Jeff Nesbit has been a national journalist, the communications director to the vice president at the White House, and the director of public affairs for two prominent science agencies in Washington, the National Science Foundation and the Food and Drug Administration. He’s written eighteen novels for adults and teens.
Nesbit authored PEACE and OIL, the first two books in the Principalities and Powers series, after extensive research into the truth about the conflict between Israel and Iran threatening to destabilize the Middle East. He also managed a successful strategic communications business for nearly fifteen years. His clients and projects included dozens of national nonprofit, trade associations, media companies, Fortune 500 companies, major health foundations, public relations agencies, and advocacy organizations.
Nesbit was also a national journalist with media organizations such as Knight-Ridder Newspapers (now McClatchy), ABC News’ Satellite News Channels (acquired by CNN), States News Service (when it was managed by The New York Times), nationally syndicated columnist Jack Anderson, and newspapers in Virginia and South Carolina.