“I think you should go straight home,” Ashby said as the courtroom cleared. “Don’t talk to anybody. Don’t stop for anybody. I’ll be around in a little while.” Which Thaddeus took to mean that Ashby was sorely in need of a drink, but maybe he was being uncharitable.
As they exited the courthouse, their appearance caused a stir among the knots of people lingering on the steps after the day’s proceedings. One of the newspaper reporters pushed toward them, notebook in hand.
Thaddeus glared and shook his head to signal that he would answer no questions. The reporter hesitated for only a moment, then pointed at Caroline and shouted, “Is this the daughter of the accused?”
Thaddeus could see Caroline shrinking against Martha’s side, her face averted from the crowd of people staring at her.
“What is your interest in this case, Mr. Lewis?” the reporter persisted. “Is the girl staying with you?”
“Will the defence argue that this is a case of mistaken identity?” another man asked.
Thaddeus pushed through them, making a path for Martha, who pulled her cloak up around Caroline to shield her from the gaze of the crowd. Someone tugged at Thaddeus’s arm. He whirled to face the man.
“I beg your pardon, sir! I have nothing to say to you and I’d appreciate it if you would unhand me.”
Suddenly Ashby was there, on the other side of Martha, one arm around her while the other pushed at the people blocking their way. Thaddeus took Caroline’s hand and increased his pace until they were almost running. He slowed down only when they were well down the street and there appeared to be no one giving chase. Caroline’s face was tear-streaked.
“I’m so sorry that happened,” Thaddeus said to her, “but we’re all right now, eh?”
“You should be fine,” Ashby said. He still had his arm around Martha, but now she shook it off and moved away from him. “Don’t let anybody into the house, and above all, don’t talk to anyone. I’ll be there shortly.”
Digger wagged his tail and wiggled ecstatically when he saw Caroline.
“You should take him outside,” Martha said. “He’s been in the house all day.”
“I’ll go, too,” Thaddeus said. He wasn’t entirely sure what Ashby was so worried about, but he figured it was best if he didn’t let the girl out of his sight.
Digger liberally anointed several bushes, then raced up and down the yard after a stick that Caroline threw for him until he became sidetracked by a chipmunk that went to ground under the elm tree in the back corner of the garden. He dug ferociously at the root of it, his tail wagging happily.
“Mr. Lewis.” It was James Small hanging over the fence that separated the two yards. Thaddeus walked over to him.
Small’s manner was abrupt. “Do you have any suggestion as to what I should do with these?” he asked, holding out a handful of stained paper. “I don’t know if they have any value anymore, but they certainly aren’t mine.”
It was the wad of paper that Thaddeus had jammed into the bleeding wound on Small’s head, glued into a lump by congealed blood. Only by looking closely could anyone tell that they were notes issued by the Bank of Montreal.
“I don’t want anyone saying I kept money that didn’t belong to me,” Small said.
Thaddeus knew they were probably counterfeit, part of George Howell’s stock in trade. They should go to Ashby. But, he judged, they should probably be put directly into the barrister’s hands.
“I’m not sure who they belong to now,” he said. “Why don’t you hang on to them for the time being and I’ll ask what you should do with them.”
“Very well.”
Small put them in his pocket and moved on to his next point of contention. “Are you planning to lead the men’s meeting in Baltimore this evening?” The young minister’s lips were pursed in disapproval.
Thaddeus had already decided that he wasn’t. He was worried about Martha and Caroline, and even if he hadn’t been, he felt extremely disinclined to go. Sitting in court all day had taken more out of him than he’d expected. “I don’t think so,” he said. “I’ve only just returned from the courthouse, and even if I left right this minute, I would make only the last part of the meeting.”
“I see. And I suppose Precious Corners is out of the question tomorrow, as well?”
Thaddeus agreed. “Yes, I expect so. Are you well enough to see to it?”
“I suppose I’ll have to be, won’t I?”
“No, you don’t have to be. If you can’t go, the lay ministers can lead the prayers.”
“I have to tell you, Mr. Lewis, the congregation is most unhappy at this turn of events. They expect their minister to attend them, not spend all his time at the gaol.”
“No, they don’t,” Thaddeus said. “When I first took this circuit, Bishop Smith suggested that I take as many rest days as I need, and that was made clear to everyone. What they’re really upset about is my involvement with the Sherman case.”
“Yes, they are. And I think someone should inform the Bishop of the impropriety of your involvement.”
“If you feel you really must, James, then by all means, go ahead.”
This evidently was not the answer Small had been expecting. He gave Thaddeus a sour look but seemed unable to think of anything to say in response.
“If you decide to go to Precious Corners, you can take my horse.” Thaddeus knew that this would only aggravate his young assistant, but truth be told, he was a little nettled by Small’s words. Nettled, and not a little guilty. He had made such an auspicious start on this circuit, and now he was letting the advantage slide away.
“And here comes your barrister,” Small sneered, as Ashby came down the street with a parcel in hand.
“There you go,” Thaddeus said. “That’s who you should give the banknotes to.”
“Everyone’s talking about him as well, you know. I wonder you’ll admit him to your house. You should look to your granddaughter, Mr. Lewis. Whatever you choose to do is your business, but you’re leading Martha down a perilous path.”
Thaddeus had had enough of being lectured by his junior assistant. “That is quite enough, James. In one thing, you’re correct. This is my business. Not yours. And neither is Martha.” And then he turned and walked back into the house, followed closely by Caroline and Digger, who delivered a parting yap at Small. Just as they stepped inside, Caroline said in a small voice, “Are you in trouble?”
“Yes, probably. But don’t worry about it. I’ve been in trouble before and I dare say I will be again.”
“I don’t like that man. He shouts. Like the dead man did.”
Thaddeus asked, as matter-of-factly as he could, “Did the dead man shout at you?”
“No. Not me. At Mama. And he hurt her. He grabbed her arm.”
“I know. I saw the bruises. You must have been frightened.”
She nodded, but didn’t say anything else. Thaddeus desperately wanted to ask her more, but he knew that it would be all too easy to alarm her. Better to let her tell it when she was ready.
Martha was starving, but as she had been in court all day, supper would be a hasty affair. There was a little side bacon in the cold room and a half-dozen eggs, a sack of potatoes in the woodshed, plenty of pickles, a loaf of bread, and not much else. She’d have to go to the market as soon as she could the next day, especially if her grandfather was going to be home. He expected more substantial fare than she bothered with when she was alone. Potato soup would do for tonight, she decided, with fried bacon and hard-boiled eggs.
As soon as Caroline and Thaddeus came in from the backyard, she put them both to work setting the table. To Martha’s surprise, Caroline had no difficulty with which side of the plates the knives and forks went on, and voluntarily folded the napkins into a triangular shape before she placed them at the head of each setting. She may have grown up in a dilapidated cabin, but her mother had obviously schooled her in the finer points of civilized dining.
Ashby smiled charmingly when she let him in the front door a few minutes later.
“I hope you’re recovered from that melee outside the courthouse,” he said.
“I’m fine. It wasn’t me they wanted to talk to so it was just a question of making my way through it. I did manage to land a couple of good kicks on a shin or two, though.”
He laughed and handed her the parcel he was carrying.
“A cake,” he said, “for dessert. I’ve taken so many meals here I thought I should contribute for once.”
Martha hadn’t really been expecting him to come for supper. He would just have to lump in and make do along with everyone else, she decided. She could scarcely tell him to go away. And, she supposed, the cake was a peace offering of sorts.
“I thought you did well today,” Thaddeus remarked as Ashby shrugged off his coat and walked through to the kitchen. “You made an impression with the jury, I think.”
“I did indeed. And I hope to make a bigger one tomorrow. Don’t forget, all we have to establish is reasonable doubt, and I think we’re well on the way to that.”
“You’re right. I keep losing sight of that fact. You don’t have to prove who killed Paul Sherman, just that it probably wasn’t George Howell. There’s a part of me, though, that wants to bring the culprit to justice.”
“The thrill of the chase?” Ashby laughed. “Your son told me that you’re a human bloodhound.”
No sooner had Martha set the soup on the table than another knock came at the front door, setting Digger off and startling them all. Thaddeus rose to answer it. “If that’s James Small I’m going to be really annoyed,” he grumbled.
It wasn’t. It was someone asking to speak with Caroline Howell.
Thaddeus returned to the kitchen. “I believe you should handle this,” he said to Ashby. “It’s Constable Spencer. He wants to question the girl.”
“Yes, I was expecting this. Stay here, if you would.”
Martha glanced at Caroline. The girl’s eyes were very wide.
They could hear the conversation clearly from where they sat.
“I would like to ask Miss Caroline Howell a few questions in connection with the Sherman murder,” the constable said. “I’ve been told she’s staying here.”
“Miss Howell has nothing to say,” Ashby returned.
“I believe she may have some information that could shed light on the investigation. All I want to do is ask her a few questions.”
“Is she being charged with an offence?”
“No, of course not.”
“Then as her barrister, I am advising her to remain silent.”
“You’re her barrister?” the constable asked.
“Yes. Mr. Lewis has retained me to represent both Ellen and Caroline Howell.”
“Oh, come on. It’s just a few questions.”
“Sorry.” And then Ashby firmly closed the door. “I was afraid that might happen,” he said when he returned to his seat. “This is a slippery game we’re playing.” Then he turned to Caroline, as if she had been unable to hear the conversation at the front door. “That was a policeman. He was looking for you.”
Her face crumpled. “Am I going to gaol?”
Martha was outraged when Ashby replied, “Maybe. Maybe not. But I can protect you only so far.” His voice was harsh.
The silence spun out for several minutes while Caroline sat with her head bowed and everyone else picked at their suppers. Suddenly Martha wasn’t so hungry anymore.
She waited until everyone appeared finished with the poor supper she had provided, then brought out the cake. It was a beautiful cake, a bakeshop cake, with fancy rosettes of icing on the top. She served them each a piece and sat down again. Ashby was the only one who attacked it with any enthusiasm. Caroline picked at one of the rosettes, then asked to be excused.
It took Martha a long time to get to sleep that night. It was the first time she had ever seen a trial. She was intimidated by the gravity of Justice Stephens, who held the power of life and death in his hands. She had been a little confused at times by some of the terms used in court, but soon found that she could ignore these and still follow the ins and outs of the evidence presented. And she had been impressed and a little awed by Ashby, who floated through the proceedings with an air of sublime confidence. Brilliant, charming Ashby, who could be counted on to frustrate and annoy just when you thought you might like him.
She didn’t know why she let him bother her so. She had no difficulty ignoring James Small, except when he severely provoked her, of course. But James didn’t have any charm to temper his shortcomings, she realized. It would never occur to James Small to bow over her hand or buy her a bakery cake.
Oh well, she thought, the trial will be over within a few days and then Ashby will leave Cobourg and that will be that. She would probably never see him again and she wasn’t even sure why that would be a disappointment. And at that, she drifted off to sleep.
Frantic barking woke Martha some time later. She sat upright in bed, disoriented and befuddled. She heard her grandfather groan, and then his feet hitting the floor. Digger seemed only to bark when he thought something was threatening Caroline, but she didn’t know this for sure. Maybe a squirrel or a cat had caught his attention and that was what upset him.
She scrambled out of bed and ran to the hallway. Caroline stood wild-eyed at her bedroom door. Digger shot past her and down the stairs to the back door. Martha hurried to catch up with him. He was scratching frantically to be let out.
“I’ve got it.” Thaddeus was right behind her. “Get a lantern.” He opened the door. The moon was nearly full, but it cast inky shadows over the yard. The dog disappeared into them and Thaddeus followed. Martha ran back into the kitchen, lit a lamp, and returned to the yard just in time for the arc of her light to silhouette two figures struggling by the fence. She heard Thaddeus grunt, then one of the figures broke away, only to be felled by a flying tackle from the other.
She was about to run forward to see if she could help when she heard someone yell over the hysterical barking of the dog.
“Let me up! Get me away from that beast!”
She kept the light on Thaddeus. He had a man pinned to the ground with a knee in the small of his back. He wrenched the man’s arm behind him and pulled him to his feet.
“The dog’s got somebody cornered,” he said. “Let’s go see who it is. Hold the light up so I don’t trip.”
To Martha’s surprise, James Small was at the bottom of the garden, holding a poker.
“Digger, quiet!” Thaddeus said. The dog stopped barking, although he continued to watch his catch intently.
“And who do we have here, I wonder? Hold the light a little closer, Martha.” She thrust the lantern close to the man’s face. It was Donald Dafoe.
“This man was trying to get into your house,” Small said looking at Martha with an earnest expression. “I got him, though. Don’t worry, I won’t let any harm come to you.”
“Thank you, Mr. Small,” Martha said, although she was certain that she was not the object of the incursion.
“And who are you?” Thaddeus said. He forced the man he was holding down to his knees beside Dafoe. “What are you doing in my garden the middle of the night?”
The man maintained a sullen silence.
A light appeared in the doorway of the house next door. James’s father and two of the brothers hurried across to the manse garden.
“What is it, James?” his father asked.
“Caught this fellow trying to get into the manse. I saw him trying to jimmy open the back window.”
Mr. Small turned to the older of the boys standing beside him. “Go get the constable.”
“But before you do that,” Thaddeus said, “go to the Globe Hotel and tell Towns Ashby he’d better come quickly. Roust him out of bed if necessary.”
The boy looked puzzled, but Mr. Small’s nod of the head sent him scurrying down the road.
Thaddeus took the lantern from Martha. “Please go and make sure Caroline is all right.”
Martha was reasonably sure that Caroline was fine, although she might be frightened by the attempted break-in. Digger was still growling in front of Dafoe, as sure a sign as anything that there was no threat inside the house.
“C’mon boy,” Martha said. The dog ignored her.
She shrugged and went back to the house, calling Caroline’s name as she climbed the stairs. There was no answer. “Caroline? It’s all right. You can come out. They caught the men who were trying to get in.”
Nothing. Martha changed her tactic. “Can you call Digger? He won’t come in for me.”
There was the faint creak of a door opening, so faint that Martha had difficulty deciding where it was coming from. Then, at the end of the hall, she saw the door to the big linen cupboard open slightly.
“It’s all right now.”
“Are they policemen?”
Martha once again felt a twinge of annoyance at Ashby. He had frightened Caroline badly when he said she might go to gaol.
“No, it’s burglars. At least I think so. But Mr. Small and my grandfather caught them.”
“I’ll come out when they’re gone,” Caroline said firmly. She shut the door again.
Martha decided that Caroline was as safe in the linen cupboard as anywhere, so she returned to the garden. There was no sign of the constable yet, but she hadn’t been standing there very long before Ashby came loping down the street. To her sudden consternation, she realized that she was wearing her nightgown and that her hair was a cascade of tangles down her back. She slowly backed up until she could slip into the shadow of the woodshed.
“You sent for the authorities?” Ashby asked Thaddeus when he reached the group at the back of the garden.
“Yes, but I thought you might like a word first.”
Ashby nodded. He hunkered down beside the two men. “Hello, Jack. Donald.”
The second intruder must be Jack Plews. Martha hadn’t known who he was until then.
“Whatever the girl told you is a lie,” Dafoe said.
“Shut up, Donny,” Plews said. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said to Ashby.
“I haven’t said anything yet,” Ashby pointed out. “But while we’re on the subject, were you going to kill the girl, too? Or is it just the document you’re after?”
Just then the Small brother returned with a constable in tow.
“You’re a pair of fools,” Ashby said in a low voice. “Was all of this really worth a murder?”
“What’s this then?” the constable asked, and Ashby stood up.
“It appears to be a case of attempted burglary or at the very least a break and enter,” Ashby said. “Fortunately, Mr. Small here realized someone was in the back garden and he very bravely rushed out to apprehend the culprits.”
In spite of the annoyance he had demonstrated at Ashby’s arrival, Small basked in the praise.
“Was anything taken?” the constable wanted to know.
“I’m not sure,” Thaddeus said. “We were reluctant to search them ourselves. Far better to wait until your arrival, we figured.”
“Quite right,” the constable agreed.
“I don’t think they even got inside,” Small said. Martha could see that he was puzzled. “One of them was trying to force a window when I saw him.”
“Right, turn out their pockets then.”
There wasn’t much. A few coins, a key, a handkerchief, and then the constable pulled a clip of banknotes from the breast pocket of Dafoe’s coat. As he leafed through them, a piece of paper fell to the ground.
Ashby picked it up and held it to the light of the lantern. “It’s a steamer ticket,” he said. “Return passage, Burlington to Cobourg. Well, well, well.” He handed it to the constable. “You’d better document this along with the rest of Mr. Dafoe’s belongings. Do it carefully, mind.”
And then Martha understood why her grandfather claimed not to know if anything was taken, and why he had sent for Ashby. He wanted the constable to search Dafoe and Plews, and he wanted Ashby to be witness to it. There would be no disputing in a court of law the fact of anything found in their possession. By the same token, there could be no carelessness on the part of the constable when it came to writing down the particulars. It would all be in black and white, and in the hands of the police. It may have been a lucky guess that either man would have anything that would tie him to Paul Sherman, but Thaddeus hadn’t been taking any chances.
The constable led the men away, with two of the Small boys as escorts. Digger waited until they were around the corner and out of sight before he stopped growling, then ran to the back door and scratched to be let in.
“Move the kettle over onto the stove, would you Martha?” Thaddeus said. “We all need to warm up.” Then he turned to Small. “I can’t thank you enough, James. It’s a good thing you were so vigilant; otherwise the thieves might have been successful.”
It was clear to Martha that Small had no idea of the import of his actions, and that as far as he was concerned he had merely interrupted a theft in progress. He drew himself up with a great deal of satisfaction, however. “I’m happy I could be of assistance,” he said. “My first thought, of course, was for Martha’s safety.”
“Good man,” Thaddeus said.
Even in the dark, Martha was quite sure she could see a smirk on Ashby’s face.
“Well, good night now,” Thaddeus said. “Again, thank you.” He turned to follow Martha into the house.
“I’ll be with you in a moment, Thaddeus,” Ashby said. “I’ll walk Mr. Small to his door.”
Digger ran up the stairs as soon as he was let in. Martha threw a couple of pieces of wood into the belly of the stove and pulled the kettle over to heat before she followed him.
The dog was pawing at the door of the linen cupboard. “You can come out now, Caroline,” Martha called. “It’s all right.” And then she rushed into her room to slip into her dress and give her hair a brush before she had to face Ashby again. The dog had disappeared by the time she was ready, but she heard a couple of muffled thumps from inside the cupboard. She walked over to it.
“It’s me,” she said, and opened the door. Caroline had jammed herself under one of the shelves and pulled Digger into her lap. “Everything’s all right now. The men have gone. If you want, come down to the kitchen and get a cup of tea before you go back to bed.”
And then she realized how clearly she could hear her grandfather as he fussed with the teapot and rummaged around for cups. The back door opened and Ashby came in.
“So were they after the agreement or the girl?” she heard Thaddeus ask him.
“My guess is the girl,” Ashby said. “Or both.”
Every word they said could be heard distinctly. Martha looked down at the floor of the hall. There was a cast iron register covering the hole cut through to let the heat from downstairs rise and warm the bedrooms. She ran into the room where Caroline slept. There was another one under the chair that sat in the corner. The room was directly over the dining room. Caroline had been able to hear them all the time they’d sat there discussing the case.
She went back to the cupboard.
“What girl are they talking about?” Caroline asked.
“I thought they were robbers.”
“They were.”
“Were they looking for the piece of paper?”
Caroline thought for a few long moments, and Martha was sure she would remain silent as she had before, but she evidently reached some decision for she turned and reached to the back of the cupboard to pull out the leather satchel she had rescued from the cave-in.
They went down the stairs to the kitchen. The men were sitting at the table waiting for the tea to steep.
Both her grandfather and Ashby looked odd, Martha thought. They had each dressed in a hurry, pulling their trousers on over their nightclothes and stuffing their feet into boots. Their hair was tousled, their necks exposed, their suspenders showing. They both needed a shave. Their appearance made the scene strangely intimate, cozy, as if they all belonged in the kitchen together.
Caroline walked to Thaddeus, not Ashby, and handed him the satchel.
He opened it and pulled out a bundle of banknotes and bonds and one sheet of very yellow paper. He scanned it quickly, then handed it to Ashby.
“It’s exactly as we thought,” he said. “An agreement between a surveyor named Sherman and a provisioner named Palmer. And just as we suspected, the document is a forgery.”
“How can you tell?” Ashby said.
“By what it says there at the top. Cobourg, March 23rd, 1796.”
“It wasn’t called Cobourg in 1796. It wasn’t even a town. Back then it was all just little settlements, a few houses here and there, clustered together. And they all had different names — Hardscrabble, Amherst, Hamilton. It wasn’t until after the war sometime that it all became Cobourg.” He shrugged. “It was one of those cases where somebody royal got married and the town fathers chose the name in honour of the event. Apparently they didn’t spell it correctly, but nobody has ever bothered to correct it.”
“So whoever cooked up the document didn’t know the history?”
“But surely one of the Plews or Palmers or Dafoes would have known that,” Martha said.
“I’m guessing they never actually saw it,” Ashby said. “Howell just told them he had it and they could go ahead with the lawsuit.” He turned to Caroline. “It was you on the island with your father, wasn’t it?”
“Yes. Mama is no good in a boat because of her leg.”
“The dead man came to your house, didn’t he?”
She nodded. “He wanted the piece of paper. He yelled at Mama and hurt her. Then we saw him later on the hill and in the village. Papa said we needed to move everything out of the cave because he was getting too close. He said we should go to one of the islands and see if there was a good hiding place there.”
“And then what happened?” Thaddeus said it so softly that Martha could scarcely hear him.
“The man followed us there. He shouted at Papa and tried to take the leather bag. Some papers fell out and Papa shouted back at him. Then he tried to hit Papa, so I threw a rock at him.” A tear spilled over her cheek. “It didn’t stop him, so I ran at him and tried to push him over, but I couldn’t. And then all of sudden he fell over on top of me and I got blood all over my dress and Papa said to run.”
She stopped, and then in a confidence so fragile that Martha scarcely dared to breathe, she whispered, “I thought I killed him.”
“That’s what your mother thought, too, isn’t it?” Thaddeus said. “That’s why she pretended that the blue dress was still hers.”
Caroline nodded. “When Papa came back he said no, the man had been shot, but by then it was too late. Mama was already in gaol.”
And it wouldn’t have mattered at that point, Martha realized. Ellen Howell had been charged with murder as an accessory to her husband. The charges against her wouldn’t be dropped even if her husband came forward. He would be charged with murder, too, and any explanation he offered would only implicate Caroline and lay him open to charges of forgery. And he must have wondered, the whole time he was cowering in the cave, how long he could hide from the Palmer clan.
“One of the men who tried to break in tonight is the man who found the dead body,” Ashby said. “Do you remember him from the trial, Caroline?”
“Yes. He kept looking at me.”
“Have you ever seen him before?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“He thinks you did. That’s why he was trying to get into the house tonight.”
Caroline picked at her nails with her head downcast.
“Tell me, Caroline,” Ashby said. “This is really, really important. Did your Papa have a gun with him?”
She wiped her eyes with the table napkin and blew her nose into it, then shook her head. “No. He was really scared. And after he came back he said that we had to hide in the cave whenever anybody came because Mr. Plews’s whole family was mad at him.”
“Well,” said Ashby. “There you have it. So what do we do now?”
“I think we should have some cake,” Thaddeus said. “I wasn’t hungry for it before, but I think what we all need now is a big piece of cake to go with our tea. Don’t you agree, Mr. Ashby?”
“By all means, Mr. Lewis.”
Martha bustled into the pantry and retrieved the cake. She set it in the middle of the table and cut off a large piece for Caroline and smaller pieces for the rest of them.
“Now that’s what I call a proper midnight lunch,” Thaddeus said. “Nothing but cake,” and was rewarded with a small smile from the still-sniffling girl.
By the time they had finished, Caroline was yawning.
“Would you like to go back to bed now?” Martha asked. “You’ve had enough excitement for one day.” The girl nodded and slipped off her chair.
They waited to speak again until they heard her footsteps along the upstairs hall, although, Martha realized, it didn’t really make any difference. Caroline would hear them anyway, if she wanted to. She’d been listening all along. It had taken her a long time to trust them, that was all.
“The Palmer clan knew Howell was there,” Thaddeus said. “If Leland Gordon could figure it out, so could they. They were watching the whole time. That’s why I kept meeting the old man on the road. Howell went back to the farm to get Caroline, and he couldn’t get out again.”
“But they couldn’t turn him in,” Ashby said. “They didn’t know what he’d done with the agreement.”
“And they didn’t know if he saw who fired the shot,” Thaddeus pointed out. “But all they had to do was keep him bottled up at the farm until the trial was over and Ellen took the blame. Then they’d let him go if he handed over what they wanted.”
“The cave-in upset all their plans, didn’t it?” Martha said. “There were too many people around. We’d have noticed them.”
“And Howell jumped at the opportunity to get away. A horse all saddled up and ready to go — I expect he just rode into the middle of the construction and blended in with the work crew. Even if someone questioned it, he could pretend he didn’t speak English and no one would think twice about it. Even if the Palmers were watching, he could fall in with the wagoners and ride right out of there.”
“That explains why he didn’t take Caroline with him,” Ashby said. “She’d have given the game away.”
“Caroline wouldn’t have gone anyway,” Martha said. “Not until she’d rescued her dog.”
“The question is,” Thaddeus said, “how do we prove any of this?”
“No,” Ashby said, “the question is: how do I introduce any of this in court?”
It was the first time Martha had ever seen him look unsure.