The best way ever to roast an eggplant is over charcoal—just put a couple of whole ones on the grill when having a barbecue and turn them occasionally until they are charred and soft. The idea is to get the skin charred and the flesh soft. As we very rarely—if ever—barbecue, we find other solutions to get our fix, as you’ll see in the recipe below. Then we use the pulp in so many ways, but this is everyone’s favorite.
For 4–6 to share as a mezze
2 small firm eggplants (to yield about 3 cups/300g pulp)
2 cloves of garlic, peeled
3½ tbsp/50g tahini paste
2½ tbsp lemon juice
¼ tsp salt
fresh pomegranate seeds, to serve (optional)
pomegranate molasses, to serve (optional)
You can use two methods to char eggplants if you don’t happen to have a barbecue handy:
• Option 1: If you have a gas burner, remove the rack and cover the surface under the burner with aluminum foil. Return the rack and turn on the gas to high heat. Place the eggplants over the direct heat and allow to burn—if you have an extractor fan, turn it on, or open a window. Use a pair of tongs to turn the eggplants, so that they burn all over and feel soft when pressed.
• Option 2: Turn your oven onto the broiler setting, or if you have a separate grill use that. Line a tray with aluminum foil or a silicone baking sheet—it’s best not to use parchment paper as it can burn, but you do want to line the tray as the eggplants leak a sticky liquid that is hard to clean off. Pierce each eggplant twice with the tip of a knife to stop them exploding, and place on the tray directly under the broiler. Allow them to burn, then turn (using tongs) and burn again, then turn again… you get the idea.
Once they are completely burnt, transfer them to a plate to cool slightly. When they are cool enough to handle, slit and scoop out all the flesh into a bowl with a spoon. I like to use the liquid that accumulates at the bottom too, as it is full of that wonderful smokiness.
Crush the garlic using a press or a fine grater, then mix with the eggplant pulp, tahini paste, lemon juice and salt. You may want to adjust the level of salt and lemon juice. It is now ready to eat. We like to sprinkle it with a handful of pomegranate seeds and drizzle it with pomegranate molasses, but it works perfectly just as it is.
You can keep the dip for 2–3 days in an airtight container in the fridge, but beware: it may need to be re-seasoned, as both tahini and lemon lose their edge if kept too long.