‘Mmm… That’s nice. I think I like that one better.’

Ashe gently ran the black leather glove down the curve of Melissa’s pale back.

‘Yeah, that’s definitely better.’

He smiled as his fingers clipped under the elastic of Melissa’s black knickers.

‘Don’t stop.’ Melissa lifted her face out of the sofa cushion and looked directly at Ashe. Her eyes widened. Ashe averted his gaze and took in the tidy flat Melissa was sharing with a friend in Paultons Square, London SW3.

‘So you’re a Chelsea girl now.’

‘What does that mean? Think I’m a party tart? Smack addict?’

‘It means I like your new hair, and I like the way you look at me.’

Melissa smiled. ‘Amazing the effect a dab of black hair dye has on a man.’

Ashe laughed. It was true. Melissa had never looked so desirable. She turned onto her side, her hip luxuriating in the soft cushion.

‘You know there’s something really intense about your breasts.’

‘Intense?’ Melissa’s bright eyes narrowed.

‘Yeah. Try this.’

‘Oh Christ!’

‘Thought so.’

‘Kiss me.’


Ashe kissed her passionately on the lips, running his hand down her warm body. What a fantastic wife Melissa would make, Ashe thought to himself. There was something voluptuous, even Italian, about this Cheshire rose. Large family… passionate nights… big fights… fierce loyalty… full-blooded – quite a future. They could move to the sun together, bask by the sea – were it not for the world.

‘I was thinking about the Iraq situation, Melissa. Have you realised how close it’s getting to the Bible?’

Melissa shook her head. ‘Oh God, Toby! Is now the time?’ She pulled his head towards her large eyes and full lips. Ashe resisted.

‘No, no. Just wait a second. I put this down to you. You’ve turned me on.’

‘And this is the result? A lecture?’

‘In the head. Thoughts. Inspirations.’

‘Screw that, Toby. Let’s see how well you think now.’

Melissa rolled off the sofa onto the thick carpet and began playing with the fly on Ashe’s black jeans.

‘Yeah, I mean if you change the characters around a bit. You’ve virtually got the Christmas story.’

‘You’ve got a gorgeous cock.’

‘The Roman eagle marching up and down Palestine – that’s the US army, taking the census. Getting control of the bureaucracy. Herod is, if you like, the Iraqi government – currently in waiting. The government favoured by Rome (the US) but hated by a lot of the population – the Zealots, so to speak. Herod was an Idumaean Arab. An outsider from mainstream society, just like the Kurds. Rumour has it the first Iraqi prime minister next year might be a… a Kurd.’

Ashe was having some trouble keeping to his train of thought. Melissa looked up at him. ‘Like that?’

Another side to Melissa; he liked it.

‘Mmm… Yeah, like I was saying. You’ve got the eagle bringing what it considers civilisation – the Pax Romana – to a troubled part of the empire. God, Melissa! Now, it’s called freedom and democracy. Pax Americana. Point being that the Romans were utterly convinced they were doing the Right Thing. Couldn’t understand the suicidal determination of the Zealots. Anyhow. Then you’ve got the massacre of the innocents in the Christmas story. A lot of children are dying in this thing. You’ve got people expecting the end of the world.’

Melissa reached her hand up under Ashe’s shirt and tickled his chest.


‘Still thinking?’

‘Then there’s… there’s… a… Well, the only thing you need now is the totally unseen element. Totally unseen. Unexpected. A sort of Joseph and Mary dodging the violence. Two little people carrying destiny in their… Maybe taking refuge in Egypt. Interesting place.’

‘Yes, Toby. So when are you taking me?’

‘Why’ve you stopped?’

Melissa slipped off her knickers and wrapped her legs around Ashe. She took him in her arms and kissed him. ‘So, Toby, you reckon the Second Coming is imminent do you?’

Ashe cracked up. ‘All right, you win.’

‘At last!’

Ashe’s mobile rang. He reached behind the sofa to his jacket.

‘No! Don’t answer it!’

‘I’m expecting something.’

‘So am I, Toby Ashe!’

Melissa jumped off Ashe and tried to get to the phone first. Both their hands seized the mobile as it continued to bleep. Ashe pushed Melissa away.

‘Right, you bastard! You take your bloody call. I’m going out. Make sure you’re gone when I come back!’

Melissa gathered her clothes and stormed into her bedroom, slamming the door. Ashe could hear her sobbing. He clicked on the phone. ‘Here we go again…’

‘I’m sorry?’

‘No, no, not you. Who is it?’


‘Ah, yes. Kellner said I’d be hearing from you.’

‘Can you get over to Hamburg, Dr Ashe?’


‘If you wanna find your man. Pull some strings – and be here by 1800 hours, OK?’

Ashe looked at his watch. ‘That’s…’

‘Call me. The minute you got an ETA, I’ll give you a location. Adios, friend.’