
Many thanks to the lovely folks on the Eastern Shore of Virginia who helped inspire some of the sights and scenes in this book. Both Cape Unity and Prince of Wales County are purely fictional and an amalgam of various towns and counties on the Delmarva Peninsula.

Likewise, Parkhurst College is fictional and is not based on any existing institution. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Special thanks to Alison Dasho for her insightful editorial assistance and encouragement with an early version of this novel. Also, I can’t express my thanks enough to Charles, Lela, Sylvia, and Ben for their amazing editing expertise and assistance.

Most of all, I give my undying gratitude—to infinity plus ten—to my amazing family for their encouragement, especially my astoundingly patient husband Charles, who is, as always, my Supporter-in-Chief.