Today is the day.
You take your time getting ready. You have to. There is no way you can allow a mistake now. Not when you are so close. You run a bath, hot and soapy. Wear surgical gloves, disposable clothes – you can burn them later – a mask – Tony Blair, a nice ironic touch – just in case she sees you.
You open the door. The girl sleeps, drugged a little more heavily than usual. You carry her upstairs. She’s heavier than she looks, especially when so unresponsive. You strip her and put her in the bath. Her clothes go in a plastic bag to be disposed of. They have traces of you on them.
You wash her carefully; scrubbing her skin until it is pink, working a lather of shampoo into her hair. All through it she sleeps. When you are done you lay her on a towel. Unwrap the brand new clothes. Dress her, making sure your skin does not touch hers.
The towel goes in the plastic bag.
You carry the girl downstairs and into the garage and into the car. Not your car. A new one. Bought for cash seventy miles away, nearly on the other side of the country. No questions asked. You can dump it when the job is done, when the girl is gone. Maybe set fire to it. Maybe leave it with the keys in, in one of the rough parts of town. Let people who have experience in making things disappear get rid of it.
Either way, it will be gone.
Same as the girl.
And once the girl is gone, it is time to turn your attention to the real target.
The mother.
Julia had not slept. Not even fallen asleep for a minute. Now, at nine in the morning she was sitting on the couch with a mug of coffee and wondering how she would stop herself unravelling. It didn’t help that she could not stop reading what the world was saying about her.
‘I don’t care how busy you are, you don’t leave a child alone and unattended in this world full of predatory paedophiles, constantly on the lookout for fresh victims. It is the height of irresponsibility to do so.’
Or, another theme, one that reoccurred:
‘Mrs Crowne is representative of a certain type of person, the type who cannot do anything other than put themselves first. Never mind the damage to her family, she wants a divorce. Never mind the risk to her child, she has something better to do, so poor Anna can wait until her mother is ready to take her home. If she was having an affair – and who would be surprised to find out she was – never mind who got hurt, never mind if her lover had a wife and a family who would be torn apart. No, none of this matters, as long as Julia Crowne is happy, as long as she gets her sordid moments of fleeting pleasure.’
It was unbearable. Julia didn’t think she was perfect, but she was not this person, this amoral, self-interested, irresponsible monster that the press was making her out to be. Yes, she wanted a divorce, but that was hardly news these days, and in any case, most of the journalists condemning her were hardly paragons of virtue. She didn’t know the facts, but she would not have been surprised to find out that the number of divorced or adulterous or alcoholic or drug-addicted people working on Fleet Street was well above the national average.
Yes, she had been late for her daughter, and for that she needed no help in feeling guilty. The quiet of the house, the silence between her and Brian, the constant reminders of Anna – the child’s cereal at the back of a kitchen cupboard, the Lego piece lodged between the cushions of a sofa, the small step stool by the bathroom sink – made sure that the guilt was a permanent fixture, outbid for a claim on her emotions only by the constant, throbbing pain of missing her daughter.
Worse than missing: it was pure loss. There was nothing else. Just loss. The loss of her daughter, the loss of the future she had imagined for them both.
It was the little things that hurt the most. There was a picture of a whale playing with a dolphin that Anna had drawn on the fridge door; it reminded her of the day Anna had brought it home and Julia had asked her what it was before complimenting it. That in turn reminded her of when Anna had shown her one of her early drawings, a drawing that looked uncannily like a horse, and which made Julia wonder whether her daughter was a gifted artist.
What a lovely horse, she said.
A frown.
Mummy. It’s not a horse. It’s a turtle.
So now she asked for identification early, and the picture reminded her of that, which reminded her that she may not be the recipient of one of her daughter’s unrecognizable drawings ever again, and that was simply too painful to bear.
And it never stopped. All she wanted was for it to stop, for just a few hours, so she could get some kind of a break, have some rest, some sleep.
Julia pushed her coffee away. She needed something stronger, even at nine in the morning. And why not? What else did she have to do? She stood up and opened the drinks cabinet. There was a bottle of vodka. She stood looking at it. Imagined drinking it all, just so she could pass out. But drink wouldn’t do it. She’d just wake up even more paranoid than before, and with a hangover to boot.
She reached for it and took a long swig anyway. What did a hangover matter in the scheme of things? Her marriage was over. Her reputation was in tatters. There was one photo of her doing the rounds in which she had been Photoshopped to look like Myra Hindley. It was everywhere, and it had come to define how she was seen.
Myra Hindley.
It didn’t get much lower than that. Lower than a snake’s belly, as her dad, her dear, beloved father, and oh, how she missed him, missed his warmth and strength and love, would have said. If there was a proxy for female evil in the British mind it was Myra Hindley. And Julia Crowne was being put in the same bracket.
And worst of all, Anna was gone. Gone for good, Julia was sure about that. The police were getting nowhere and she could tell from the tone of her conversations with DI Wynne that they were giving up hope. Anna could literally be anywhere. Every year thousands of kids disappeared like this, and few, if any, were found.
God, she wanted a break from these thoughts. Needed a break. Needed some sleep, just a few hours of dreamless sleep. Perhaps she could ask her doctor for sleeping pills. Maybe later in the day, though. Better wait until the smell of the vodka was gone.
Or she could take some of Brian’s. There were some in the bathroom cabinet, or at least, there had been before he left. She could take one of those. Or two.
She got unsteadily to her feet. She hadn’t eaten much in a week and the vodka was burning a hole straight through her stomach to her brain. Upstairs, she opened the bathroom cabinet.
There it was: a small yellow plastic bottle of sleeping pills.
She took the bottle downstairs and emptied the pills onto the coffee table. Nineteen left, nineteen little white pills. How easy to swallow them and end the suffering. How easy to put a stop to all this here and now. It would take a few seconds to consume them. That was all that stood between her and relief. A few painless seconds.
But no. Not while there was a chance Anna would be found. Not while there was a chance Anna was alive. If they told her she was dead, then she would take the pills. But not before. She wanted sleep, not endless oblivion.
She read the dosage on the side of the bottle. One before bedtime. One wouldn’t do it. She cupped her hand around two of the pills and lifted them to her mouth. She placed them on her tongue. They were bitter. She swallowed them, then washed them down with a large slug of vodka.
Only a few minutes passed before she felt herself losing consciousness. God, these things were strong. For a moment she wondered in alarm whether she had taken too many, then she surrendered to the chemical embrace.
Then her phone rang.
She opened an eye and glanced at the screen.
She recognized – just, through the incoming fog – DI Wynne’s number.
She let it ring out. She was sick of speaking to the cop, sick of hearing her reports that nothing had changed.
It rang again. DI Wynne again. She picked up.
‘Hello,’ she said, her voice slurred.
‘Mrs Crowne, I have some news.’
DI Wynne had a strange, high tone to her voice.
‘Yes,’ she said. ‘What is it?’ It came out as wharisit?
‘Mrs Crowne, we’ve found Anna.’
Julia shook her head. ‘What did you say?’ Whadyasay?
‘I said, we’ve found Anna.’
Through the fog, Julia could not quite grasp the meaning of the words. ‘This a joke?’ Shajoke?
‘No,’ DI Wynne said. ‘It isn’t.’
‘She ok?’ Shokay?
‘She’s fine, Mrs Crowne.’ Wynne sounded uncomprehending, as though she couldn’t believe what she was saying. ‘She’s totally unharmed. She just walked into a newsagent and said hello.’
Julia barely understood what she was hearing before she fell asleep, but she understood enough.
As she slumped onto the couch she was smiling for the first time in a week.