images In 1984 he was ‘badged’ as a member of 22 SAS Regiment.

images Over the course of the next nine years he was at the centre of covert operations on five continents.

images During the first Gulf War he commanded Bravo Two Zero, a patrol that, in the words of his commanding officer, ‘will remain in regimental history for ever’.

images Awarded both the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) and Military Medal (MM) during his military career.

images McNab was the British Army’s most highly decorated serving soldier when he finally left the SAS in February 1993.

images He is a patron of the Help for Heroes campaign.

images He is now the author of twelve bestselling thrillers, as well as two Quick Read novels, The Grey Man and Last Night Another Soldier. He has also edited Spoken from the Front, an oral history of the conflict in Afghanistan.