Note to the English Edition

Between 1936 and 1940, C. G. Jung presented a seminar on children’s dreams and old works on dream interpretation at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Zurich. In 1987, these were published in German by Walter Verlag, edited by Lorenz Jung and Maria Meyer-Grass in a 680-page volume. For the English edition, it was decided to publish the work in two volumes, placing the seminars on children’s dreams in one volume and the seminars on old works on dream interpretation in a second volume, to preserve thematic continuity. Footnotes originally made by the participants of the seminars have been left standing; those by the editors of the German edition are indicated by “(ed.).” Additional editorial footnotes by the translator, Ernst Falzeder, have been added, and are indicated by “(trans.).” The translation and additional editorial work have been funded by the Philemon Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds for the publication of C. G. Jung’s unpublished works ( The Board of the Philemon Foundation would like to thank its donors for their generous support, which has made this volume possible.

Sonu Shamdasani
General Editor, Philemon Series
Reader in Jung History,
Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of
Medicine at University College, London