I saw the dustmen drink the light

And remain dry;

I saw the grey wagon of desiccation,

While the day raced in rivulets all about it,

Crawling along the gutter like a blind dog.

I thought of an endless night, so deep

That it would slake them,

These parched and red-eyed men,

In flooded shafts and cool sky-valleys:

I wanted them to love that blue mind

For all of us, whose claim on it was less.

Then saw how they were decomposed

Into their dust,

The skin losing its touch and the eyes their distance,

So that they hardly sensed

Even the ripples under the girders of the bridge

They crossed at nightfall going home;

And I remembered how our dreams

Can make themselves only

From what we touch when we are wide awake.

I saw the dustmen drinking light

And the grey wagon of desiccation

crawl in the gutter like a blind dog.