
Harley comes dragging through the front door of the apartment we’ve shared since Justice moved in with Caelin. In the months since I came to live with Heaven Hill, I’ve stayed mostly at the Clubhouse; it was all I thought I’d need. Once Justice moved out of the apartment, I moved in, and this is where I’ve spent my time since. Although we’re young, I realize we could build a home. My dorm room will always have a special place in my heart. It’s the spot that offered me protection when I most needed it.

But this place?

It’s become home.

Harley looks exhausted as she walks over and has a seat on the couch beside me. Putting my arm around her, I lean my head against hers. “Did you have fun with your sister?”

“Yeah.” She sighs. “It was a good dinner and a good time, but I couldn’t keep the secret.”

I laugh loudly. “You’ve never been able to keep anything from her so I’m not surprised.”

Harley makes a noise in the back of her throat. “I’m pretty sure Justice would have figured it out regardless, but I’m slightly disappointed in myself for not hanging onto it a little bit longer.”

“Are you sure you want to tell people before we know if you’re actually pregnant or not?” I ask gently, reminding her we’re still not positive. I don’t want her to be upset if she ends up not being pregnant.

Her hand moves to her stomach, cupping the lower part while shaking her head. “Bishop, I don’t need this bloodwork to tell me I’m pregnant. I know I am. There’s all this energy inside me that I don’t know what to do with. And I needed to tell someone, someone I trust even though you’re the love of my life and I know I wouldn’t want to do this with someone else. Justice has been a part of my life since day one and she knows me better than anyone. She and I don’t really have secrets from one another and it just felt wrong for me not to tell her. I needed her to know because I don’t keep things like this from her since she was kidnapped. We’ve made it a point to always include one another. There was so much guilt for me when she got taken…I never want to feel like I’ve not included her in anything again.”

“I get it.” I nose against her forehead before dropping my lips to her skin. “This is your news to tell whoever you want to. You don’t have to worry I’m going to be upset or I’ll be angry.”

She interrupts me. “I really should’ve spoken with you first.”

“No, no. You tell who you want. I’ll tell who I want and we’ll figure this out.”

Her hand plays with mine as we sit in silence for a few moments. It’s nice to just be with her. There’s not many people I’ve ever been able to just be with. Someone has always wanted something from me. My dad always wanted me to be perfect and my brother was always trying to compete with me. The home I had before Justice was never the type of place I could relax. 

I was always running either from or to something. 

With Justice and the Walkers, I can be exactly who I am. 

No one wants anything other than me.

It’s an important lesson I learned early in life.

I chuckle lightly. “The one person I’m scared to tell isn’t your dad, surprisingly. It’s your mom.”

She laughs along with me. “I can see mom having a few things to say.”

Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, she vows, “This is our life; we’ve done what we’ve done. We’ll take responsibility and we’ll be the family I’ve wanted and you’ve needed.” 

I shuffle on the couch so that we’re laying down, wanting to ask her a question, but not wanting to offend. “Lee,” I breathe out. “You’ve always had an amazing family. What do you mean about the family you’ve always wanted?”

She sighs heavily. “I feel stupid even saying this, but I’m gonna do it. Everyone has always looked at our family like we’re perfect because of our last name. They either look at us like we’re perfect or they look at us with fear. All I ever wanted was to be normal. No expectations. No trying to be something we aren’t. So, I feel like the most important thing about us having a child is that we can teach it you don’t have to be anything special. You can be who you are and still be loved. You don’t have to scare people, be perfect, or be a member of Heaven Hill. You can be as normal as you wanna be and that’s okay.”

Gathering her in my arms, I kiss her on the lips. “That’s a good lesson to learn and I’m excited we’ll be teaching it together.”