* Yuval Shany is the Hersch Lauterpacht Chair in Public International Law, Faculty of Law at Hebrew University. Research for this chapter was conducted with support of the European Research Council Starting Grant for Frontier Research.
* Waters describes some of these aims, especially in relation to political reconciliation, at 297-299.
* The costs of the ICTY and ICTR, and the length of their trials, have been some of the principal criticisms raised against them. Delays and expenses cannot be solely or even primarily attributed to cases involving self-representation, of course, though arguably such trials do take even more time than other trials. See, e.g., Wippman, Costs of International Justice, 100 AM. J. INT’L L. 861, 862 (2006).
* See Del Ponte 139-142, 145-148 for a critical view of these issues.
* Waters discusses this point, at 302-303.