Other books by the authors

Tina Hutchence

Just a Man: The real Michael Hutchence

(with Patricia Glassop), Sidgwick & Jackson (2000)

Just a Man: The real Michael Hutchence

(with Patricia Glassop, updated edition), Pan Books (2001)

Jen Jewel Brown

As author:

Great Southern, Rare Objects poetry series, Vagabond Press (2010)

Gutter vs Stars, poetry illustrated by photographers including Carol Jerrems and Clara Law, Flat Chat Press (2006)

Alleycat, poetry and prose illustrated by Michael Leunig, Feral Books (1988)

Skyhooks’ Million Dollar Riff, photos by Carol Jerrems, Dingo Books (1975)

As editor:

Co-edited (with Gig Ryan) Nebuchadnezzar by Shelton Lea, Black Pepper (2005)

Edited Aboriginal Country by Lisa Bellear, The University of Western Australia Publishing (2018)