BHIKSUNI THUBTEN CHODRON is an American Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition. Ordained in 1977, she is a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan masters. She teaches Buddhism internationally; is the author of many Dharma books, including Buddhism for Beginners; and is the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey, a Buddhist monastery in Washington State, USA, where she lives. She is active in social engagement, including teaching Dharma to incarcerated people and sitting on the board of Pend Oreille County Youth Emergency Services. See
Throughout the ages, monasteries have been centers of Buddhist learning and practice, places that have benefited monastics, lay practitioners, and society. Since 2003, Sravasti Abbey has continued that tradition, providing a quiet environment conducive for Buddhist study, practice, and meditation. The Abbey is a residential community of fully ordained monastics, novices, and trainees. They also welcome visiting lay and monastic practitioners who are interested in living, working, and practicing in a community setting. Please come and visit! For more information, see