
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Abel 2029 galaxy cluster 113

ablation 150

absolute magnitude 106, 195–6

absorption lines 109, 110, 193–4, 236

accretion disc 224

Achernar 36, 232, 253

Acrux 98, 99, 121

active galaxies 224–5, 252, 253

Al Kab 273

Albireo 140, 161–2

Alcor 51

Aldebaran 155, 247, 271

Alderamin 206

Algenib 204, 227

Algieba 80

Algol 197–8, 228, 248

Algorab 97

Alioth 95

Alkaid 51, 73, 94

Almach 228

Alnair 209

Alnilam 29, 34, 275

Alnitak 29, 34, 275

Alpha Apodis 145

Alpha Aquarii 208

Alpha Arae 143

Alpha Capricornids 187

Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus) 76, 77, 78, 97–8, 120, 121

Alpha Ceti 231

Alpha Columbae 277

Alpha Delphini 182

Alpha Eridani 36

Alpha Fornacis (Dalim) 253

Alpha Horologii 254

Alpha Hydri 233

Alpha Indi 188

Alpha Librae 119

Alpha Pavonis 167, 189

Alpha Persei Moving Group 249

Alpha Phoenicis (Ankaa) 209, 232

Alpha Pictoris 278

Alpha Piscium 227

Alpha Reticuli 255

Alpha Sculptoris 232

Alpha Serpentis 93, 116, 137

Alpha Tucanae 188, 210

Alphard 54

Alpheratz 31, 204, 227

alt-azimuth mount 68–9

Altair 140, 160, 183, 194

altitude 39, 40, 42, 57

Alula Australis 94

Alula Borealis 94

Anaxagoras 16

Andromeda constellation 31, 204

Andromeda Galaxy 25, 26, 32, 45, 86, 106, 107, 214, 216, 221, 223, 227–8

Andromeda Nebula 25

Anser 161

Antares 119, 142, 155, 167

Antares B 142

Antennae Galaxies 77

anti-matter 241

anti-quarks 240–1

Antlia constellation 55

Apus constellation 121, 145

Aquarius constellation 208

Aquila constellation 140, 160, 183

Ara constellation 143

arc-minutes 40

arc-seconds 41

Arcturus 10, 72, 73, 93, 115, 116, 137

Argo Navis 55

Aries constellation 248

Aristarchus 18, 126

Arneb 276

Ascella 166

asteroids 111, 260, 261

astronomical unit 103, 104

astronomy magazines 3–4

atoms 111, 235–6

Atria 121, 145

Augustine of Hippo 237–8

Auriga constellation 29–30, 272–3

aurora australis (southern lights) 133, 155–7

aurora borealis (northern lights) 133, 155–7

averted vision 99, 208

azimuth 39–40, 42, 57

Barlow lenses 66

barred spiral galaxies 72, 215, 220, 253

Becrux 98

Beehive cluster 61

Bellatrix 270

Bellerophon 180, 183

Bessel, Friedrich 23, 160

Beta Aquarii 208

Beta Arae 143

Beta Centauri see Hadar

Beta Ceti (Deneb Kaitos) 231

Beta Delphini 182

Beta Fornacis 253

Beta Gruis 209

Beta Hydri 233

Beta Librae (Zubeneschamali) 119

Beta Pavonis 189

Beta Phoenicis 232

Beta Pictoris 278

Beta Trianguli 121

Beta Tucanae 210

Betelgeuse 29, 49, 198, 247, 259, 270

Big Bang 85, 110, 218, 237–9, 240

Big Dipper see Plough

Big Freeze 266–7

binary stars 34, 35, 197

binoculars 5, 59, 60–1

black holes 56, 111, 224, 235, 267

blazars 224–5

Blinking Nebula (NGC6826) 163

Blue Snowball Nebula 204–5

Boötes constellation 93, 115

Brahe, Tycho 19–20

brightness, measuring 11

brown dwarf stars 188–9

Bunsen, Robert 108

Caelum constellation 278

California Nebula (NGC1499) 248–9

Callisto 22, 173

Calph 229

Camelopardalis constellation 250

Campbell, Bruce 180

Cancer constellation 61, 97

Canes Venatici constellation 51, 73, 115

Canis Major constellation 35

Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy 233, 278

Canis Minor constellation 31

Canopus 35, 36, 55, 56, 277

Capella 31, 247, 272

Caph 205

Capricorn constellation 187

carbon star 277

Carina constellation 35, 56, 61

Caroline’s Rose 205

Cassini Division 176

Cassini, Giovanni 103, 174, 176

Cassiopeia constellation 19, 205, 229, 249

Castor 29, 49

catadioptric telescopes 61, 62, 64

Cauda Hydrae 97

celestial equator 5, 8–10, 29, 40

Centaurus constellation 39–40, 77, 97, 98

Centaurus-A (NGC5128) 77

Cepheid Variable stars 24, 106–7, 117, 206, 215, 216–17

Cepheus constellation 184, 206

Ceres 111–12

Cetus constellation 134, 231

Charon 112, 179

Circinus Dwarf Galaxy 144

Circlet 204

circumpolar stars 39

Coathanger 161

collimation 64

Columba constellation 36, 278

Coma Berenices constellation 73, 93–4

comets 111, 134, 147–9

26P/Grigg-Skjellerup 55

Hale-Bopp 149

Shoemaker-Levy 9 149

Tempel-Tuttle 151

coordinate system 39–42

altitude/azimuth 39–40, 42, 57

right ascension/declination 40–3, 46, 57

Copernicus, Nicolaus 18–19, 22

Cor Caroli 73

Corona Australis constellation 167

Corona Borealis constellation 116

coronal mass ejections 133, 156–7

Corvus constellation 76, 97

Cosmic Background Radiation 85–6

Crab Nebula (M1) 271

Crux see Southern Cross CS Camelopardalis 250

Cursa 36, 252

Cygnus constellation 23, 184, 205

Cygnus X-1 201

Dalim (Alpha Fornacis) 253

dark energy 266

dark matter 218–19, 243, 264–5, 266, 267

declination 40–1, 43, 46, 49, 57

deferents 18, 20

Deimos 173

Delphinus constellation 182

Delta Andromedae 31

Delta Apodis 145

Delta Cephei 206

Delta Ceti 231

Delta Indi 188

Delta Muscae 99

Delta Pavonis 189

Delta Sagittarii 166

Deneb 140, 160, 183, 205

Deneb Kaitos (Beta Ceti) 231

Denebola 50, 72, 80, 92

density waves 219, 220

Diadem 73, 94

dinosaurs, extinction of 260, 261

Dobson, John 68

Dobsonian reflecting telescope 68, 69

Doppler, Christian 109

Doppler effect 109, 236

Dorado constellation 36, 78

Draco constellation 95, 116–17, 139

drift alignment 70

Dubhe 51, 74

Dumbbell Nebula (M27) 161

dust clouds 36, 78, 82, 165

dwarf planets 112

Earth 15–16, 123–5

atmosphere 124

circumference 16–17

distance between Moon and 126–9

end of 257–63, 268

geocentric model 18, 26

impact events 260–1

Moon’s effect on tides 124

Moon’s orbit around 126, 129

as not the centre of everything 18–19, 22

orbit around the Sun 129–30

rotation of 10, 38

structure 123–4

eclipse 130 see also lunar eclipses; solar eclipses

eclipsing binary 272–3

ecliptic 41, 43, 165

Edasich (Iota Draconis) 116–17 83

Ursae Majoris 94

Einstein, Albert 268

electromagnetic (EM) spectrum 78–90, 193, see also radiation

electromagnetism 239, 241

electrons 108–9, 199–200, 235–6, 240

Elephant Trunk Nebula 185, 206

ellipses 21

elliptical galaxies 72–3, 113, 217, 218, 220–1, 222, 253

elliptical orbits 20, 21, 22, 93, 126

Elnath 30, 271, 272

Eltanin 139

emission nebulae 98–9, 184, 248–9

Enif 182, 194, 204

epicycles 18, 20

Epsilon Aurigae 272–3

Epsilon Centauri (Birdun) 77

Epsilon Columbae 278

Epsilon Cygni 183

Epsilon Eridani 252–3

Epsilon Indi 188

Epsilon Lyrae 162

Epsilon Normae 143

Epsilon Virginis (Vindemiatrix) 72

equator, seeing stars at the 38–9

equatorial mount 69

equipment 59–74 see also binoculars; telescopes

Equuleus constellation 182

Eratosthenes 16–17, 22, 101, 128

Eridanus constellation 36, 232–3, 252–3, 254

Eris 112

Eskimo Nebula 50

Eta Aurigae 272

Eta Carinae 35, 56

Eta Herculis 138

Eta Leonis 92

Eta Ophiuchi 165

Europa 22, 173

event horizon 201

exoplanets 180, 209

eye relief 67

51 Pegasi 180, 183

finder telescope 67–8

fireballs 150

First Point of Aries 41, 42

Fizeau, Hippolyte 109

Fomalhaut 208

Fomalhaut b 208–9

forces 241, 243

Fornax A 253–4

Fornax constellation 243, 253

41 Arietis 248

47 Tucanae 210–11, 233

Fraunhofer, Joseph von 108

Gacrux (Gamma Crucis) 121

galaxies 25–6, 52, 109–10, 213–26

active 224–5, 252, 253

clusters and groups of 223–4, 244

collisions and mergers 221–3, 244

formation of first 218–19, 243, 244

Hubble’s classification of 217

Seyfert 225, 231

superclusters 224, 244

see also barred spiral galaxies; elliptical galaxies; irregular galaxies; spiral galaxies

Galileo 22, 103, 169, 173, 174, 175–6, 214

Galle, Johann 178

Gamma Apodis 145

Gamma Cephei 180

Gamma Comae Berenices 73

Gamma Delphini 182

Gamma Eridani 252

Gamma Geminorum 29

Gamma Gruis 209

Gamma Hydri 233

Gamma Leonis 92

Gamma Pavonis 189

Gamma Piscium 204

gamma radiation 89–90

gamma ray bursters (GRBs) 50, 56, 90, 262–3

Gamma Sagittarii 166

Gamma Trianguli Australis 121

Gamma Ursae Minoris 117

Gamma Velorum 35, 55

Ganymede 22, 173

Gemini constellation 29, 49–50

geocentric model 18, 26

Ghost of Jupiter Nebula 54

Gienah Corvi 76, 97

Gliese 581B/C 180

globular clusters 24, 93, 99, 100, 115–16, 138, 142, 143, 144, 165, 183, 187–8, 208, 210–11, 254–5, 277

Goldilocks Zone 258

gravitational lenses 265

gravity 20, 21, 124, 241, 264, 266

GRB031203 56, 262, 278

GRB090423 50

Great Dark Spot 178

Great Hercules Cluster (M13) 138, 139

Great Red Spot 175

Great Rift 165

Greeks, ancient 16–17, 195

Greenwich Meridian 41

Gregory, James 102

Grus constellation 209

Grus Quartet 209

Hadar (Beta Centauri) 77, 97, 120–1, 144

Hamal 228, 248

hand, using of to estimate distances in the sky 9–10, 39

HD177999 189

heliopause 113

Helios 2

space probe 106

Helix Nebula 199, 208

Hercules constellation 137–9

Herschel, Caroline 205

Herschel, Sir John 98

Herschel, Sir William 23–4, 31, 82–3, 187, 214

Herschel’s Garnet Star 185, 206

Hertzsprung, Ejnar 107

Hind’s Crimson Star (R Leporis) 276–7

Hipparchus 126–8

Hipparchus spacecraft 105

Horologium constellation 254

Horrocks, Jeremiah 102

HST14113+5211 52

Hubble, Edwin 25–6, 107, 110, 216, 217, 236, 263

Hubble Space Telescope 25, 52, 88, 195

Hubble’s Law 110

Huygens, Christiaan 104

Hyades Cluster 271

Hydra constellation 36, 54, 76, 97

Hydrus constellation 233

hypernova 56

IC1101 93, 113, 116

IC1396 185, 206

impact events 260–2

Index Catalogue (IC) 30

Indus constellation 188

Infra-red Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) 83

infra-red radiation 82–4, 88

infra-red telescopes 34

International Astronomical Union 179

interplanetary dust 111

interstellar clouds (nebulae) 87, 89, 94

interstellar dust 111

Io 22, 103, 173

Iota Cephei 206

Iota Draconis (Edasich) 116–17

Iota Draconis B 117

irregular galaxies 217

Izar 115

Jansky, Karl 86, 87

Jewel Box 98

Jupiter 22, 103, 155, 169, 173–5

Great Red Spot 175

moons of 103, 173

size of 112

Kappa Cygni 184

Kappa Lupi 120

Kappa Ophiuchi 137

Kaus Australis 166

Kaus Borealis 166

Kepler, Johannes 19–21, 173

laws of planetary motion 21, 102

Keystone 138

Kids 272

kiloparsec 106

Kochab 117, 139

Kornephoros 137–8

Kraz 97

Kuiper Belt 147–8, 261

Lacerta constellation 204

Lagoon Nebula 166

Lambda Centauri 98

Lambda Hydrae 54

Lambda Orionis 270

Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) 36, 78, 106, 222, 223, 233, 255, 278–9

latitude 8, 40 see also declination

Le Verrier, Urbain 178

Leavitt, Henrietta 106–7

Leo constellation 50, 80, 92, 185

Leo Minor constellation 94

Leonid meteor shower 151

Lepus constellation 276

Lesath 142, 166–7

Libra constellation 119

libration 126


characteristics of 108–9, 193

speed of 85, 103–4, 174

light years 24, 103, 104

LINEAR (Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research) 261

Lippershey, Hans 21

Little Dumbbell Nebula (M76) 229

local astronomical societies/clubs 4, 70, 282

Local Group 223

longitude 4, 40, 103, 174 see also right ascension lunar eclipses 130, 151–2, 154

lunar occultations 154–5, 185

Lupus constellation 119–20

Lynx constellation 31

Lyra constellation 162–3

Lyrids 87–8

M1 (Crab Nebula) 272

M2 208

M3 115

M4 142, 144

M5 93, 116, 137

M7 (Ptolemy’s Cluster) l42–3

M10 165

M12 165

M13 (Great Hercules Cluster) 138, 139

M15 183, 204

M18 74

M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) 161

M30 187

M31 (NGC224) 30

M32 221, 228

M33 220, 228

M35 30

M36 see Pinwheel Cluster

M37 30, 273

M38 30, 273

M39 184

M42 see Orion Nebula

M43 275

M47 55

M51 see Whirlpool Galaxy

M52 206

M53 94

M55 166

M56 163

M57 see Ring Nebula

M58 72

M65 92

M66 92

M75 187–8

M76 (Little Dumbbell Nebula) 229

M77 225, 231, 252

M79 277

M81 65

M82 65, 74

M83 (Southern Pinwheel) 76–7

M87 72–3, 223

M92 138–9

M101 see Pinwheel Galaxy

M103 229

M104 (Sombrero Galaxy) 76

M110 228

Magellan, Ferdinand 78

magnetic field 123

magnification 65

magnitude 11

main sequence 54

Mariner 10

spacecraft 170

Markab 183, 204

Mars 20, 172–3

moons of 173

polar caps 172

Syrtis Major 172–3

megaparsec 106

Megrez 95

Melotte 111 73

Menkalinan 273

Menkar 247

Mensa constellation 36

Merak 51

Mercury 112, 155, 170

Merope 247

mesosphere 157

Messier catalogue 30

Messier, Charles 51, 115, 142, 223–4

meteor showers 55, 87–8, 133–4, 147–8, 149–51, 184, 187, 250

meteoroids 134

meteorites 133, 150

meteors 134

Microscopium constellation 188, 254

microwave radiation 84–6

midnight 10

Milky Way 23, 26–7, 35–6, 77–8, 99–100, 165, 213, 214–17, 221, 223

merging with Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy 221

shape and size of 23–5, 113, 215–16

mini-telescope 67–8

Minkar 97

Mintaka 29, 34

Mira 196, 231–2

Mirach 227

Miram 250

Mirfak (Alpha Persei) 249

Mitaka 275

Mizar 51, 94

Moon 123–6

craters on 260

distance between Earth and 126–9

effect of on Earth’s tides 124

and libration 126

lunar eclipses 130, 151–2, 154

lunar occultations 154–5, 185

moving away from Earth 125, 153

orbit around Earth 126, 129

phases of 129

reasons for just seeing one side of 125–6

viewing of through binoculars 61

Mu Cephei see Herschel’s Garnett Star

Mu Hydrae 54

Mu Leporis 276

Mu Orionis 270

Musca constellation 99

Myla 99

Naos (Zeta Puppis) 56


Navi 229

NEAT (Near Earth Asteroid Tracking) 261

Neptune 170, 177, 178–9

neutrinos 36

neutron degeneracy pressure 200, 201

neutron stars 89, 200

neutrons 242–3

New General Catalogue (NGC) 30

Newton, Isaac 21

NGC55 220, 232

NGC224 (M31) 30

NGC292 see Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)

NGC300 232

NGC362 211

NGC869 249

NGC884 249

NGC891 228

NGC1097 253

NGC1261 254–5

NGC1316 253–4

NGC1499 (California Nebula) 248–9

NGC1851 36, 277–8

NGC2419 31

NGC3372 56

NGC4565 73

NGC4833 99

NGC5053 94

NGC5128 (Centaurus-A) 77

NGC5195 73–4

NGC5822 120

NGC5823 120

NGC6025 121

NGC6183 143–4

NGC6188 144

NGC6352 144

NGC6397 144

NGC6541 167

NGC6744 168, 189

NGC6752 167–8, 189

NGC6826 (Blinking Nebula) 163

NGC7243 204

NGC7552 209

NGC7582 209

NGC7590 209

NGC7599 209

NGC7814 227

Nihal 276

noctilucent clouds 157–8

Norma constellation 143

North American Nebula 184

North Celestial Pole 40

North Pole 38, 40

northern hemisphere sky 7–8, 10, 11

January 28–31

February 48–52

March 71–4

April 91–5

May 114–17

June 136–40

July 159–163

August 181–5

September 203–6

October 226–29

November 246–50

December 269–73

map 12

northern lights see aurora borealis

Nu Fornacis 253

Nu Octantis 189

nucleosynthesis 192, 198, 242

Nunki 166

occultation 154–5

Octans constellation 121, 189

Omega Centauri 77

Oort Cloud 148

Oort, Jan 264–5

open star clusters 30, 61, 99, 143–4, 184, 204, 206, 249, 273

Ophiuchus constellation 137, 143, 165

orange giant stars 116–17

orbital resonance 220

Orion belt 54

Orion constellation 29, 34, 49, 84, 270–1, 275–6

Orion Nebula (M42) 34, 84, 275

Orion’s belt 29, 84

ozone layer 88

Pacman Nebula 229

parallax 19, 23, 98, 104–5

parallax shift 104–6, 160

parsec 104–6

Pavo constellation 167, 189

Pegasus constellation 31, 182–3, 204, 227

Penzias, Arno 84–5, 86, 237

period-luminosity relationship 106–7

Perseid meteors 250

Perseus constellation 248–9

Perseus Double Cluster 249

Phecda 74, 94

Phi Persei 228

Phobos 173

Phoenix constellation 209

Pi Cetids meteor shower 134

Pi Herculis 138

Pi Orionis 270

Pi Puppids meteor shower 55

Picard, Jean 103

Pictoris 278

Pinwheel Cluster (M36) 30, 273

Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) 51, 74

Pisces constellation 41, 204, 227

Piscus Austrinus constellation 188, 208, 209

planetary motion, Kepler’s laws of 21, 102

planetary nebulae 50, 54, 161, 162, 187, 199, 204–5, 231

planets 17–18, 169–80

definition 179

origin of name 17–18, 169

size of ‘major’ 112

see also individual names

planisphere 42–3, 44, 170

Pleiades star cluster 155, 247–8

Plough (Big Dipper) 31, 45, 50–1, 73, 74, 94–5

Pluto 112, 179

Pogson, Norman 195

Pointers, the 95, 121

polar alignment 69–70

polar mesospheric clouds 157

Polaris Australis 121

Polaris (Pole Star) 39, 40, 41, 45, 51, 95, 117, 128, 139

Pollux 29, 49

Pollux B 49

Population I stars 244

Population II stars 244

Population III stars 243–4

positrons 240

primary mirror (telescope) 62

Procyon 31

Procyon A 31

Procyon B 31

proto-galaxies 218

proto-planetary discs 245, 278

protons 242–3

Proxima Centauri 97–8, 105, 110, 112, 120, 144

Ptolemy, Claudius 18, 142

Ptolemy’s Cluster (M7) 142–3

Puppis constellation 55, 278

quantum mechanics 267

quarks 240

quasars 224

radiation 79–82, 108

Cosmic Background 85–6

gamma 89–90

infra-red 82–3, 88

microwave 84–5

ultra-violet (UV) 88–9

wavelength and frequency 81, 87

X-ray 89

radio loud galaxies 224–5

radio quiet galaxies 224–5

radio telescopes 82, 87–8

radio waves 81, 82, 84–5, 86–8, 89

rainbow 193

Rasalgethi 137

Rasalhague 137

Rastaban 139

red giant stars 54, 197–8, 198

red shift 109–10, 216, 236

red torches 3, 44

reflecting telescopes 61, 62–3, 64

reflection nebulae 275

refracting telescopes 61, 63–4

Regulus 50, 55, 72, 80, 92, 185

Reticulum constellation 255

Rigel 34, 36, 252, 275

right ascension 40, 41–3, 46, 57

Ring Nebula (M57) 162–3, 199, 205

Ritter, Johann 88

Rømer, Ole 103, 174

Ruchbah 229

Rudolph II, Emperor 20

Running Chicken Nebula 98–9, 100

Sabik 119

Sagitta constellation 160–1

Sagittarius constellation 24, 87, 166

Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy 221, 233

Saiph 276

Saturn 169, 175–7, 281

moons of 177

ring system 111, 175–7

Saturn Nebula 187

Scattered Disc 148

Scheat 183, 204

Scorpius constellation 119, 166–7

Scorpius X-1 89

Sculptor constellation 209

Sculptor Galaxy 209, 232

Scutum constellation 165

Scutum Star Cloud 165

seasons 130

Serpens constellation 93, 113, 116

Seyfert galaxies 224–5, 231

Shapley, Harlow 24–5, 107, 163, 215

Shaula 142, 166

Shedar 229

shooting stars 133

sidereal day 10

Sigma Octantis 121

singularity 110, 201, 235, 267

Sirius 35, 54, 55, 112

Sirius A 35

Sirius B 35, 112

61 Cygni 23, 160

Skat 208

Skull Nebula 231

Slipher, Vesto 26, 109–10, 216

Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) (NGC292) 78, 106, 210–11, 220, 222, 223, 233, 278–9

smartphone 43–4

solar eclipse 126–7, 130, 152–4

Solar System

Earth-centred model 17–18, 22

Sun-centred view 18–20, 22

solar wind 133, 148, 156–7

Sombrero Galaxy (M104) 76

south, finding 10

South Celestial Pole 35, 40, 121

South Pole 38, 40

Southern Cross (Crux) 35, 39, 98, 121

southern hemisphere sky 7–8, 10, 11

January 32–6

February 53–7

March 75–8

April 96–100

May 118–21

June 141–5

July 164–8

August 186–9

September 207–11

October 230–3

November 251–5

December 274–9

map 13

southern lights see aurora australis

Southern Pinwheel (M83) 76–7

Southern Pleiades 61, 99

space-time continuum 238

spectroscopic binary 34, 98

spectroscopy/spectroscopes 26, 108, 193, 202, 216, 259

spherical trigonometry 127

Spica 76, 97, 119, 155

spiral galaxies 51, 73, 74, 76–7, 92, 168, 217, 218, 219–20, 232

Spitzer Space Telescope 77

Square of Pegasus 31, 45, 204, 227

stadia myriads 101–2

star charts 44 see also planispheres

star-hopping 44–5

starlight 193


absolute magnitude of 106, 195–6

death of 198–200, 258

estimating temperature from colour of 194

formation of first 192, 244–5

lives of 191–206

nuceleosynthesis process 192, 198, 244

variable 196–7

Stonehenge 16

Stratospheric Observatory for Infra-red Astronomy (SOFIA) 83

string theory 238–9

strong nuclear force 239, 242

sublimation 148

al-Sufi, Abd al-Rahman 216

summer solstice 16–17

Summer Triangle 139–40, 160, 183

Sun 41, 54, 123, 130–3

absolute magnitude of 195

age of 49

as centre of Solar System 19, 20, 22

current stability of 258–9

death of 259, 268

demise of Earth and evolution of 258–60

distance between Earth and 101–3

Earth’s orbit around 129–30

eclipses of see solar eclipses

formation 131

fusion process within 131–2

and Kepler’s laws of planetary motion 21

magnetic field 132

and photosphere 130, 131, 132

precautions taken in looking at 130–1

size of 132

solar winds 133, 148, 156–7

temperature of 131

transits across 155

view of by ancient Greeks 16–17

sunspots 132

supernovae 36, 56, 90

type 1a 107–8, 198, 265–6

type 2 200–1

syzygy 154

T Ursae Majoris 94–5

tablet PC 43–4

Tarantula Nebula 36, 78, 279

Taurus constellation 99, 271

Teapot shape of stars 166

Teleopium constellation 167

telescopes 37, 38, 46–7, 59, 61–70

alignment of optics 64

and aperture 64–5

attaching setting circles to 46

catadioptric 61, 62, 63, 64

common components 62

computerized 70

eyepieces 65–7, 76

finder 67–8

and focal length 64, 65–6

and focal ratio 67

and Herschel 23

infra-red 34

invention of 21–2

and magnification 65–6

maintenance of 64

microwave 85

and mounts 68–9

radio 82, 87–8

recommendation for newcomers 70

reflecting 61, 62, 64

refracting 61–3

setting circles 46

and star-hopping 45–6

types of 61–3

viewing of sun/solar eclipses through 131, 154

Telescopium constellation 254

Theta Aurigae 273

Theta Eridani 254

Theta Leonis 92

Theta Orionis 275

3C273 225

tilted axis of rotation 130

Titan 177

Tombaugh, Clyde 179

transits 155–6

Trapezium 34, 275

Triangulum Australe constellation 4–5, 121

Triangulum constellation 107, 228

troposphere 157

Tucana constellation 78, 188, 209–10

UDFj-39546284 106, 214, 243, 244, 253

ultra-violet (UV) radiation 88–9


and Big Freeze 266–7

and big rip 268

creation and evolution of 235–45

density of 263–4

dimensions of 240

end of 263–8

expansion of 26, 51–2, 236–7, 264, 266–7

inflationary period 241–2, 245, 266

measuring huge distances 106–10

oscillating 267–8

size and scale of 101–13

Upsilon Persei 228

Uranus 23, 170, 177–8

Ursa Major constellation (Great Bear) 31, 45, 50–1, 65, 93, 94–5, 115

Ursa Major Moving Group 51

Ursa Minor constellation (Lesser Bear) 95, 117, 139

variable stars 196–7

Vega 137, 139–40, 160, 162, 183, 205

Veil Nebula 183–4, 200, 205

Vela constellation 35, 55

Venator, Nicolaus 182

Venus 22, 55, 170–2

atmosphere of 171

transit of 102, 155

volcanic activity 171

Virgo Cluster 92–3, 223

Virgo constellation 72–3, 76, 92, 97

Virgo Supercluster 223–4

Voyagers 1 and 2 113

Vulpecula constellation 161

VY Canis Majoris 112, 194, 195

water vapour 83, 158

weak nuclear force 239, 241

Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) 73–4, 222

white dwarfs 50, 107, 112, 197–8, 199, 265

Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) 85–6

Wilson, Robert 84–5, 86, 237

Wolf-Rayet star 35, 56

Wright, Thomas 216

X-rays 56, 89

zenithal hourly rate (ZHR) 149–50

Zeta Aurigae 272

Zeta Boötis 93, 116

Zeta Cygni 183, 205

Zeta Herculis 138

Zeta Lupi 120

Zeta Persei 248

Zeta Reticuli 255

Zeta Tauri 271–2