
Chapter 18


THAT NIGHT I HAD A dream, a dream so vivid that it felt as if I were not asleep at all, but rather that my whole waking life had been a dream, and this was the true reality. I dreamed first of Delano, poring over a map of Feyland in his rocky and remote castle. He had been far from pleased to hear of his brother's death, for although he had never liked the sycophantic, conniving Wort, he nevertheless felt that any attack on Wort was a personal affront to the Pixies, and a blow to any hopes he might have of gaining a foothold in the Fey court. He was sitting in his antechamber, listening to the blubbering of a terrified pixie who had escaped from the Summer Court when Foxflame had returned.

“And you ran!” he roared, his face growing ugly with rage. “How dare you...”

“Please, the Summer King returned! His magic is great – we knew we were no match for him!”

Delano scowled. “If his magic is great,” he was saying, his voice dark, “we must find other sources of our own...sources that would have been dangerous were the situation not so dire...”

“You don't mean...the Dark Hordes!” The pixie was looking terrified.

Delano nodded. “The Wolves are with us now,” he said. “After Flynn failed to protect them, they have outright turned their back on both Fey camps, and care only for pixie alliance. But we'll need more than that now. The Minotaurs, the Giants...and we must summon all the sleeping hordes.”

“Are you sure that's safe, sir?” The pixie's eyes widened, “the Dark Hordes...unpredictable and dangerous and evil...” the pixie shuddered in fright.

“Of course I know the legend of the Dark Hordes,” snapped Delano. “That's exactly what I'm counting on.” Delano looked over his map and pointed to the Great Gorge where the Dark Hordes have been driven thousands of years ago. “It’s too late. The Awakening has already began.”

I dreamed too of the Winter Queen, ensconced in her palace, hearing word of the return of the Summer King. Kian had not come home from his latest expedition, and she feared him dead. Her other child, Shasta, had vanished too – and she was left alone, unprotected in the palace. A fierce warrior, she nevertheless feared for her children. Her son had gone mad after the death of the Summer Queen Breena – she feared, despite her son's protestations, that Kian's love for Queen Breena had caused his insanity, caused him to stab her in a fit of rage – and she knew that the Summer Court now bore him a great grudge. Shasta was responsible for Redleaf's death; Kian for Breena's. Her children were prime targets of the Summer Court's rage, and those soldiers would not rest until they had seen both her children slaughtered. Beneath that implacable expression, her heart was pained. She did not trust Flynn, but he was the highest-ranking Winter Court member in the palace, and so she gave him control of her armies, praying all the while that he would not let her down. This was the war to end all wars – she could feel it. She could feel the magic within her responding to this danger.

This would be the end of days.



I WOKE UP TO HEAR A sharp knock.

“Come in,” I murmured, shaking my head out of sleep.

Kian marched in. “Breena!” He rushed to me, taking me in his arms. “I've just heard from one of my messengers – I'm afraid the situation is dire.”

“But my father kicked the Pixies out – he'll be able to convince your mother to sign another treaty now!”

“It's not so simple,” Kian said gravely. “Your father's awakening hasn't pleased everyone in Feyland. The Pixies have been reported to summon the Dark Hordes.”

I remembered my dream. “The Dark Hordes?”

“They're some of the strongest, most evil creatures in Feyland. Once, very long ago, the Pixies and Fey were forced to work together – that's how dangerous they were – in order to send the creatures into a magical slumber. Minotaurs, Giants, banshees, all sorts of creatures that once plagued Feyland. Delano has apparently woken them up!”


“It's dangerous – for him as well as for us. These creatures are unpredictable. Delano can want only one thing: total destruction of Summer and Winter alike. Meanwhile, the wolves have sided with the Pixies...and,” he sighed. “My mother has reportedly allied with them.”

“What?” My eyes grew wide. “But why?”

“She believes...” he sighed. “She believes it is the only way to protect me. And Shasta.” He gave a bitter laugh. “I guess love really does make fairies mad. If my mother cared for me less, perhaps she would see what a mad decision this is! She trusted you, Breena, but she doesn't trust your father – especially as she thinks you're dead. She thinks the Summer King will seek revenge for the death of his wife and daughter. I've tried to communicate with her telepathically, to tell her where I am, but I can't reach her.”

“We're outnumbered,” I said. “We can fight against the Winter Court, but not against the Pixies and Winter fairies and the wolves all put together – not to mention these Dark Hordes.”

“They expect me...” Kian sighed. “They expect me to fight. To fight at my mother's side. But I cannot attack the kingdom of the woman I love.”

“This can't be happening!” After we'd come so far, how could it all come to war so easily? My father's love for my mother had caused Redleaf's jealousy, and thus caused this war. Now the Winter Queen's love for her children would perpetuate it. “How can you choose sides?”

“What would you have me do?” Kian looked pained. “I love you so much – I love this palace, too, because you love it. I cannot bear to destroy it, or to hurt you. I cannot bear to fight any longer. I will not fight!”

I took his hand. “But you can't let your mother and Winter Knights get hurt either.”

“As a private citizen,” he said. “I can protect them and them alone. But as a Winter Prince, my duty is to fight with my men. It is a duty I can no longer bear. I have been up all night, thinking. And I have decided. You are my love, my life. And I can no longer deny that. Peace will not come from denying our feelings – war has only come from letting our feelings run mad, by repressing them so much that they turn us mad. Peace will come from choosing peace, and nothing more. And I choose peace, Breena. I choose you.”

“And your birthright?”

“I would rather be a lowly knight than a prince who has to fight against you!” Kian held me tight, kissing my forehead. “Losing you made me realize that if I had to make a choice, I would stand with you. I am not a traitor to my people. But I will not be a traitor to my heart. If I step down as Prince, I am no longer obliged to choose between my people and my love.”

I couldn't believe it. Kian had always been the Winter Prince – so strong, so sure of his power. To be willing to give all that up for me – it was the ultimate sacrifice, and his devotion filled me with love. I kissed him softly, trying with all my strength to share that love, to communicate it to him without words, to let my fairy magic flow into his.

“I can't ask this of you, Kian.”

“It is done,” he said. “I would never lift up my sword against one of your men. I cannot do it!”

“I love you so much...” I sighed. “It hurts.”

“I think that's what love is,” said Kian. “It's why we fairies are so afraid of it. But I'm tired of being afraid. I will face this love for what it is – come what may. I will be by your side, always.”

Another knock came at the door, and before I could answer Logan strode in, accompanied by my Father.

“I see I've caught you at a bad time,” Logan looked down to disguise his jealousy. “I'm afraid I must bid you farewell, Breena – I must return to my people. I must prepare the wolves for battle. After Wort's death, they will need more protection – Balthazar survived, somehow, and he's back to take the lead among the wolves...”

“It's not just the wolves,” said Kian. “Delano's summoned the Dark Hordes! He intends to offer his help to the Winter Court, but I believe he means to betray them”

“No!” my father's face darkened. “Then this is worse than I thought...” He looked quizzically at Kian. “Will you be returning to fight, young man?”

“I wouldn't be telling you this if I were,” said Kian, rising. “I told you I would protect Breena with my life, your Majesty, and I meant that. I cannot do that honorably as a Winter Prince. And so I have given up my title. This morning, when I was alone in my room, I took my sword and with it I shattered my crown, giving up my powers as the crowned Winter Prince. The title will go to Shasta now – wherever she is. He looked my father in the eye. “I love your daughter too much,” he said. “My duty is to her.”

My father raised an eyebrow. “But could you raise your own sword against your own, son? Fight for Summer? Because it will come to that.”

Kian sighed. “Yes,” he said finally. “If it means protecting Breena – from Summer or Winter Fey, from Minotaur or pixie, I will fight. I will not attack, sir. I will not serve on the front lines, and willingly slaughter my own people. But I will stand by Breena in battle, and fight any who threaten her.”

“You are a brave lad,” said Foxflame. He patted Kian on the shoulder. “I welcome your allegiance. But you must know that this is a losing battle. Their forces are much stronger.”

“Then I will fight harder!” Kian responded.

Logan cleared his throat. “I must go,” he said. “There isn't time.” He went over to Kian, shaking his hand. “You take care of her,” he said. He turned to me, and in his eyes I could see the strength of his longing, his love and regret. Even with my love for Kian strong in my heart, I could not help but feel wistful at the sight of Logan giving up on his dream – the dream I could not fulfill.

I followed Logan into the hallway. “Wait!” I said. I took his hand. “Please be safe,” I said. “Take care. I want you coming back to me in one piece, okay?” I let him envelop me in a tight, strong hug.

“Breena,” whispered Logan, stroking my hair. “Breena, don't make this harder. I have to's just as well. I can no longer stand in the way of your happiness, your love. I want to be happy for you and Kian, and I know he has made the ultimate sacrifice for you. I can no longer interfere. I can no longer compete.”

I couldn't resist – I couldn't bear his pain. “Please don't think that!” the words burst out of me. “I've always loved you, too...”

I wasn't sure what I meant. I knew I loved Kian, totally and completely, but I knew too that my feelings for Logan would never be entirely simple.

“Then it's not all in vain,” said Logan. “If you have an ounce of love for me in you, I'll remember that. It will give me strength in battle. It will keep me safe. And now you must keep safe too.”

He pulled me in for one final kiss – a kiss as warm and tender as it was brief, a single burst of Logan's passion. I did not have the heart to push him away; I knew too that deep down I didn't want to. Whatever my feelings for Logan were, they were strong – just as strong, in their own way, as my feelings for Kian.

“That's for you to remember me by,” he said. “It'll give me something to think about in battle.”

And with that, he vanished.