The List (notitia) of all high offices (dignitatum), both civil and military, in the Eastern (Oriens) and Western (Occidens) parts’ of the Empire, preserved only in the form of a copy made in 1551, of an original manuscript, now lost, which existed in Speir, is a document of unique importance to the study of the distribution of army units along the Eastern Frontier. The list contains the titles of high officials, those of their staff officers, illustrations of military and civil insignia as well as an enumeration of military units and their garrisons. The work is divided into two parts, covering the Eastern and Western halves of the Empire as it was divided in 395. It is generally accepted that the Eastern half of the work was finished before 413 and probably not much later than 395. The disposition of the frontier units in the East reflects the frontier changes after Jovian’s treaty with Shapur in 363 as no units are assigned to fortresses ceded to the Persians in the treaty such as Nisibis, Singara, Bezabde and Castra Maurorum. Nevertheless, many of the units listed in the Notitia would have been in their given bases in the period between Diocletian and Jovian. Epithets such as ‘Diocletiana’, ‘Iovia’, ‘Herculia’, ‘Valeria’, ‘Flavia’ and ‘Constantina’ suggest Tetrarchic or Constantinian origins to their bearers. Similarly, ‘Valentiana’, ‘Valentiniana’, ‘Honoriana’ or ‘Gratiana’ presuppose post-Jovianic dates for the units’ formation. Therefore, despite its Theodosian date of composition, the Notitia is a frequently cited document in any serious study of the military reforms and frontier reorganization from the Tetrarchy onwards and of the historical geography of the frontier regions. Cf. Jones, 1964 (in): 347–80 and Hoffmann, 1969:516–19. [In the MS. each of the following lists is preceded by a diagram enclosing names of the principal forts in each ducate.] (For translation of military terms, see Glossary on p. 401)
Or. XXXII, 17–44: (Phoenice)
(17) Under the control of the vir spectabilis the dux Foenicis:
(18) Equites Mauri Illyriciani, at Otthara (Ghounthour, cf. Dussaud, 1927:268)
(19) Equites scutarii Illyriciani, at Euhari (Euhara in diagram; Hauwarin, ibid.) Saltatha
(20) Equites promoti indigenae, at Saltatha1
(21) Equites Dalmatiae Illyriciani, at Lataui2
(22) Equites promoti indigenae, at Avatha3 Site not securely identified.
(23) Equites promoti indigenae, at Nazala (mod. Qaryatein)
(24) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Abina (Abira in diagram,= Abira[ca], mod. Khan. al-Basiri, castellum on the Strata Diocletiana, cf. Poidebard, 1932:47 and Van Berchem, 1952:13)
(25) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Casama4
(26) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Calamona5
(27) Equites Saraceni indigenae, at Betproclis (mod. Bir el-Fourqlos on the main road between Emesa and Palmyra)
(28) Equites Saraceni, at Thelsee (mod. Dmeir, a major Roman camp dating back to the Antonine period can be found to the east of the city, cf. Dussaud, 1927:270)
(29) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Adatha6
(30) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of Legio I Illyricorum,7 at Palmyra
(31) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of Legio III Gallica, at Danaba8
(32) And these which are assigned from the lesser register (de minore laterculo):
(33) Ala prima Damascena, at Mons Iovis (not identified)
(34) Ala nova Diocletiana, at Veriaraca (or Beriaraca, mod. Khan el-Hallabat, castellum on the Strata Diocletiana)
(35) Ala prima Francorum, at Cunna (not identified)
(36) Ala prima Alamannorum, at Neia (probably [Car]neia, Khan el-Qattar)
(37) Ala prima Saxonum, at Verofabula9
(38) Ala prima Foenicum, at Rene10
(39) Ala secunda Salutis, at Arefa (=Arpha in Jos., Bell. Jud. III, 57, unidentified, probably east of Trachonitis)
(40) Cohors tertia Herculia, at Veranoca (not identified)
(41) Cohors quinta pacata Alamannorum, at Onevatha (=Anab[atha], Khan Aneybe)
(42) Cohors prima Iulia lectorum, at Vallis Alba (Khan el-Manqoura)
(43) Cohors secunda Aegyptiorum, at Vallis Diocletiana (Khan at-Trab)
(44) Cohors prima Orientalis, at Thama (Khan as-Samat).
Or. XXXIII, 15–35: (Syria and Euphratensis)
(15) Under the command of the vir spectabilis, the dux Syriae et Euphratensis:
(16) Equites scutarii Illyriciani, at Seriane (Isriye. Cf. Dussaud, 1927:273 and Mouterde-Poidebard, 1945:90–1)
(17) Equites promoti Illyriciani, at Occariba (‘Agerbat. Cf. ibid, p. 49)
(18) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Matthana (not identified)
(19) Equites promoti indigenae, at Adada (Qasr el-Hu r. Cf. Mouterde- Poidebard, 1945:103–4 and 115)
(20) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Anatha (Ana, see above, Ch. 3, n. 8)
(21) Equites sagittarii, at Acadama (Qdeym. Cf. Mouterde-Poidebard, 1945: 103–6)
(22) Equites sagittarii, at Acauatha
(23) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of Legio IV Scythica, at Oresa (?Oriza, at- Tayibe, about 90 km. N.E. of Palmyra)
(24) In Augusta Euphratensis:
(25) Equites Dalmatae Illyriciani, at Barbalissos (Balis)
(26) Equites Mauri Illyriciani, at Neocaesarea (Dibsi Faraj)11
(27) Equites promoti indigenae, at Rosafa (=Resapha-Sergiopolis)
(28) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of Legio XVI Falvia firma, at Sura (Suriya)
(29) And these which are assigned from the lesser register:
(30) Ala prima nova Herculia, at Ammuda (‘Amouda. Cf. Poidebard, 1932:158)
(31) Ala prima Iuthungorum, at Salutaria (not identified)
(32) Cohors prima Gotthorum, at Helela (Hlehle. Cf. Poidebard, 1932:76)
(33) Cohors prima Ulpia Dacorum, at Claudiana (not identified)
(34) Cohors tertia Valeria, at Marmantarum (not identified)
(35) Cohors prima victorum, at Ammattha (confusion for Admatha? See below Or. XXXIV, 33.)
Or. XXXIV, 17–48: (Palestina)
(17) Under the control of the vir spectabilis, the dux Palestinae:
(18) Equites Dalmatae Illyriciani, at Benosaba (Beersheba. Cf. GRP, pp.35–6)
(19) Equites promoti Illyriciani, at Menochia (or Maon, Khan Ma’ in. Cf. GRP, p. 78)
(20) Equites scutarii Illyriciani, at Chermula (el Kamil. Cf. GRP, p. 78)
(21) Equites Mauri Illyriciani, at Aelia (i.e. Aelia Capitolina, Jerusalem. Cf. GRP, pp. 69–70)
(22) Equites Thamudeni Illyriciani, at Birsama (Khan el Fâr. Cf. GRP, p. 43)
(23) Equites promoti indigenae, at Sabaia (or Asabaia, Qsar Supa‘ia. Cf. GRP, p. 32)
(24) Equites promoti indigenae, at Zodocatha (es Sadaqa. Cf. GRP, p. 104)
(25) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Hauana (or Hauare,? Khan el Khaldi cf. GRP, p. 64)
(26) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Zoara (Ghôr es Sâfi. Cf. GRP, p. 104)
(27) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Robatha (Khan er Ruwat. Cf. GRP, p. 91)
(28) Equites primi felices [sagittarii indigenae] Palestini, at Sabure (Sobora, es Sabre. Cf. GRP, p. 97) or Veterocaria
(29) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Moahile (?Qasr Mahalle. Cf. GRP, p. 81)
(30) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of Legio X Fretensis, at Aila (‘Aqaba. Cf. GRP, p. 27)
(31) And these which are assigned from the lesser register:
(32) Ala prima miliaria Sebestana, at Asuada (Khan es Samra. Cf. GRP, p. 33)
(33) Ala Antana dromedariorum, at Admatha (or Ammatha, Humeima. cf. GRP, p. 28)
(34) Ala Constantiana, at Toloha (Qasr et Tlâh. Cf. GRP, p. 102)
(35) Ala secunda felix Valentiana, near Praesidium (Ghôr el Feife. Cf. GRP, p. 89)
(36) Ala prima miliaria, at Hasta (Wâdi el Khusaiya. Cf. GRP, p. 64)
(37) Ala Idiota constituted (?)12
(38) Cohors duodecima Valeria, at Afro (Ophrah, Seil ‘Afra near et Taiyibe. Cf. GRP, p. 85)
(39) Cohors decima Carthaginensis, at Cartha (var. Sartha, Sari. Cf. GRP, p. 93)
(40) Cohors prima agentenaria (?), at Tarba13
(41) Cohors quarta Frygum, at Praesidium (el Kitara in Wâdi ‘Itm. Cf GRP, p. 88)
(42) Cohors secunda Gratiana, at Iehibo14
(43) Cohors prima equitata, at Calamona (Bîr Madhkûr? Cf. GRP, p. 45)
(44) Cohors secunda Galatarum, at Arieldela (Gharandal. Cf. GRP, p. 31)
(45) Cohors prima Flavia, at Moleatha (Malatha, Tell el Milh. Cf. GRP, p. 78)
(46) Cohors quarta Palaestinorum, at Thamana (Tamara, ‘Ain el Hûsb. Cf. GRP, p. 99)
(47) Cohors secunda Cretensis, near to the River Jordan
(48) Cohors prima salutaria, between Aelia and Hiericius (Jericho. Cf. GRP, p. 78)15
Or. XXXV, 14–34: (Osrhoene)
(14) Under the control of the vir spectabilis, the dux Osrhoenae:
(15) Equites Dalmatae Illyriciani, at Ganaba (Gallaba in diagram)16
(16) Equites promoti Illyriciani, at Callinicum (mod. Raqqa)
(17) Equites Mauri Illyriciani, at Dabana (‘Aïn el ‘Arous on the Balikh, south of Carrhae)
(18) Equites promoti indigenae, at Banasa17
(19) Equites promoti indigenae, at Sina Iudaeorum (Fafa, 45 km. N.N.W. of Nisibis)
(20) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Oraba (Tell Adjadje West or Arban, on the Khabur, about 40 km. S. of Thannuris, cf. Röllig-Kuhne, 1977:125)
(21) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Thillaamana18
(22) Equites sagittarii indigenae Medianenses, at Mediana19
(23) Equites [sagittarii indigenae] primi Osrhoeni, at Rasis (sic)20
(24) Prefect of the Legio IV Parthica, at Circesium (al-Buseir)
(26) And these which are assigned from the lesser register:
(27) Ala septima Valeria praelectorum, at Thillacama23
(28) Ala prima Victoriae, at Touia (Seeck: Iovia?) opposite to Bintha (contra Bintha)24
(29) Ala secunda Paflagonum, at Thillafica25
(30) Ala prima Parthorum, at Resaia (sic) (i.e. Rhesaina)26
(31) Ala prima nova Diocletiana, between Thannuris (Tell Touneynir) and Horaba (perhaps=Oraba in line 20)27
(32) Cohors prima Gaetulorum, at Thillaamana
(33) Cohors prima Eufratensis, at Maratha28
(34) Ala prima salutaria, formed (constituta) at Duodecimus (not identified)
Or. XXXVI, 18–36: (Mesopotamia)
(18) Under the command of the vir spectabilis, the dux Mesopotamiae:
(19) Equites scutarii Illyriciani, at Amida (Diyarbakir)
(20) Equites promoti Illyriciani, at Rhesaina-Theodosiopolis (Ras al ‘Ain)
(21) Equites ducatores Illyriciani, at Amida
(22) Equites felices Honoriani Illyriciani, at Constantina (Viransehir)
(23) Equites promoti indigenae, at Constantina
(24) Equites promoti indigenae, at Apadna29
(25) Equites sagittarii indigenae Arabanenses, at Mefana-Cartha (=Maiferqat?)30
(26) Equites scutarii indigenae Pafenses,31 at Assara32
(27) Equites sagittarii indigenae Thibithenses,33 at Thilbisme34
(28) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Thannuri.
(29) Prefect of the Legio I Parthica Nisibena,35 at Constantina
(30) Prefect of the Legio II Parthica,36 at Cefa.
(31) And these which are assigned from the lesser register:
(32) Ala secunda nova Aegyptiorum, at Cartha37
(33) Ala octava Flavia Francorum, at Ripaltha (=Ripalthas in Procop., aed. II, iv, 14, on the right bank of the Tigris, upstream from Cefa. Cf. Dillemann, 1962:231–2.)
(34) Ala quintadecima Flavia Carduenorum,38 at Caini39
(35) Cohors quinquagenaria Arabum, at Bethallaha40
(36) Cohors quartadecima Valeria Zabdenorum,41 at Maiocariri (=Meicarire in Amm. XVII, 10, 1 and Maïacariri in Theophylactus Simocatta I, 13, 4. Mod. Khan Cheikhan, in the Tur Abdin on the route from Monocarton to the Tigris. Cf. Dillemann, 1962:157)
Or. XXXVII, 14–35: (Arabia)42
(13) Under the control of the vir spectabilis, the dux Arabiae:
(14) Equites scutarii Illyriciani, at Motha (Imtan. Cf. GRP, p. 81)
(15) Equites promoti Illyriciani, at Tricomia (Qasr el Bâghiq, near Salkhad. Cf. GRP, p. 102)
(16) Equites Dalmatae Illyriciani, at Ziza (Jiza, 5 km. S. of el-Qastal, near Zuweiza. Cf. Parker, 1986:41)
(17) Equites Mauri Illyriciani, at Areopolis (or Raggath Moab, mod. Rabba. Cf. GRP, p. 90)
(18) Equites promoti indigenae, at Speluncis43
(19) Equites promoti indigenae, at Mefa (Na’afa. cf. GRP. p. 80)
(20) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Gadda (Khan Samra. Cf. GRP, p. 58)
(21) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of the Legio III Cyrenaica, at Bostra (Busra eski Sham. Cf. GRP, p. 43)
(22) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of the Legio IV Martia,44 at Betthorus (el- Lejjûn, the site of a legionary fortress east of the Dead Sea. Cf. Brünnow, 1909:71 and Parker, 1986:10 and 59–74)
(23) Equites sagittarii indigenae, at Dia-Fenis (?)45
(24) And these which are assigned from the lesser register:
(25) Ala nona miliaria, Auatha (see above Or. XXXII, 7)
(26) Ala sexta Hispanorum, at Gomoha (Jumha. Cf. GRP, p. 63)
(27) Ala secunda Constantiana, at Libona (el Lubbân. Cf. GRP, p.75)
(28) Ala secunda Miliarensis, at Naarsafari (Naar Sarari, Khan Qasr el Buleida in Wadi Zafri. Cf. GRP, p. 82)
(29) Ala prima Valentiana, at Thainatha (Umm el Jimal. Cf. GRP, p. 100)
(30) Ala secunda felix Valentiniana, near (apud) Adittha46
(31) Cohors prima miliaria Thracum, at Adtitha (sic)47
(32) Cohors prima Thracum, at Asabaia (Qasr Supa’ia. Cf. GRP, p. 32)
(33) Cohors octava voluntaria, at Valtha (Khan Ishkandar in Wâdi el Wâlî. Cf. GRP, p. 103)
(34) Cohors tertia felix Arabum, at the Arnona Camp on the bank of the river Vade Afaris (Wadi Hafir. Cf. GRP, p. 103)
(35) Cohors tertia Alpinorum, near Arnona (Wadi Mojib. Cf. GRP, p. 31)48
Or. XXXVIII, 10–30: (Armenia and Pontus)
(10) Under the command of the vir spectabilis, the dux Armeniae:
(11) Equites sagittarii at Sabbu49
(12) Equites sagittarii at Domana
(13) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of the Legio XV Apollinaris at Satala (see below, p. 363, n. 19)
(14) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of the Legio XII Fulminata at Melitene (mod. Malatya)
(15) In Pontus
(16) (Headquarters of the) Prefect of the Legio I Pontica at Trapezus (mod. Trebizond, cf. PECS, p. 932a, Wilson)
(17) Ala Rizena, at Aladaleariza (not identified, probably the same as Olotoaelariza in Itin. Anton. 183, 2, p. 24 and Ole- | -obdera (?) in Tab. Peut. X, 5 and XI, 1.)
(18) Ala Theodosiana near Avaxa (Avaza or Avsa, standing at the foot of the Kolat dag lari. Cf. Adontz, 1970:81)
(19) Ala felix Theodosiana at Silvana50
(20) And these which are assigned from the lesser register:
(21) Ala prima Augusta colonorum at Chiaca (Hadzana, a village on the Deg qirmendere. Cf. Adontz, 1970:81)
(22) Ala Auriana at Dascusa (Ag qin. Cf. PECS, pp. 258b–259a, Harper)
(23) Ala prima Ulpia Dacorum at Suissa (see above p. 363, n. 19)
(24) Ala secunda Gallorum at Aeliana (not identified)
(25) Ala constituted at castellum Tablariensis (not identified)
(26) Ala prima praetoria recently constituted
(27) Cohors tertia Ulpia miliaria Petraeorum at Metita (Butan. Cf. Miller, 1916: col. 684)
(28) Cohors quarta Raetorum at Analiba (near Divir. Cf. Miller, 1916: col. 676)
(29) Cohors miliaria Bosporiana at Arauraca (near Choschbürük. Cf. Miller, ibid.)
(30) Cohors miliaria Germanorum at Sisila (Melishan. Cf. Miller, ibid.)
(31) Ala prima Iovia felix at Chaszanenica (=Gizenenica of the Itin. Anton., mod. Hadzana, a village on the Deg ir-mendere. Cf. Adontz, 1970:81)
(32) Ala prima felix Theodosiana at Pithia51
(33) Cohors prima Theodosiana at Valentia (not identified)
(34) Cohors Apuleia of Roman Citizens at Ysiporto (= of Arrian, mod. Surmene, a port on the Black Sea east of Trebizond. Cf. Adontz, 1970:81)
(35) Cohors prima Lepidiana at Caene-Parembole ( =new camp, probably not a proper place name. Cf. Adontz, 1970:81)
(36) Cohors secunda Valentiana at Ziganne (mod. Zigana, at the entrance of the Zigana Pass. Cf. Adontz, 1970:81)
(37) Cohors prima Claudia equitata, at Sebastopolis52
(38) Cohors, at Mochora (=Mogaro of the Itin. Anton. (205, 1, p. 28), east of Zigana. Cf. Adontz, 1970:81)