hOw I LearNeD that there’s NO suCh thlNG as a free LuNCh
hOw Me aND MY Mum wrOte Letters
hOw we Came tO aN UNCOmfOrtaBLe arraNGemeNt
hOw MICheLaNGeLO stOPPeD me BehavING LIke a tOtaL turNIP
a BrIef wOrD aBOut the tOtaLLY raNDOm Nature Of sChOOL assemBLY
a temPOrarY INterruPtlON tO the GeNeraL ONwarD fLOw Of mY stream Of CONsCIOusNess Narrative
. . . But three Is a MaGIC NumBer
a PartlCuLarLY GreY tuesDaY MOrNING IN wreXham
a NOt PartlCuLarLY GreY weDNesDaY MOrNING IN wreXham
what haPPeNeD IN the kltCheN at the PartY
there are BIG shIPs aND smaLL shIPs . . .