Transient Stuff

MANY PEOPLE HAVE the impression that the night sky is static and unchanging, but aside from the rather more subtly changing views of the planets and stars there are a number of other more obvious things to look out for. Some of the events covered in this chapter are easy to predict, while others give very little warning and rely on a little bit of luck if you are to witness them, so they range from the clockwork precision of eclipses to the unpredictability of noctilucent clouds. The common factor in all of these phenomena is the Earth, either its position in space or how it interacts with its environment.

Among the easiest to study, and moderately easy to predict, are the yearly meteor showers that grace our skies. There are about twenty reliable annual showers and they generally originate from comets. These ‘dirty snowballs’ have solid cores made from ice, dust and rock and, for most of their lives, lurk in the far reaches of the Solar System. Here, it is cold and dark and they only venture to the inner Solar System when disturbed from their remote orbit. For many years it was thought the Kuiper Belt was the origin of the ‘periodic’ comets that regularly visit the inner Solar System, but recent studies show the Belt to be fairly stable and home to most of the outer minor planets instead. We now believe comet nuclei to come from a region called the ‘Scattered Disc’. The members of the Disc all seem to have fairly unstable orbits, most of which are highly elliptical, with a closest approach to the Sun of around thirty times the Earth–Sun distance (the astronomical unit) and at their most distant as far away as a hundred astronomical units.

Another region of the Solar System thought to be home to the long-period comets, as they are known, is the Oort Cloud, which is believed to be a spherical cloud of icy bodies about 50,000 astronomical units from the Sun. At this distance, it is quite conceivable that a passing star could dislodge one of the Cloud’s icy bodies, sending it to the inner Solar System before it heads back out into the depths, maybe to return many thousands of years later or maybe never again.

Regardless of whether a comet is the short-period or long-period variety, occurring either more or less frequently than every 200 years, the way it behaves once in the inner Solar System is broadly the same. The increase in heat as it journeys towards the Sun causes the ice to evaporate straight into a gas, a process known as sublimation. This leads to the formation of a vast gaseous halo, or coma, which surrounds the solid central nucleus, and as the ice sublimates it dislodges pieces of dust and rock, scattering them along the orbit. The solar wind, which is essentially a stream of electrically charged particles from the Sun, pushes against the coma of the comet forcing it ‘downstream’ and forming the comet’s trademark tail. We do know the orbital characteristics of a great number of comets but, even so, they can still offer some surprises. Their visual appearance in the sky is very hard to predict and sometimes they can just end up being very disappointing. On occasions something quite special happens and we are treated to events like the amazing impact on Jupiter of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and the stunning apparition of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997.

As we have seen, when the Earth passes through the orbit of a comet it sweeps up the cometary debris and this gives rise to the phenomenon of the meteor shower. On any night of the year it is possible to see random one-off meteors that are not related to any shower but are just isolated pieces of interplanetary rock or dust which happen upon the Earth by chance. These are called sporadic meteors and there is no way to predict them. This is quite the opposite of the meteor showers that light up our skies throughout the year, and it is because we have a pretty good understanding of the comets which cross our orbit that we know when they will happen each year. It is true that we cannot predict with much certainty how spectacular, or not, the showers will be since this is related to the distribution and density of dust along the orbit. The only thing we can say with a little confidence is that the comet itself passing by, just before the Earth intercepts its orbit, is likely to give rise to a pretty decent display.

Visually, meteors forming a display will all seem to appear from one point in the sky, known as the shower’s ‘radiant’. The constellation the radiant falls within gives the shower its name; for example, the radiant of the Leonids is in Leo, that of the Cygnids is within Cygnus and the radiant of the Perseids lies in Perseus. The likely level of meteor activity seen during a shower is explained in the term ‘zenithal hourly rate’, or ZHR, which simply means that if the radiant were directly overhead at the zenith, then the specified number is the estimated number of meteors seen per hour from a dark moonless sky. This can range from a mere handful to several hundred per hour, but remember that this is under perfect conditions – the radiant is rarely overhead so some will be lost below the horizon, and moonlight often interferes with your view, as does artificial lighting from your observation point.

To see a meteor shower at its best you generally need to be out after midnight, since this puts you on the forward-facing side of the Earth as it hurtles through space and through the meteor debris. It is a little like driving through a swarm of flies: you’ll see a lot stuck to your car windscreen but your rear window will be clear. The real optimum conditions are for a shower to peak after midnight, for the radiant to be overhead and for there to be no moonlight or light pollution – then you may be in for a real treat.

During either meteor showers or the odd sporadic meteor you may get to see a fireball, which is essentially just a very bright meteor. Fireballs can be so bright that they cast shadows and momentarily illuminate the landscape. The chances are that these objects are large enough to actually land, and will therefore be termed meteorites. There are many factors that determine whether they will land or not: rock size, speed of travel, angle of path through the atmosphere, composition and many others. A common mistake is to believe that those that do land will be hot and sit smouldering away, but in fact they are more likely to be cold to the touch. As they fall through the atmosphere at speeds in excess of 50km per second, they crash into atoms of gas. This ‘impact’ heats up and dislodges material from the meteor, in a process known as ablation; this material and the atoms of gas from the atmosphere are broken up into charged particles that give off visible light. Generally this is restricted to the area around the meteor as it falls but occasionally it is possible to see a trail behind the meteor. As the meteor punches through the lower atmosphere the gas in front of it is compressed and heats up, and on rare occasions this compression gives rise to a shockwave that can be heard as a sonic boom.

One of the most interesting annual displays is the Leonid shower, which usually peaks each year around 17 November. Often the shower is quite mediocre with just a few meteors at its peak, but every thirty-three years or so there is a dramatic increase in the number of meteors and in excess of a thousand are seen, revealing to us the beauty of a meteor storm. The particles that cause the shower come from the comet Tempel–Tuttle, which orbits the Sun once every thirty-three years; when the comet crosses the Earth’s orbit there will be a higher than normal amount of debris, leading to storm-level displays. The great thing is that you do not need any expensive equipment to enjoy a meteor shower; whether you are observing the Leonids or another shower the technique is the same: wrap up warm, get comfortable, lie back, look up (away from the radiant), relax and wait.

Perhaps even easier to observe than meteor showers are the eclipses of the Moon. They occur when the Earth lies directly between the Sun and Moon, blocking sunlight from reaching the Moon. In reality a little light does illuminate the Moon when refracted as it passes through the stratosphere. Scattering effects cause the red light to make it through, where it lights up the Moon with a ghostly red glow during the total phase. If the upper atmosphere is full of dust, e.g. from volcanic eruptions, then the eclipse will be dark, but if the atmosphere is relatively clear then a brighter eclipse will be seen.

During the eclipse, the Moon effectively passes through the shadow of the Earth, which can be divided into two parts: the darker central umbra, in which the Earth blocks all light from the Sun, and the penumbra, where some sunlight still penetrates. Three different types of eclipse can be seen, depending on where the Moon falls within the shadow. If it passes through the penumbra, the Moon will darken only very slightly, but the more spectacular eclipses are seen when part or all of the Moon falls inside the umbra. If a partial umbral eclipse is seen, only part of the Moon passes through the umbral shadow and only a portion of the lunar disc turns very dark. If the entire Moon passes through the umbra, the whole Moon would ordinarily disappear from view, but, as we have seen, some light is redirected through the Earth’s atmosphere, allowing red light to gently illuminate it. These effects can be stunning, and with the Moon turning a deep blood red it is not hard to see why ancient civilizations saw them as a portent of doom and destruction.

Lunar eclipses can easily be studied and appreciated with just the naked eye and due to their nature they can be seen anywhere on the Earth where the Moon is visible. This may seem to be stating the obvious, but the same is not the case with a solar eclipse, in which the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun. During these incredible displays you must be in very specific locations in order to see the eclipse; the Sun may be visible where you are but this does not mean you will see an eclipse. This is what makes a solar eclipse much more of a challenge to witness than its lunar counterpart and why people will travel thousands of kilometres to see one.

Those who do make the effort will be treated to one of the most amazing sights the Universe has to offer. The reason why solar eclipses in this age are so spectacular is down to chance and it will not be possible to enjoy them in their true splendour for ever. The Sun is about 400 times larger than the Moon and, currently, about 400 times further away from us. This is not just a mathematical curiosity; it means that the Moon and Sun can appear to be exactly the same size in the sky. Because of tidal effects the Moon is moving away from us at a rate of 3.8cm per year, which means that in the far distant past it would have appeared larger in the sky than the Sun and in the future will appear smaller. Eclipses would have been much less impressive millions of years ago than they are now.

Solar eclipses do not always look the same today anyway as the orbit of the Moon is elliptical, which means its distance from us varies so its apparent size in the sky changes. If a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is at its most distant from the Earth then it will be smaller than the Sun and will not block the whole solar disc from view. At this point we will see an annular eclipse, in which the silhouette of the Moon is surrounded by a ring of light from the Sun. In a few million years’ time this will be the only type of eclipse we’ll get to see, but at the moment we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy total solar eclipses.

As we saw in Chapter 6, total eclipses are so much more impressive because the Moon is just large enough to block out the light of the Sun’s bright photosphere and reveal the fainter yet stunningly beautiful outer atmosphere, the corona. The material in the corona is affected and moved by the Sun’s magnetic field so it follows the magnetic field lines, in a way that resembles that experiment from school days with a bar magnet and iron filings. The path of visibility of the eclipse tracks along the surface of the Earth across a fairly narrow corridor so the moment of totality lasts for only a few minutes from any one location.

A word of caution though: observing solar eclipses needs very careful consideration. The light from the Sun is intense and anyone looking at it directly is risking serious damage to their eyes. It is only at the moment of totality during a solar eclipse that it is safe to look at the Sun without any protection. At the moment just before the onset of totality, there is still a tiny glimpse of the bright photosphere of the Sun, which even then is still dangerous and can cause damage. My message is simple: unless the Sun is at the moment of total eclipse it is harmful to look directly at it.

There are safe methods you can use and they certainly do not include using the tiny filters that are supplied with cheap telescopes that fit over eyepieces. These are dangerous and will crack under the intense solar energy, allowing the full force of the Sun’s energy to enter your eye. There is a material called Mylar that looks like thin tin foil and, when fitted over the front end of the telescope tube, cuts out enough of the harmful solar energy to allow safe observation. Alternatively you could spend a lot of cash on specialist solar filters or you could project the image of the Sun through binoculars or telescopes onto a sheet of card. You can find more details of this here.

Eclipses of the Moon only happen when it is at the full moon position and eclipses of the Sun only when the Moon is at new moon, yet we do not always see two eclipses each month. As we have seen, the orbit of the Moon around the Earth is tilted with respect to the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, so on many occasions the three objects do not align perfectly for an eclipse and, in reality, the Moon is either slightly above or below the other two objects.

Both types of eclipse are examples of an effect known as syzygy, which means an alignment of three celestial bodies that are bound together by gravity. It is not just the Sun, Earth and Moon that can align in this way though, as it is reasonably common for the Earth, a planet and the Moon or even the Sun to align. We call these events occultations when an apparently smaller body is blocked by an apparently larger one, or a transit when the smaller object moves in front of the larger. Occultation often refers to events in which the Moon occults distant planets, asteroids or stars, but it is possible for planets to occult stars, although these events are much more rare. The last one of these infrequent events was seen back in 1959, when Venus occulted Regulus in Leo.

Lunar occultations that involve stars are regularly timed by amateur astronomers and they help to fine-tune our knowledge of the Moon’s terrain. The lack of a significant atmosphere on the Moon means the light from distant stars is relatively unaffected and almost instantly flicks out when they pass behind the edge, or ‘limb’, of the Moon. Due to the path the Moon takes around the sky there are four bright stars that it can block: Regulus in Leo, Spica in Virgo, Antares in Scorpius and Aldebaran in Taurus. The most impressive lunar occultation occurs when it passes in front of the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus. When seen through a pair of binoculars, the stars of the cluster disappear one by one before slowly emerging on the other side of the Moon.

Identical in nearly every way are the transits, which are still alignments of three celestial bodies but the larger object is at the back. Transits across the Sun are among the most spectacular, but from Earth only transits of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus, are possible. Other types of transits can be seen when satellites pass in front of their parent planet, such as the Galilean moons which can be seen transiting Jupiter at various times. Transits are not as scientifically valuable as they once were, but transits of Venus across the Sun were once used to estimate the distance to the Sun and timings of the transits of Jupiter’s moons were formerly used to calculate the speed of light.

Aside from giving us the backdrop for transits of Mercury and Venus, the Sun is responsible for another phenomenon that comes and goes and peaks with its activity, the aurora. As we saw in the previous chapter, the auroral displays are the result of solar wind, which seems to originate in the Sun’s outer atmosphere.

At an altitude of around 80km the electrically charged particles in the solar wind begin changing the energy state of the molecules of gas in the atmosphere, causing them to glow. As the electrons drop back down to their usual energy level, they must get rid of the energy they gained, which is achieved through emitting light. The wavelength and therefore colour of the light released are determined by the gas molecules giving off the light; for example, the green-brown colour is light being released from oxygen molecules and the blue-red light comes from nitrogen gas. The two gases are the major components of the atmosphere and it is their different atomic structures that give rise to the variation in colours.

Unfortunately, many different factors affect whether an auroral display will be seen, including the location on Earth. The North and South Poles generally will see nightly displays of the aurora, but the further towards the equator, the less the chance of seeing them. The quantity of particles in the solar wind is also of paramount importance and the coronal mass ejections, as they are called, which are the most massive outbursts, can increase the chances of seeing the aurora at lower latitudes tremendously. The only advice for catching the aurora displays, other than heading to your nearest polar region, is to check the various aurora alerting services and, when chances of a display seem high, keep an eye on the horizon towards whichever pole is in your hemisphere; but it is important to avoid high levels of light pollution in that direction as they can mask the show.

The eerie noctilucent clouds are another atmospheric phenomenon that can be enjoyed in the darkening twilight sky. Their name means glowing or shining at night and neatly describes their appearance as they seem to hang against the darkening night sky yet are so bright they seem to glow. They can be seen for a period of up to about eighty days, centred broadly on the summer solstice in each hemisphere, and generally only at between 50 and 70 degrees of latitude. The clouds were first observed in 1885, just a couple of years after the eruption of Krakatoa, although it is unlikely that the eruption had anything to do with their formation. Most likely, more people were looking at the sky at this time and simply noticed the unusual cloud display for the first time.

The clouds are composed of crystals of water ice which form high up in the mesosphere, the layer of atmosphere directly above the stratosphere, and are the fractured edge of a polar weather phenomenon called polar mesospheric clouds. The more familiar clouds seen from day to day form lower in the atmosphere in a layer called the troposphere and it is here that tiny particulates form the nucleus upon which water drops condense to produce the clouds. The crystals that produce noctilucent clouds are thought to form around dust particulates from micrometeors or volcanic eruptions, but they also condense directly from water vapour. The curious thing is that there should be very little water vapour in the mesosphere, as it has less than 100 millionths the amount of moisture than in the driest air found on Earth, in the Sahara desert, so their origin is still a mystery. One theory suggests the water vapour may be lifted up from the troposphere below or is possibly the result of chemical reactions, caused perhaps by human activity. The atmosphere is incredibly thin at the altitude of the noctilucent clouds, around 80km, so the ice crystals form at the very low temperature of –120 degrees. The mesosphere is at its coldest of course over the poles and, curiously, during the summer.

The clouds’ characteristic glow comes from their high altitude, where they are still being illuminated by sunlight in contrast to the deepening twilight at ground level. Their striking blue-white appearance is the result of absorption of the incoming sunlight by the ozone in the atmosphere. It is hard to accurately predict if and how they will appear, but they are usually to be seen between May and August in the northern hemisphere and November and February in the southern hemisphere. Even though the clouds are part of a polar cloud, they are difficult to see above latitudes of 65 degrees because the sky never darkens enough, and lower than latitudes of 50 degrees the clouds are typically hidden below the horizon.

Far from being unchanging, the night sky is full of new and sometimes unpredictable things to see and, in the case of the phenomena covered in this chapter, nothing more than your own eyes is needed to witness them. Let us not forget, though, that the Universe itself is constantly changing; stars come and go, galaxies collide and evolve, and even planets alter their appearance, so there is always something new to enjoy.

July: Northern Hemisphere Sky


Looking at the sky we can see why our ancestors believed the night sky was perfect and constant, but it is not until you examine it more closely that you realize it is changing. Take the stars in the easily recognized formation to the south-east called the Summer Triangle: they appear to remain the same year after year. The points of the triangle are marked by Altair in Aquila to the south, Deneb in Cygnus further north-east and Vega in Lyra due west of Deneb. To the casual observer Vega seems to be the brightest, followed by Altair and then Deneb as the faintest, yet in reality Deneb is one of the most luminous stars known, but at a distance of 1400 light years from us its brightness is diminished significantly.

The most southerly of the stars in the Summer Triangle is Altair, which sits in the constellation of Aquila and is a pale yellow star just over 16 light years away. Because of its proximity to us it moves fast enough with respect to other stars for its position to change by around twice the diameter of the full moon in only 5000 years. The movement of close stars like Altair is caused by their motion through space, but stars can display an apparent motion due to the Earth’s movement around the Sun. This ‘parallax’ shift was first measured for a star called 61 Cygni in the mid-1800s by Friedrich Bessel, who determined its distance to be 10.4 light years, just 1 light year off our modern-day value of 11.4 light years. It is a subtle 5th magnitude star found 10 degrees (one fist’s width at arm’s length) to the south-east of Deneb in Cygnus, forming a triangle with Gamma Cygni at the centre of the cross.

Just to the north of Altair is a red giant star over 400 light years away, and north of this is the faint and discreet constellation called Sagitta, which represents an arrow shot by Hercules. The four brightest stars in the constellation are between 3rd and 4th magnitude, making them easy to spot from dark skies. Scan the skies to the north-west of Sagitta and there is a beautiful cluster of stars known as the Coathanger, and as its name suggests the brightest stars form the shape of an upside-down coathanger. Over thirty stars make up this loose open cluster and it is a real treat for binocular observers.

Further north still is another faint constellation, Vulpecula, which is made up of three stars fainter than 4th magnitude forming a shallow triangle with its brightest star, Anser, at the northern point of the triangle. Through binoculars, this star looks like it has a fainter companion, called 8 Vulpeculae, but this is just a line-of-sight effect, with nearly 200 light years separating the two. Through binoculars or the wide field of a finder telescope, the star at the eastern end of the three brightest stars, 13 Vulpeculae, forms a semi-circle with its flat side to the south. Almost halfway along this flat side is one of the real treasures of the summer sky, M27, the Dumbbell Nebula. It is a type of nebula that resembles a planet in small astronomical telescopes, and hence is called a planetary nebula. M27 was the first object of this type to be discovered and is visible with binoculars, but it is stunning through even modest amateur telescopes. Despite their name, planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets but are giant stars that have reached the ends of their lives and have lost their outer layers of gas to interstellar space. In the case of M27, its famous dumbbell shape is surprisingly common: magnetic field lines, affected by the rotation of the stellar core that was left behind, have sculpted the form we see today. Binoculars show it as a fuzzy star, while small telescopes reveal a little of the structure of the nebula, but the extra power of a large telescope is needed to uncover the remaining core.

Marking the head of Cygnus almost perfectly in the centre of the Summer Triangle and just to the north of the Coathanger and M27 is a star called Albireo, which to the naked eye looks like a single yellow star. Telescopes or even a good pair of binoculars reveal the beauty hiding from view, a stunning double star system with a brighter yellow star and a fainter blue neighbour. The contrast between the two has led to some people reporting the companion star as appearing purple in colour. The whole system is about 380 light years away but there is some doubt as to whether the two are actually orbiting around each other or just happen to appear close at the moment. If they are gravitationally bound it must take in the order of 80,000 years for the completion of one orbit.

Moving off to the north-west of Albireo we get back to the bright and unmistakable star Vega, the brightest star in the constellation of Lyra and by far the brightest star in that part of the sky. It shines with a distinctly blue-white light, indicating that it is a hot young star with a surface temperature in excess of 10,000 degrees. To the north-east of Vega by just a few degrees is perhaps one of the best-known binary stars in the sky, Epsilon Lyrae. Through binoculars it can be seen to have two components, which orbit around each other, but with the greater ability of a telescope to resolve finer detail the two stars can be seen themselves to be binaries, making this a complex quadruple star system. Even telescopes with an aperture of 10cm can split all four stars, although poor-quality instruments may struggle. There is a fifth component star but this is far too close to one of the others for it to be visible directly.

Moving off to the south-east of Vega is a collection of four fainter stars, in the shape of a small squashed square, or parallelogram, making up the rest of the constellation of Lyra. In between the southernmost stars, Sulafat to the east and Sheliak to the west, is M57, another example of a planetary nebula like M27, although visually they are quite different. Unlike M27, M57 is a much more uniform ring shape, hence its common name of the Ring Nebula. It can just be seen with big binoculars as a faint fuzzy star and telescopes as small as 7.5cm will start to reveal the ring structure.

Extending the line between the two southern stars of Lyra’s parallelogram to the east leads towards Albireo in Cygnus, and directly between Sulafat and Albireo is one of the fainter objects in the Messier catalogue, M56, an 8th magnitude globular cluster like those studied by Harlow Shapley to determine the shape and size of our galaxy.

Another example of a planetary nebula can be seen to the north-west of Deneb and just to the east of Iota Cygni, which marks the western wing of the swan. Much fainter than M27 or M57, NGC6826 shines at magnitude 8.89, making it a challenge to view with binoculars. Its common name is the Blinking Nebula, which refers to the way it pops in and out of sight if viewers shift their gaze to and from the central star and slightly to one side.

July: Southern Hemisphere Sky


The Milky Way is a prominent feature of the July southern sky, cutting across the celestial equator and heading south. Running across the Milky Way about 20 degrees to the south of the celestial equator is another imaginary line called the ecliptic, which, as I’ve mentioned, is the apparent path that all the planets in the Solar System broadly follow. It intersects the celestial equator over in the west and passes through Aquarius, Capricornus, Sagittarius, Ophiuchus, Scorpius, Libra and Virgo.

Between the ecliptic and the celestial equator is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Ophiuchus, Eta Ophiuchi, with the majority of the constellation extending to the north-east. Lying directly to the north of Eta are two globular clusters, M12 and M10 (nearest Eta), with only 3 degrees separating the two. They are both just visible with binoculars but require a 15cm aperture telescope to start to resolve individual stars. The southern summer sky is peppered with dozens of globular clusters. Take a look at the positions of the clusters covered in this guide to see how they are found almost exclusively either side of the Milky Way, which runs from the north-west to the south-east. It was by plotting their position that astronomers discovered not only the shape and size of the Milky Way but also our position in relation to it.

To the west of Ophiuchus and embedded in the stars of the Milky Way is the small, faint constellation of Scutum. The stars form the shape of a flattened diamond along the band of the Milky Way, and at its northern end there seems to be a particularly bright patch of light, called the Scutum Star Cloud. To the south-west is a darker patch of sky, known as the Great Rift. These regions are sculpted by dark interstellar dust clouds, though there is an absence of dust in the Star Cloud, in contrast to the Rift, where an abundance of it blocks distant starlight.

Sagittarius sits to the south of the Scutum Star Cloud and has a few prominent stars. Heading south from Scutum leads first to Nunki, just off the western border of the Milky Way; it is one of the stars in the famous ‘Teapot’ shape of stars. This unofficial group of stars makes up a great portion of Sagittarius and from the southern hemisphere it looks like the Teapot is upside down. Three other bright stars make up the rest of the handle to the south and, a little further, the more prominent star Kaus Australis marks the base of the spout. Delta and Gamma Sagittarii lie just to the north of Kaus Australis, mark the top of the spout and, pointing to the east, show the way to the centre of our galaxy tens of thousands of light years away.

To the east of Nunki is another of the brighter stars in the constellation, Kaus Borealis, which marks the top of the teapot lid. Taking a line from Nunki through this star and on again for the same distance leads to the Lagoon Nebula, a glowing cloud of interstellar gas divided by a dark dust lane. It is visible as a faint glow to the naked eye but telescopes with low magnification grant a much more impressive view.

The bright star just to the south of Nunki is called Ascella and it marks the base of the Teapot’s handle. Scan the skies to the west of Ascella about 10 degrees away to find M55, one of the closest globular clusters to us at a distance of 17,300 light years. It is right on the limit of visibility to the naked eye but binoculars will easily pick up the speckled haze of stars, which is a little smaller than the apparent diameter of the full moon in the sky. Its relatively large apparent size is due to a combination of its proximity to us and its actual dimensions, at 100 light years across.

To the south-east of Sagittarius are the bright stars that form the hook-shaped tail of Scorpius. Shaula is the second-brightest star in the constellation and represents the end of the tail, with Lesath just off to its south-east marking the sting at the tip of the tail. Almost at the other end of the constellation is the bright orange-red star Antares, which is one of four bright stars that can be occulted by the Moon. Follow the line of three stars from Shaula to the north-west for about 5 degrees to the globular cluster NGC6541. This globular cluster is on the very limit of visibility to the naked eye from dark locations, at 22,800 light years away. At that distance and direction it is believed to lie just 7,000 light years from the centre of the galaxy.

NGC6541 actually lies in one of the neighbouring constellations, Corona Australis. It appears as a semi-circle of faint stars with the open side facing the tail of Scorpius. Starting on the northern side of the curve at the star nearest Scorpius, the fifth star along is Gamma Coronae Australis, which is a great target for smaller telescopes. To the naked eye it appears as a single star, but even small telescopes will reveal two yellow stars which lie 69 light years away. The next star around the curve is the brightest star in the constellation, and it is thought to be twice the mass of the Sun and to be surrounded by a cool disc of dust that may be evolving into a new planetary system.

Continuing on the line from the stars in the tail of Scorpius leads in the direction of a small, unimpressive and really rather uninteresting constellation called Telescopium, which has a mere two stars to depict the telescope after which it is named. Following the line of these two stars southwards takes us to one of the larger southern hemisphere constellations, Pavo. Its brightest star, Alpha Pavonis, lies to the north-east of the constellation on the border with the faint constellation of Indus, making it fairly prominent in that part of the sky. About 10 degrees to the east of Alpha Pavonis is an impressive example of a globular cluster, NGC6752, which lies 14,000 light years away and is thought to be one of the oldest objects in the Universe at 11.8 billion years. Binoculars will reveal it as a small fuzzy star but even a small telescope will show this cluster well.

Just 5 degrees south of NGC6752 lies a 9th magnitude spiral galaxy named NGC6744, thought to resemble the Milky Way in structure. It is one of the few galaxies visible in the general direction of the Milky Way, which usually obscures galaxies along its plane. Binoculars will struggle to detect the galaxy at all so a telescope will be needed; anything larger than 20cm should be capable of detecting the spiral structure.