
“I don’t know if I have any more in me,” I groan as I sit on my knees, bent over the toilet. I thought I was done with this, but Gramps came in with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“There’s always more,” Grandma Denise commiserates as she rubs my back. “It’s like it never ends.”

“How ya doin’, Push Pop?” He calls through the door.

“Tell him to stop mentioning food!”

“Be right back.” She gets up, quickly shooting out the door.

Sitting back on my heels, I take a few deep breaths and try to get my stomach under control. This has to stop soon. I’m not sure how much more I can take of it. It always throws my days off. I start puking and then it’s like my day has to start over too.

I’ve even had a few times where I had to change clothes. I’ve taken to carrying an extra set with me.

There’s a slight knock at the door before it opens. “Hey, how ya doin’?”

Glancing up, I grin at the hottest guy I know. “Been better.” I shrug as he has a seat next to me. “Who told you?”

“Liam. I told him you like to keep this side away from me and I’d always be here if I could.” Bishop reaches over, pulling me to his side. “You starting to feel better?”

“A little bit.” I point over to the cup of Ginger Ale. “That stuff really does help to settle the stomach. I’m hoping I’ll be able to head back out to work in a few,” I say before yawning.

“Are you tired?” 

I nod. “It’s the throwing up. It wears me out,” I do my best to explain. “It takes everything out of me and it’s hard to go right back to work after I’m done.”

“What do you want to do?” He asks, massaging the tight muscles of my neck.

“Take a nap.” It’s meant to be a joke, but there’s also a kernel of truth to it. The only thing I want to do is lie down, cover myself up and sleep until I feel rested.

Bishop gets up, before putting his hand out to me. “C’mon.”

Putting my hand in his, I allow him to pull me up. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

We head out of the bathroom and everyone is sitting around the office. “Is she okay?” Dad asks, looking alarmed.

“She’s fine,” Bishop answers for me. “But she’s exhausted and she needs to go home. I’m going to go with her to make sure she takes the break she needs. We’ll be back and ready to go in the morning.”

He doesn’t even wait for Dad to approve the time. He grabs my purse and ushers me out the door. “I’ve never seen someone stand up to my dad like that.” I’m in shock. “It’s fucking hot.”

“I should’ve stood up before now.” He directs me over to his bike. “You wanna take a ride, babe? I’ll go real slow.”

“Yeah.” I nod. “I’d love to.”

We get on and he starts it. Feeling the rumble between my thighs is a sensation I’ve missed more than I realized. 

He reaches back to me. “You ready?”

Nodding, I grip his waist tightly as he takes off. Immediately, I feel like myself again. The wind is against my face and flowing through my hair. It clears the cobwebs, allowing me to look at the world with a different mindset than I did this morning while driving to work. 

No longer do I feel like the girl with a huge amount of pressure on her. I feel like the girl that Bishop fell in love with. The one who didn’t have a fucking care in the world, instead of the girl I’ve morphed into. Worried about everything. Although I’ve kept that hidden pretty well. I never imagined myself as a mother, much less one at this age. I always thought the mother would be Justice. 

Gripping Bishop’s waist tighter, I dig my head into his back. We come to a stop next to Porter Pike. He leans back. “Are you okay?”

I dig my fingers into his abs. “Now I am.”

We take the left-hand turn toward the clubhouse and I realize we’re going back to where it all started. The ride out there is special. It takes the same amount of time as normal, but I see the sights clearer and notice the smells more. 

Pulling into the clubhouse, I notice there’s no one there but us and probably Caelin. It’s nice to know we’ll have the place to ourselves.

He parks in one of the garages and helps me off.  He wraps his index finger around my pinky. It’s sweet and I smile as we walk along the hallway together. When we get to his dorm, he opens it with his code.

“You wanna nap?” He questions. “We’re going to nap.”

My eyes are heavy thinking about it. “Yes, please.”

With the care I’ve come to expect from Bishop, he undresses both of us before leading me over to the bed. He has a seat, dragging me in between his legs. “You have a belly today,” he whispers, cupping my stomach in his hands. “I haven’t noticed it before.”

Glancing down at him, I realize he’s correct. My skin is tight and stretched in a way it hasn’t been previously. There’s a definite outward slope. “Me neither.” I grin down at him. “This is surreal.”

“It really is,” he whispers before dropping a kiss onto the distended flesh. “We’re going to make this work. It’s not going to be easy, but it’ll be worth it, Harley. I promise.”

“I know.” I lean down, kissing his forehead. “I have no fear when it comes to you. It’s me I’m scared for. What do I know about being a mother? I’ve always been the slightly crazier of me and Justice.”

“Nah, you were the fearless one. Always have been. You are your grandmother made over. You worry, but you show no fear. You’ll go to war for anyone you care about and I can’t wait to see you go to war for our kid.”

“To go to war, I need to get some sleep,” I remind him, yawning again.

He lies back, bringing me with him. I gratefully snuggle into his chest, resting my head above where the beat of his heart reminds me that we’re in this together. As I drift off, I know there’s no one else I’d rather be with. No matter how scared I am, I know that Bishop’s always got me. 

“What are you going to do about your hair?” Mom asks as the group of us sit at Christine’s salon.

“What do you mean?”

“She means you can’t be messing with the bleach while you’re pregnant. The blond you like your hair to be requires the roots to be bleached,” Christine explains.

“Well shit, I didn’t even think about that. I guess I could go dark. No bleach for that.” I shrug. “My real hair color is so drab, I gotta have something slightly different.”

“We’ll look less like twins than we ever have,” Justice quips. “You’ll have a stomach, dark hair, a baby on your hip. A country song, if you will.”

“Some days I really hate having a twin.” I throw back at her. “Today is one of them.”

She smiles, tilting her head to the side. “Love you, sis.”

“Yeah, yeah.”