The editors of this collection are grateful to the following publishers and authors for permission to republish copyright material: to the Loeb Classical Library and the publishers William Heinemann and Harvard University Press for extracts from Libanius Selected Works, vol. 1, translated by A.F.Norman (1971); to Harvard University press for extracts from Moses Khorenats’i, History of the Armenians, translated by R.W.Thomson (1978); to State University of New York Press for extracts from Agathangelos, History of the Armenians, translated by R.W.Thomson, (1976); to University of California Press for extracts from Herodian of Antioch’s History of the Roman Empire, translated by E.Echols (1961); to Oxford University Press for extracts from Essays and Hymns of Synesius of Cyrene, vol. 1, translated by A.Fitzgerald (1930), and Libanius, Autobiography, Oration I, translated by A.F.Norman (1965); to Princeton University Press for extracts from The Theodosian Code, translated by C.Pharr and others (1952), and The Gothic History of Jordanes, translated by C.C.Mierow (1915); to Catholic University of America Press Inc. for extracts from Paulus Orosius, The Seven Books of History against the Pagans, translated by R.J.Deferrari, Fathers of the Church, vol. 50 (1964); to Yale University Press and the Yale Art Gallery for four documents from Dura Europos Final Report, vol. 5, Parchments and Papyri, translated by C.B.Welles and others (1957), and three Middle Iranian Inscriptions from Ibid., vol. 6, The Synagogue, translated by B.Geiger (1952); to the editor of Dumbarton Oaks Papers and Prof. Averil Cameron for extracts from her translation of Agathias, historiae (vol. 23/24, 1969–70); to Manchester University Press for the extract from M. Boyce (ed. and trans.), Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism (1984), and Map 1 from S.N.C.Lieu, Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China (1985); to Liverpool University Press for extracts of J.M.Lieu’s translation of Ephrem Syrus, Hymni contra Julianum in S.N.C.Lieu (ed.), The Emperor Julian, Panegyric and Polemics (1986); to Dr Ludwig Reichert GMBH for an extract from A.Oppenheimer, Babylonia Judaica in the Talmudic Period (1983); to the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia for an extract from G.Downey’s translation of Oration XI of Libanius published in its Proceedings (1959), and for an extract from A.Bandy’s translation of Ioannes Lydus, On Powers or The Magistracies of the Roman State (1983); to the editors of Sumer for the map on Julian’s attack against Ctesiphon by M.Fiey (1967); to J.M.Dent for an extract from Sir Walter Lamb’s translation of Heliodorus, Ethiopian Story, Everyman’s Library (1961); and finally to Prof. Michael Speidel for his personal permission to reproduce his translation of two Latin military inscriptions.
Map 1 The Near East in the third century