor 335
Spulbeck, bishop Otto 436
SS 116–17, 184, 185, 237
Stakhanov, Aleksei 89–90
Stalin, Joseph 47, 53, 54, 71, 233, 234, 235–6
assault on Uniate Catholics 326–8
creation of personality cult of 72–4
family life 74
The Foundations of Leninism 54
ignoring of Nazi persecution of Jews 253
and post-war Germany 312
and purges of Party and show trials 77, 80
Standing Committee of the Christian Churches on the Coal Dispute 32–3
Starace, Achille 60
Stasi 439–40, 445, 447
Statute of the Jews (France) 242, 243–4
Steel, David 51
Stefan, metropolitan 276–7, 277–8
Stegerwald, Adam 36, 306
Steigman-Gall, Richard 202
Stein, Edith 179, 252
Steiner, Rudolf 21, 29, 30
Stellvertreter, Der 361
Stephenson, John 391
Stepinac, archbishop Alojzije 153, 263, 265, 266–7, 268, 328, 329
Stern, J.P. 104
Stoecker, Adolf 109
Stöhr, Franz 202
Stone, Michael 405–6
Stoppard, Tom 427
Strategic Defence Initiative 423
Streicher, Julius 198
student movement (1968) 22
student protests 349–50
Sturzo, Luigi xi, xiii, 34, 58, 67, 154
‘Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt’ (1945) 305–6
Sudan 464, 466
suicide bombers 458
Sully 158
Sunday Schools 346
Sword of the Spirit movement 215–16
Szálasi, Ferenc 281, 324
Szefir, Gyula 331
Szeptycki, metropolitan 255
Sztójay, Döme 280
Taliban 466
Ta’Morley, Eoin 395
bombing of US embassy (1998) 458, 466
Taracón, Vincente Enrique y 366
Tardini 231–2, 255, 293, 339
Tartary 28
Taylor, Myron 93, 223, 255
Tedeschini, Federico 127
Teitgen, Pierre-Henri 289
television 348–9, 353
‘Clean Up TV’ campaign 350–1
Temple, William 31–2
Tennenberg memorial (East Prussia) 6
Tere Nouvelle 154
terrorist assaults 456–60, see also 9/11; Islamist terrorism
Thälmann, Ernst ‘Teddy’ 441
Thatcher, Margaret 378, 402, 404, 421–2, 423
Théas, Pierre Marie 248
Thomas, Hugh 134
Tikhon, patriarch 43, 44, 46, 236
Tiso, Dr Jozef 258–9, 260, 261, 262, 341–2
Tisserant, cardinal 238, 268
Tito, marshal 328, 329
Tittmann, Harold 224
Togliatti, Palmiro 291–2, 295, 296
Tomásek, cardinal Frantisek 420
totalitarian regimes
as political religions 117–22
Transnistria 273, 275
Treoltsch, Ernst 36
Trimble, David 408, 410, 411
Triumph of the Will (film) 113
Troost, Paul Ludwig 115
Trotsky, Leon 43, 44, 53, 83, 89
Literature and Revolution 89
Truman, Harry 316
Tucholsky, Kurt 17
Tucker, Robert 75
Tuka, Vojtech 259, 260, 261
al-Turabi, Hassan 464
Turatti, Augusto 60
Turkey 479
Tygodnik Powszechny 340, 427
Tynan, Kenneth 427
Tyne Cot Memorial 2
Ukraine 236, 237, 326, 327
Ulbricht, Walter 311, 439, 442, 443
Ulster see Northern Ireland
Ulster Defence Regiment 391, 398
Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) 388, 390, 397
Uniate Catholics assault on by Stalin 326–8
Union Générale des Juifs de France (UGIF) 243
Unione Nazionale (Italy) 96
Unionists (Northern Ireland) 380, 381, 383, 384–5, 388, 390, 405, 407, 410, 411
Unità, L’ 335
United Evangelical Lutheran Church 436
United Nations 364
United States 53, 358, 473
civil rights movement 474
and Communism in Italy 297
condemnation of Nazism by Christians 208
and Franco 317
and Northern Ireland 373, 408, 409, 412
and post-war Italy 292–3, 297
reaction to Nazi persecution of Jews 253
religion in 273
and Vatican 293
Unknown Warrior 4
Urban, Jerzy 434
Ustashe (Insurgency-Croatian
Revolutionary Organisation) 262–4, 265–6, 329
Val, Merry del 69
Valeri, nuncio 245
Vallat, Xavier 157, 241, 243
Valle de los Caídos 366
van Gogh, Theo xv, 456–7, 459, 476
Van Roey, cardinal 153
Vanguard Movement 388
Vas, Zoltán 320
attempt to stop deportation of Slovak Jews 259–61
and Austrian Anschluss 150
and Bolshevism 160, 163–4
and Concordats see Concordats
conflicting views within 161
and Croatia 264, 267–8
deal with Nazis claim 172
deterioration in relations with Polish regime 336, 338–9
diplomatic peace efforts during Second
World War 218–20, 231–3, 255–6, 283
encyclicals see encyclicals
and Fascist Italy 65, 69–71, 168, 199–200
and Franco regime 315, 317–18
and Great War 66
helping of victims of Second World War 220–2
influence of policy in Catholic satellite states 258
and Nazi Germany 150, 160, 189–92
and political Catholicism 33, 65, 68
and Portugal 335, 336, 369
and post-war Italy 296
reaction to Nazi persecution of Jews 179, 252, 253–6
reaction to Nazis sterilisation policies 180, 229
relationship with United States 293
and Romanian Jews 275–6
and Second World War 217–18
and Soviet Union 238
and Spanish Civil War 136–7, 138
‘syllabus of contemporary errors’ 189
wealth 70
see also individual popes
Vatican II 361–5, 366, 368, 369, 385
Vatican Information Service 222
Vatican Radio 246, 252, 257, 335, 427
Vecchio, Giorgio del 200
Vega, José Reyes 126
Veniamin, metropolitan 46
Verdonk, Rita 476
Versailles Treaty 16, 35, 148
Victor Emmanuel, king 290, 291
Victoriano 126
Vida, Giorgo Levi della 200
Vie Intellectuelle, La 154
Vietnam War 353, 472
Voegelin, Eric
The Political Religions 118
Voegelin, Eric xiii, 118–20
Voigt, Frederick xiii, 209
Voix du Vatican, La (Voice of the Vatican) 246
Volterra, Vito 200
Voroshilov 72, 73 [????]
Voroshilov, marshal Klementi 320
Voskresensky, metropolitan 234
vozhd’ 71, 72
Vvedensky 45
Vyshinsky, Andrei 80, 83, 333
Wagner, Winifred 99
al-Wahhab, Muhammad ibn Abd 462
Wajda, Andrei 337
Walesa, Lech 417, 419, 429, 430, 431, 432*
Wallenberg, Raoul 281
war memorials (Great War) 1–5
Waugh, Evelyn 157
Weber, Max 19–20, 76, 119
Weigel, George xv, 473
Weizsäcker, Ernst von 279
Wessel, Horst 205
Whitehouse, Mary 350–1
Whitelaw, William 395
Widgey, lord chief justice 394
Wienken, Heinrich 301
Wiesel, Elie 373
Wilders, Geert 457
Wiligut, Karl Maria 116
Wilson, Harold 352, 386, 390
Winter, Jay 8
Wogan, Terry 375
Wolfenden report (1957) 351
Wolker, Ludwig 180–1
Woman’s Own 355
women’s magazines 355
Wonneberger, Christoph 444
World Baptist congress (1934) 208
World Council of Churches 305
World Service 427
Wörmann, Ernst 227
Wright, Billy ‘King Rat’ 409
Wurm, bishop Theophil 204, 208, 210, 211, 228, 302
Wyszy ´ nski, bishop Stefan 338, 340, 341, 421
Yaroslavsky, Emelyan 49
Young Men’s Association 181–2
Young Pioneers 91, 92
youth culturein 1960s 354–5
Yugoslavia 153, 262–3, 320, 328–9
Yule Festival 116
Zapiaín, bishop António Pildain 316
al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab 458–9, 463, 466
al-Zawahari, Ayman 460, 463
Zerapha, Georges 155
Zimbabwe 356
Zinoviev, Grigori 53, 80, 82
Zolli, chief rabbi Israel 280
Zweig, Arnold 7