Future Thoughts
I have read this over many times, and every time I continue to get excited about the applications of Neuropuncture and how many patients will be helped. This work is far from finished. I will continue to watch, research, and wonder how the new developments in neuroscience can be applied to acupuncture and its mechanisms. My current areas of research are the neuroscience of auricular mechanisms and protocols, scalp acupuncture systems and EA applied to the scalp, and the neurophysiological mechanisms for not only single but traditional acupuncture point prescriptions. There are many traditional acupuncture point prescriptions that have profound effects on modulating the nervous system, and the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Another area of research is TCM pattern differential diagnosis associated with acupuncture point prescriptions and a comparison of the point prescription neurophysiological mechanisms with the Western pathology and pharmacokinetics of the medication of the disease being treated.
I will be further researching new Neuropuncture acupoints with their neuroanatomical mechanisms and conditions treated, as well as EA Neuropuncture acupoint protocols in the area of spinal cord nerve regeneration, stem cell proliferation, and oncology. I teach workshops that offer hands-on training in Neuropuncture, Neuropuncture certification programs, and short internship programs. Thank you—I hope that you enjoyed this book!
Michael D. Corradino, DAOM, MTOM, l.ac.